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review 2020-07-24 21:59
The Morning Flower - Amanda Hocking

I went into this one hoping for a little more action/excitement. I was more forgiving of the lack of that element in the first book because it's a lot of setup on the world and plot in general but I really needed to see that progression in the sequel, and through the first two thirds of this book I did not. The Morning Flower was actually set up quite the same as the first book in terms of very little progression until the end. Again with this one, the plot and world are interesting but I can't help but to be left feeling like a lot of the search for answers and rather mundane details could be condensed greatly in the first 2/3 of this story. It drags. It made it hard for me to fully get into and that's not what I want in a sequel. It's a lot to wade through to get to the excitement, just to end on another cliffhanger.



Even other sub-elements like the romance are basically non-starters. When done well a 'will they or won't they' can be fun and torturously exciting. Ulla and Pan or even the hinted at spark of attraction with Jem-Kruck just never had that integral draw. The desire to see either happen at all never fully formed for me. The characters were so apprehensive and not fully into it that how in the world could I as a reader be? Surprisingly I think a lot of this book was meant to be a slow progression to more between Ulla and Pan but their lack of passion and outward interest definitely fed into mine and I just didn't end up caring one way or another.



I was really hoping book one was an exception and not the rule and unfortunately that proved otherwise for me here. While I would like to see what happens next in the story, it's just not enough that I am content waiting to reach the end of another novel to get a little further.


I received an arc of this book from Wednesday Books via Netgalley and this is my honest review.

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review 2020-06-24 16:01
The Lost City - Amanda Hocking

So I have yet to read the original Trylle books but when I came across this spinoff start to a new set of books it sounded good and I wanted to jump right in. I don't know if reading the first set might have increased my enjoyment in this one, probably a bit. I did still enjoy it for the most part but I would have liked to see more action. The story kept a rather slow pace and that could make it feel like it was dragging at times.

I liked Ulla well enough. As a protagonist she's rather interesting...she's so even-keeled and pragmatic, which is kind of refreshing in a sense, but it also made it her feel maybe a tad robotic at times and left a little disconnect there. I think her story, her search for answers on where/who she came from helped even that out and give her more depth and feeling. I had similar feelings on the other prominent characters in the sense that I liked them but none were exactly jumping off the pages. Eliana might be the one stand out, but I think a lot of her intrigue came from all the mystery surrounding her.

While it lacked in action for the most part it certainly didn't lack in imagination or world building. This was an interesting world to explore and I would like to see where the next book takes me. I think that one will likely make or break it for me.

I received an arc of this book from Wednesday Booka via Netgalley and this is my honest review.

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review 2018-04-09 11:49
Between the Blade and the Heart
Between the Blade and the Heart - Amanda Hocking

I received a copy from Netgalley.


This book was fun. An action packed paranormal adventure.


First book I read by this particular author, and I enjoyed it. The world building was a little haphazard, in this world there are all sorts of supernatural creatures around, all governed by Norse gods, and kept in control by Valkyries. Seemed to be a vaguely futuristic kind of society. A little unclear on when it was set. A little bit of history on the species and the set the governing body and the jobs of Valkyries.  When your time is up, a Valkyrie is sent to dispatch you to the next plane of existence. Valkyries only go through the female line, Marin is training to follow in her mother Marlow’s footsteps and is in the final steps of her training to become an official Valkyrie as well as attending a supernatural academy for classes.


Marin was tough and spunky, relatively sensible and a likeable MC. Also extra points – she was bisexual. She had a relationship with another female Valkyrie, Quinn. Which didn’t end brilliantly but they remained sort of friends.  Marin lives with her best friend, witch Oona and her beloved pet, some sort of a hybrid creature a little like a dog but not quite.


Lots of action, though I did find some of the characters to be a little flat, there didn’t seem to be much back story to hardly anyone other than Marin herself. There was very little seen of the academy she attends, there’s a few classes mentioned, and a rivalry with a classmate she doesn’t get on with. Though later on in the novel they do have a fairly interesting discussion about fate and destiny – which was about as deep as the novel got.


Mostly it was all action packed. Marin’s world is thrown into chaos when a handsome stranger breaks into her apartment demanding information on her mother. Something that was supposed to have happened didn’t and as a result people are being killed. Marin is stunned and furious, and with the stranger, Asher, by her side sets off to confront Marlow about what happened.


She’s shocked at the revelations and she and Asher decide to try and put things right and stop the killings. The supernatural beasties Marin is hunting are getting stronger, she’s feeling pain when she shouldn’t and it could all be a result of what went wrong many years ago. She gets help from witchy Oona and Quinn appears a few times saving her butt and becomes part of the group who work to find the bad guy and solve the mystery.


Of course, Marin is starting to develop feelings for Asher and finds herself getting closer again with Quinn, trying to understand why their relationship failed – something to do with something that’s been ingrained into Marin about Valkyries and love and how it never works. So Marin is struggling to come to terms with her feelings on top of this manhunt for a bad guy getting nastier and stronger as the time goes by.


A surprise death half way through doesn’t help at all.



A surprising twist at the end as well, as it turns out the bad guy they’re hunting is small fries and there’s an even bigger bad on the way. Left at cliff hanger of course.

(spoiler show)



Not particularly moving, while the world building wasn’t brilliant (in my opinion) it was interesting and it’s been a long time since I’ve found a paranormal adventure I’ve liked so much. Decent characters, and a fun read.


Looking forward to the next one in the duology.


Thank you to Netgalley and Pan McMillan for approving my request to view the title.

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review 2018-02-06 16:17
Audio Book Review: My Blood Approves (My Blood Approves #1) By Amanda Hocking
My Blood Approves - Amanda Hocking


* This is a review of the audio book that was released in 2011. All the physical novels in this series have recently been updated. I don't believe the audio book narration has. Please keep that in mind while reading this review.


This book has not aged well and my younger self is very disappointed. I've also realized how my tastes in books have changed. I used to love eating up these superficial vampire stories. The difference is that now I know there are much better novels available to me.


It's a shame I had to start this series over a few years later for me to see an ending to it. I read this series when it was first releasing (2010). This book got involved in a bit of drama when it came to the conclusion of the series. Readers were, unfortunately, sending hateful emails to the author because they didn't agree with the direction she was taking the love triangle in, so the author ended up not concluding the series at the time. The last book in this series has finally been released. That's what spurred me into rereading this.


This time around I found myself on the complete opposite side of the love triangle. Then again, I couldn't care less about the heroine, but if I HAD to pick a side it'd be Jack. Jack is an all-around nice and geeky guy. He loves cracking jokes and rolls with the punches life seems to love to throw at him.


Peter is such a brooding and over the top *ss. I don't know what I once saw in him.  He's controlling and seems to think he's an exception to every rule. I wouldn't want him next to me even if you paid me.


I had so many problems with Alice. She's a doormat, hates school and seems to be suicidal. I strongly believe in getting an education. She's so dense that it took Jack saying what he was to her face even after she had all the clues to figure it out herself. I wouldn't have minded what happened if this book were about obscure mythology that isn't a huge part of pop culture, but she had no excuses for not guessing vampire first. I also don't understand why her life, all of a sudden, revolves around this family. No one in their right mind would go over to someone's house for 3 weeks straight and not think to themselves "Maybe I'm imposing myself into their lives a little bit too much."


I'm aware that I'm being hyper-critical of this novel. That's due to the fact that I'm disappointed that even nostalgia couldn't make me overlook what I think are factors that could be improved on. At this point, I'm tempted to just skip to the last book, but I have barely any recollection of this series beyond the first book.


The Audio Book:


I only picked this up as an audio book because it was convenient for me (I was suffering from the common cold with allergies and blurry vision at the time of reading this book). Though this passed the time, I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. There was barely any difference between male and female voices. I will say that the narrator's voice was very relaxing though.

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text 2018-01-02 17:36
69 New Releases in book series on January 2
Emergence - C.J. Cherryh
The Haunting on Heliotrope Lanecy - Carolyn Keene
Saga Volume 8 - Brian K. Vaughan,Fiona Staples
Batman: Nightwalker (DC Icons Series) - Marie Lu
Neogenesis - Steve Miller,Sharon Kendrick
Between the Blade and the Heart - Amanda Hocking
Cobra Traitor - Timothy Zahn
Promise Not to Tell - Jayne Ann Krentz
Unbound - Stuart Woods
Robicheaux - James Lee Burke

Per fictfact.com's new release calendar :


7thGARDEN, Vol. 7 - Mitsu Izumi  A Song Unheard (Shadows Over England) - Roseanna M. White  A Wedding At Two Love Lane - Kieran Kramer  

7thGARDEN, Vol. 7 - Mitsu Izumi  #7 in 7th GARDEN
A Song Unheard - Roseanna M. White  #2 in Shadows Over England
A Wedding At Two Love Lane - Kieran Kramer  #2 in Two Love Lane


("Read more" stays on booklikes, I just didn't want a long post hijacking the dashboard for those of you who don't have settings set to initially view shorten posts)

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Source: www.fictfact.com/BookReleaseCalendar
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