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Discussion: Halloween Bingo 2018: Report Your Bingo!
posts: 15 views: 3378 last post: 6 years ago
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2nd Bingo
3rd bingo
With yesterday's call, I have my 4th bingo.
So many more bingos! Congratulations, all!
So many bingos are very happy-making!
Reply to post #93 (show post):

They are indeed!
Fear The Drowning Deep being called gave me my 2nd and 3rd bingos (one vertical and one diagonal)
Reply to post #95 (show post):

Will update.
Just to clarify. After the fourth bingo, unless you all do a full read (read all squares on the bingo) you can't get the additional bingos that Moonlight was talking about. You get up to 8 calls if you do a reading blackout with called bingos. You just have to wait until your squares are called. I think so far only Themis is looking like she is getting the additional 4 bingos when her squares are all called.

Thanks all! Very happy to see such enthusiasm.
Reply to post #98 (show post):

BT and MbD are already set for a full blackout as well, if I'm not mistaken (all squares read and waiting for the remaining squares to be called).

Congrats to Mike on bingos nos. 2 and 3!

And a big thank you to our game hosts! Even though I'm essentially just watching at this point, I'm still having tremendous fun.
Reply to post #99 (show post):

That's great! I haven't been able to track all of your bingos on a day to day level which is why posting here or on the bingo list is great. Sometimes I think something is a bingo and I found out not yet. I also am having some issues with doing this on my phone which makes the font/stickers hard to see sometime.
Reply to post #100 (show post):

That's OK -- it's on us to report them!
Reply to post #101 (show post):

Thanks Themis!
Reply to post #99 (show post):

Yep - I blacked out my card in terms of reading for every square, just waiting on the calls. Saying that, I got my fourth (4) bingo today with Fear the drowning deep call. :)
I got my first bingo today. Woo hoo! My first column: Fear The Drowning Deep, Ghost Stories, 13, A Grimm Tale, Relics and Curiosities
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