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text 2019-04-19 15:30
REVIEW BY DEBBIE - The Protectors Series #1 - #3 by Sloane Kennedy
Absolution (The Protectors #1) - Joel Leslie,Sloane Kennedy
Salvation (The Protectors #2) - Sloane Kennedy
Retribution (The Protectors #3) - Sloane Kennedy

@debbiereadsbook, @sloane_kennedy, #Dark, #MM, #Romance, #Audio, 5 out of 5 (exceptional)


Length: 7 hours and 16 minutes

After four years abroad, artist Jonas Davenport has come home to start building his dream of owning his own art studio and gallery. But just as he’s ready to put the darkness of his past behind him forever, it comes roaring back with a vengeance.

The only thing keeping ex-cop Mace Calhoun from eating his own gun after an unthinkable loss is his role in an underground syndicate that seeks to get justice for the innocent by taking the lives of the guilty. Ending the life of the young artist who committed unspeakable crimes against the most vulnerable of victims should have been the easiest thing in the world. So why can’t he bring himself to pull the trigger?

After years of fighting in an endless, soul-sucking war, Navy SEAL Cole Bridgerton has come home to fight another battle – dealing with the discovery that the younger sister who ran away from home eight years earlier is lost to him forever. He needs answers and the only person who can give them to him is a young man struggling to put his life back together. But he never expected to feel something more for the haunted artist.

Cole and Mace. One lives by the rules, the other makes his own. One seeks justice through the law while the other seeks it with his gun. Two men, one light, one dark, will find themselves and each other when they’re forced to stand side by side to protect Jonas from an unseen evil that will stop at nothing to silence the young artist forever.

But each man’s scars run deep and even the strength of three may not be enough to save them… 

Source: archaeolibrarian.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2019/04/19/The-Protectors-Series-1---3-by-Sloane-Kennedy
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review 2019-01-24 01:32
Voltron v3
Voltron Legendary Defender volume 3: Absolution - Mitch Iverson




The art in these volumes never ceases to amaze me. So brilliant and accurate.

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review 2018-06-03 00:24
“Events did after all seem to be rushing towards some grand culmination"
Absolution Gap - Alastair Reynolds

The ‘Revelation Space’ trilogy sticks the landing. Some pacing issues but bucket-loads of new ideas (a gas giant that casually blinks in and out of existence; a spaceship used to alter the spin of a planet), deliciously twisted new characters and careful paying-off of tiny details as the end approaches. Alien: Covenant this ain’t.

For all the big ideas and Universe-shaking action on display here Reynolds reels the reader in with three simple but toothsoome plot threads. In 2615 an Ultra scavenger Quaich finds a mysterious bridge on an unexplored planet then loses his lover in an horrific but brutally hard-science manner. It’s fair to say this has consequences. Years later, in 2675, our beleagued chums from ‘Redemption Ark’ Clavain and his genetically uplifted cohort Scorpio are still hiding out from the dastardly Inhibitors on miserable Ararat with the remains of humanity only to get visited by a mysterious space pod, an old friend, and a request to save a child. That child is in a spaceship…which is in an iceberg. Finally, in 2727, young Rashmika Els on planet Hela runs away to find out what happened to her brother who she hopes has not succumbed to the, wait for it, *Quaichist* faith. What the hell is that all about, one asks and, thank the maker, all gets explained.

Got all that? If you recall the way the Battlestar Galactica reboot went – dwindling survivors, sojourns on miserable colonised planets, a magic baby, voices only certain characters can hear, a religious angle – then a lot of this might seem fairly familiar, possibly because those writers were inspired by/paid homage to/blatently ripped off Reynolds’ work. But Reynolds is a prose world builder and filmed SF can never hope to compete with the written word. Plus the Inhibitors themselves are arguably descendents of the Berserkers and there are at least two moments of baroque horror (Quaiche’s Ultra mistress and Clavain’s fate) which wouldn’t look out of place in an Iain M. Banks novel so we all stand on the shoulders of giants. Arguably Reynolds goes overboard with the description in ‘Absolution Gap’ – particularly with the caravans and the Cathedrals of the Way – but you can understand the editors backing off when the material is this good. One unexpected but very welcome move is the focus on our genetically engineered porcine friend Scorpio who gets much character development – the poor fellow constantly makes correct decisions only to be overruled and goes through absolute hell for his sins. After three novels there’s also a lot of residual fondness for characters like Clavain, Ana Khouri and Antoinette Bax and genuine dismay when it’s unveiled that the Inhibitors have obliterated Chasm City and the Rust Belt et al, all very real locations after the work of the previous novels. Reynolds also introduces the superbly screwed-up Quaiche, pitifully off his rocker, and the dread Grelier and his tapping stick. I love the little time jumps too. Just when you think you’ve twigged how the next 100 pages or so are going to go, Reynolds’ will elegantly skip forward, giving you a nice big reward for paying attention. Great characters and knock-out ideas. One wonders why everyone isn’t reading this.

‘Revelation’, ‘Redemption’ and finally ‘Absolution’. There certainly are a lot of characters in ‘Absolution Gap’ looking to make amends for past sins. I’m hesistant to identify any particularly through-lines or themes with this trilogy but at the same time, while it’s rollicking adventure fiction, it is much better written and thought-through than pretty much any other end-of-the-world fiction out there. There’s a lot of lore, a lot of deliciously realistic detail, from the provenance of the Inhibitors to the Melding Plague and the Rust Belt and while this reader completed the 700-odd pages definitely in need of a glass of cool water and a bog standard thriller by way of a palate cleanser there is no sense this universe is mined-out. Reynolds’ clearly thought this too as he continues to explore aspects of his worlds and I am in no way disinclined to join him.

So here ends the greatest novel trilogy explanation for the Fermi Paradox. It’s so great to have a modern science fiction author of this calibre producing work like this. If you haven’t read these novels and you’ve got a holiday coming up, line ‘em up because you’ve got a lot of fun ahead of you: “Quaiche. Popping outside for a bit. May be some time. Call you back.”

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review 2018-04-12 08:11
Absolution (The Protectors #1) by Sloane Kennedy
Absolution (The Protectors #1) - Sloane Kennedy
Absolution is the first book in The Protectors series by Sloane Kennedy. We meet Jonas, who appears to be a young artist without a care in the world. But then we find out that Mace is looking to kill him, and for reasons that don't appear to match the artist we see. And then along comes Cole, an ex-navy man desperate to find out what happened to his sister, and the only one who can tell him is Jonas. These three are intrinsically bound together as the story takes on more twists and turns than a bowl of spaghetti.
This was a fast-paced story with never a dull moment. Jonas, Cole, and Mace, all round each other out and soften those rough edges that life has given them. I have to say that I loved the cameos of Ronan, and can't wait for his story. I may or may not have shed a few tears towards the end of this book, but I'll never tell for sure ;)
A dark story that is enthralling reading. Fiction really doesn't get much better than this. Absolutely recommended by me. 
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!


Source: sites.google.com/site/archaeolibrarian/merissa-reviews/absolutiontheprotectors1bysloanekennedy
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review 2017-12-25 08:56
Mich hat ein Buch selten so gut unterhalten wie dieses! Echt zu empfehlen!
Absolution - wie man eine Sünde überlebt - Jasmin Romana Welsch

Humorvolle Bücher sind ja eigentlich gar nicht mein Geschmack, aber dieser Klappentext machte mich so neugierig, dass ich es probieren wollte. Und ich wurde auf keiner Seite enttäuscht.

Sixten ist ein Junkie, der eigentlich nur sein Leben lebt, zum Psychologen geht und mit seinen Kumpels rumhängt. Mehr kann ich eigentlich gar nicht verraten, denn sonst würde ich schon spoilern, aber im Klappentext steht alles drin, was man wissen muss.

Die Geschichte nimmt sehr schnell an Fahrt an und man kommt mitten ins Geschehen. Sixten will überleben, also geht er mit dieser verrückten Katze auf die Reise - oder Suche.

Immer wieder musste ich pausieren, weil mir die Tränen vor Lachen kamen. Dieser trockene, sarkastische Humor ist genau das, was ich liebe. Und dann immer in so genialen Momenten, einfach toll. Es ist schade, dass das Buch so schnell vorbei war, aber ich würde sehr gerne mehr davon lesen. Auf jeden Fall werde ich mir noch das eine oder andere Buch der Autorin genauer ansehen, denn der Schreibstil ist erfrischend und hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Das macht wirklich Lust auf mehr!

Das Cover gefällt mir sehr gut. Ich mag die Farbe und es passt meiner Meinung nach gut zur Geschichte. Falls diese Person Sixten darstellen soll, ist das gut getroffen. Vor allem passt die Katze sehr gut dazu. 

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