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Discussion: 16 Tasks of the Festive Season: Report Your Completed Squares and Bonus Tasks Here
posts: 15 views: 3253 last post: 7 years ago
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Please report all of your reads and completed tasks -- this is for your bragging rights as much as in order to determine the final amount we'll be donating, after all!
For the life of me I can't figure out how to link a photo in this thread. I created a new post with my completed square. It was a task for Square 2 related to Guy Fawkes Day.

Anyone who can tell me what I'm doing wrong in terms of photos, I'm open to instruction.
Reply to post #3 (show post):

Congrats -- also to Lora -- on finishing your first task!

Unfortunately we can't upload images in discussion posts (I wish we could), but you can insert images by linking to another online document where the image is contained, e.g. your blog post:

There's a little image symbol in the menu bar at the bottom (similar to the image symbol in the menu bar for editing images in blog posts). If you click on that, you will get code saying

[ img = " " ] (but without the spaces)

in your draft post.

(Or you can just type the code of course, just remember to leave out the spaces; I'm just using those to make the code visible here.)

Insert your image source URL (that's "http://booklikes.com/upload/post/a/b/abf3f63d7754e48c500a597eb1f7d128.jpg" for the image in your post) into the quotation marks in the code -- you get the URL through the menu that opens by right-clicking on the image itself.

Hit "post". Eh voilĂ !

(Note: To adjust the image dimensions, type the desired width or height in quotation marks before the closing bracket, e.g., width="500px" .)

And I love that picture -- it's so perfect for this season!

Reply to post #3 (show post):

As far as I can tell, there isn't a way to put photos in the discussion posts unless you're linking it to a URL rather than trying to upload it. I usually add a link to my BL post when I report in to the discussion threads, as you've done.
Reply to post #6 (show post):

I am pretty sure that you are right, Portable Magic. I add photos to discussion posts by posting them on imgur and using the url from that photo hosting site to post them here.
Finished my first task. Post is here:

16 Tasks of the Festive Season: Square 5 - Advent: Post a pic of your advent calendar.

Smaller version of the picture for reference:

Reply to post #7 (show post):

Yep - this is correct. I don't use image upload sites, so I get around this by uploading the picture into one big ugly draft post I have here that's nothing but images I've used in discussion threads. If I ever accidentally hit 'save' instead of 'save as draft' on that thing it's going to be embarrassing, lol.
Reply to post #9 (show post):

I have a draft post like that too ... :~
Testing TA's instructions for posting images in discussion threads:
Reply to post #11 (show post):

It worked!
Reply to post #12 (show post):

Magic guinea dog feet -- I'm sure they helped! :)
Completed a Task for Square 1 -- White a poem or epitaph for your most hated book.

Finished a book for Square #9 for Yuletide -- a book set in the midst of a snowy or icy winter.

Close to Heaven by Pamela Clare -- Review
Cool, thanks for reporting in!
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