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Discussion: 24 Tasks of the Festive Season: Participants' Progress Reports
posts: 15 views: 2528 last post: 6 years ago
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All recorded -- thank you!
Got some book reviews done today. Up to 100 points. http://oblue.booklikes.com/post/1804978/obsidian-blue-s-24-tasks-of-the-festive-season-card
Completed Door 19 Task 1. If I've counted right, this is my thirtieth point.
Go OB!!

I've earned 4 more points for a total of 45.
Reply to post #143 (show post):

Thanks! Keep it up! You’re doing great!
Points: 61

Update Post here
Completed Door 23 Task 1
Completed Door 24 Task 1
Completed book for Door 17 St Luce - "Ways To Hide In Winter"
Completed book for Door 20 Christmas - The Misletoe Murder and Other Stories
Reply to post #144 (show post):

Thank you!! :D

Completed 2 more tasks for a total of 47!
Up to 104. I also realized I forgot to add a point to a previous task I completed for Hanukkah (donut task) so had to add 4 points today. Finished one book and two tasks today.

Points: 78

Update Post here
I can't remember what I've reported and what I haven't, but I'm up to 50 points total now.
Completed Door 23 Task 4 - A Short History of The Personal Clacks Revolution
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