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url 2018-10-27 22:55
Three May Not Be A Crowd, Four Definitely Is

"People don’t understand this often but this is my personal experience that being the center of someone’s life is not such a good thing. When their entire focus is you, they love you for sure, but you are their whole universe and they’ve nothing else to think about then what do you think happens? Nothing good, I can tell you this, so, you should not want to be someone’s sole reason to live. That will make your life difficult. Trust me on this one, I was someone’s entire universe once and it didn’t end well for either of us. There is so much I regret and wish I could go back in time and change things. Life doesn’t work that way though so now I must contend with the consequences of my choices. Perhaps it’s all an illusion, I certainly like to believe that I had a choice, but that might not be the case. Maybe it all happened exactly how destiny planned it out. Not that I could ever know the answer to that question because what is destiny if not elusive?"


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Source: iambookseater.wordpress.com/2018/10/26/three-may-not-be-a-crowd-four-definitely-is
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url 2018-07-18 06:43
Premium luggage cart | Stainless steel bellman carts

Contact Impact Brass at (855) 855-3907 for elegant and stylish menu stands, sign stands, bell carts and more in NY at affordable rates. Visit our website for more details on our Brass products. Read the given blog to get details about our range of products.

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url 2018-07-14 09:16
Crowd control products | Post and Ropes
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url 2015-07-16 03:35
An update about Bella

We are so very nearly there. 


Bella has had her desexing stitches removed and Dante has been cuddling with her and grooming her.


Her infection has cleared up and she is happier and more confident.


But her hip is definitely bothering her. She can't settle because it pains her. She has to rest it when moving. She gets frustrated and it breaks my heart. 


I want so badly to make her more comfortable and see her as happy as she can be. 


This is surgery is definitely gonna be a life changer for her. 


But other than her hip and the movement issues that causes, she seems to have settled nicely. She is currently sleeping in a cat bed after having a brief exercise on hobbling back to it, but she is purring so loudly. 


I want to help her so much. Please help me to do this.

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url 2015-07-06 19:00
Please Help If You Can

I'm sure most of you have seen this in the interim, but in case you haven't (and even if you have) ...




This is Bella.  She needs surgery to mend the effects of an improperly healed break in her leg and pelvis, and a dislocated hip that has settled out of the joint.  She needs surgery in order to improve her mobility and quality of life, and to stop any pain she may be feeling.  Her new adoptive parents -- Big Beardy Bloke Buried By Books and his wife -- would like her to have that surgery, but are struggling to cover the costs.  Their crowd funding campaign with GoFundMe.com (http://www.gofundme.com/y7eg8b8) is currently at a little more than 1/4 of the set target -- just short of covering the costs of Bella's diagnosis, or looked at alternately, a little more than 1/3 of the estimated costs of surgery.


All those of us who have pets know what those pets mean to us.  All of us, I'm sure, would spare no expense to give our own pets the veterinary care they need.  Having lost one cat to a belated and erroneous veterinary diagnosis myself, I understand very well that time is absolutely of essence in this regard.  Animals can tell us that something is wrong with them, even if they can't put a voice to precisely what it is -- and they shouldn't be made to suffer, any more than any human should be made to suffer.


Giving via GoFundMe.com is 100% pain-free, 100% anonymous if that's how you prefer your gift to appear, and as easy as hitting an online retailer's "buy" button.  Please think about what you can do to help.  Thank you!

Source: www.gofundme.com/y7eg8b8
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