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Discussion: Feature Requests
posts: 15 views: 20852 last post: 5 years ago
created by: BookLikes
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Oh, thank you so much. I probably missed that in FAQs.
Bookstooge, (or anyone else who knows),in Post No. 231' I asked if there was a way to "index" Likes. Do you know if there is already a way to do that too? What I want is a way to easily find things I have Liked in the past.
Reply to post #248 (show post):

As far as I know, the only way to find out what you've "liked" in the past is via your timeline.
Right, but I know I have one from October that I want to re-find, but I can't remember who posted it, and the titles aren't helping me find it, and I liked too many things, and when I choose one to check it isn't that one, and then I have to go back to Timeline and scroll all the way back down to October and maybe it wasn't October maybe it was November or September and then . . .

Anyway, thanks. I appreciate your response.
Reply to post #250 (show post):

Yeah, it's not easy to search through old "likes." It almost encourages reblogging, since posts are more easily searched.
I always right-click and open in a new window. At least that way, I don't have to scroll back down again.
Yes, that is a good idea. Thx
Reply to post #248 (show post):

Hi we have "Your Likes" Page on our mind and in plans, then searching 'old' likes will be easier.
Reply to post #244 (show post):

Thanks, we'll make changes to this section.
Reply to post #242 (show post):

Thanks, we'll be getting there for sure. We want to show and reveal book deals and discounts from numerous book sources.
Reply to post #235 (show post):

Oh yes, we like the idea, it will be added :)
Reply to post #233 (show post):

we'll be sorting out multiple read dates for a given book, we hope to find the solution that you'll find usable and comfy for shelving books on BL. Thanks for drawing our attention to this.
Reply to post #258 (show post):

Thanks very much for considering and working on this, it is much appreciated.
Reply to post #254 (show post):

Thank you, BookLikes. I know it isn't your top priority, but I am glad to know you have it on your list. I'm Liking you more and more all the time.

(What time do you guys start working anyway?)
Reply to post #260 (show post):

Thanks :) Oh wait, you say we can get up later? Noo, we're here all the time ;)
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