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text 2014-12-15 13:52
Top books of 2014
Angelfall - Susan Ee
Scarlet - A.C. Gaughen
The Fault in Our Stars - John Green
The 5th Wave - Rick Yancey
Clockwork Angel - Cassandra Clare
The Emperor's Edge (The Emperor's Edge #1) - Lindsay Buroker
Fire - Kristin Cashore
Branded - Abi Ketner,Missy Kalicicki
White Horse - Alex Adams,Emily Durante
Nottingham - Jaron Lee Knuth

being that I'm apparently amazing at shelving on GRs i can easily choose out my top 10 books....... now can i explain why?

Alright the first 4 were easy, they are the books i gave 5 stars too.

Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1)

Angelfall was technically a re-read, but it was still just as amazing as the first time i read it, so it got another 5 stars and stayed as one of my fave's.

Scarlet (Scarlet, #1)

Scarlet was another fantastic read. I've never read a Robin Hood book before, never truly like the videos of him as i was growing up, i think he was played by a fox? anyways this book just resonated really well with me. I loved the main character, and adored the rest. Their plight was sympathetic, and what they stood for was amazing. i felt this book was really well written.


The Fault in Our Stars

This book was so touching and wonderful and sweet and bitter, how could i help but not love it. Plus it made me cry, one must rate highly of books that make them move so much. The characters were fantastic and so lovable. even now thinking back on this book i have a smile on my face, i feel like these incredible characters are my friends and i'll always have kind if not slightly sad memories of them.


The 5th Wave (The Fifth Wave, #1)

Now i had heard some amazing things about this book, but then same could be said with other not so fantastic books.... luckily this lived beyond the hype it was that good! This book was everything YA should strive for. Wonderful adult characters, who dont spend their time bitching and moaning, they are enjoyable for all ages (this is a guess being as i havent read this at all ages myself) The writing was fantastic and smooth, and a pleasure to read. The world was incredible and well thought out.
Really a YA should be a book anyone can enjoy with a younger cast of characters, there should be just as much effort put into the writing and editing as any adult book. The characters should be as in-depth as any you'd expect from adult books as well. The 5th Wave lived up to this, the story was interesting and kept me glued to the pages from the get go. This is why this book made my top 4.





The Rest of the books got four stars, and i recall ranting and raving over how amazing they where and how delicious they tasted to my devouring mind. and i could go into detail, but I'm lazy and besides who wants to read all that? just trust me to the fact they're amazing and you need to read them if your havent already!!!

Looking forward to next year's new books!!!

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review 2014-01-17 19:47
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling

If the rest of the series is as magical and imaginative as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, then it's no wonder that it's so popular.  This was a very enjoyable book, and I can't wait to read it aloud with my kids when they are a little older.  I have a feeling they will love it!

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text 2014-01-12 04:10
Reading progress update: I've read Book 1 of 3
The Descent Series: Vol.1 - S.M. Reine

Death's Hand, the first book in the series gets 4 stars.  Good characters and decently paced.


Now on to book 2...

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text 2014-01-02 16:06

I'm ready to choose my first book of 2014, so that means it's time to spin the wheel!  I'm a very indecisive person, so when I'm having trouble making up my mind about which book to read next, I let an outside source choose it for me.  My "Wheel of Fortune" shelf on Goodreads is filled with 20 classics that I would like to eventually cross off my reading list, but most of the time I use my larger "Waiting on My Bookshelf" shelf as the number pool.  I then either ask a friend or one of my kids to choose a number, or use a random number generator to choose one.  Whatever book matches up with the chosen number is the next one I read. 


I've put together a numbered shelf on Goodreads called that contains my 'must read' reading list for 2014 (I'm a list maker who makes lists of her lists).   So let's get to it...I'm off to spin the wheel!


Today's lucky number is 13, which according to my list corresponds to...


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)


Excellent!  It's high time for me to finally read what all the fuss is about.  I have a paperback copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on my shelf, but I'll have to see if the library has the rest of the series available.  What a great way to kick off 2014!


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