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Discussion: Feature Requests
posts: 15 views: 19662 last post: 5 years ago
created by: BookLikes
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Also posts that are too long to be contracted with a See More option. It's a hassle scrolling down the blogs or the dashboard when there is a particularly longish post or review.
Could the owner of new discussion rooms have an option to add 'key words' to their groups so that others can find them by the 'search' option? EG. There's a new Historical Romance group just started but when I searched 'History' in the group search it came up with no groups. Once the list of groups becomes huge it will be very hard to find some of them, unless you know the exact name of the group which isn't ideal. I think it needs to be easier to find groups via the search bar and key words )or tags or meta words or whatever) would help that..
Reply to post #19 (show post):

The mods can already put the tags on the groups when they create it. Maybe the mod of the group you mentioned did not.
Could we have the option to 'mass remove' books from shelves, similar to the current mass 'add to shelves' that we have at the moment. The 'Planning to read' shelf is no use to me and with over 1000 books still on it currently it's daunting to take them off one by one. I've already done probably about 700 from that shelf but I'm losing the will to continue as it's mind numbingly tedious to do. I don't want to delete them all, just remove from certain shelves in batches.
More options in the text editor to make writing posts faster (or for those who don't use the HTML editor but still want nicely laid out posts): indenting text (or decreasing indentation), bullet points and numbers automatically indented (now they just sit underneath the rest of the text), superscript, subscript, change font size in a post, change text colour, insert video, headings and subheading (, , etc), endnotes (for referencing sources).
Forgot: multiple start and finished reading dates for when you reread books and want them to show on your timeline accordingly.

And making it easier to switch between editions of a book so that you don't have to delete and re-add them.
Reply to post #7 (show post):

Well, no, it might not be exactly the same - different language editions? Or the subtle differences there might be in say an American, a UK and an Australian release, even if they are all in English. Maybe a special release of some book - for example my version of LotR that has artwork in it. It is still LotR in terms of reviews, but I would probably want to put my actual edition on my shelf...
Reply to post #13 (show post):

"A search within my shelves function."

You can already do this. If you go to the search bar where you usually search to find books, you can choose the little magnifying glass (instead of amazon or B&N or whatever) and search within your own bookshelf. :)

Thanks for this discussion groups feature BL Team! I am already super excited!
Reply to post #21 (show post):

"mass remove"

If you go to your shelf and chose "table view" instead of the default shelf view, there will be checkboxes next the the books. You could select a shelf, hit check all and then remove all checked. I am not sure if you could do it for a whole shelf if that shelf is greater than when is viewable on the screen (max per page is 75), but its better than one by one :)
Reply to post #28 (show post):

Yes, but it doesn't a static list where I can click on things and get info, I have to search every time. I would like to put the search term in and get a list, not a drop down menu of just titles. :)
Reply to post #24 (show post):

Multiple started and finished read dates for books would be amazing :) So I am throwing my hat for that one. Also I like the idea of keep edition's book pages separate, but maybe an option for seeing reviews for all editions.
Reply to post #31 (show post):

That makes sense. I agree with that. It would be nice to see the results in a table view version of the shelf page. :)
I would love an RSS feed for keeping up with the people we follow, if this doesn't already exist.

I'd also love to be able to see people's shelves when I see their reviews; this was a favorite feature at That Other Site.

Thanks so much for the new discussion groups!
Reply to post #31 (show post):

Agree! a list instead of a drop down list
Reply to post #13 (show post):

"(And please, if possible, give me the option to get rid of that "invite your facebook friends" banner on my dash!)"

Yes Please!
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