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review 2019-05-30 14:41
Bloody LOVED this one!
The Color of Summer - Anna Martin
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book. Max returns home to open his tattoo studio and to be closer to his mum. On the way he gets stopped speeding, by his best friend's older brother, Tyler. While Max has immediate attraction to Tyler, Tyler is straight and tells him so. But there is . .something . . between them, and as the summer begins, the relationship grows. Can Tyler be a cop in a small town, who is gay? I might gush about this book, just a heads up! Cos I bloody LOVED it! Max returns to his home town after his mum has a stroke. He wants to be closer while she recovers. And he wants his own tattoo studio so combines the two plans into one. Meeting Tyler throws Max for a loop, cos he never really noticed Tyler before, you know? He was just Shane's big brother, is all. But now, the man did grow up good and proper and he pushes all of Max' buttons. Tyler is just plodding along, bringing up his daughter with the help of his family. Catching up with Max was fun, and Tyler really needs a friend. But his long suppressed attraction to men, and to Max in particular begins to resurface, Tyler doesn't want Max as a friend, he WANTS Max. He has his daughter the think about, though, and his job as deputy, and his brother's reaction to finding out. I really LOVED this, it fell on my kindle just when I needed it to and I devoured it. That's the only word I can find: devoured. I went to bed to read a few chapters and the next thing I know, it was 1am and I had finished. It's not a short book, 230 odd pages, but it felt a lot less. A sign of a good, nay, GREAT book, that; that it doesn't seem as long as it really is! Both Max and Tyler have a say, in the third. Both voices are clear and different and they tell their story incredibly well. It has a good deal of angst/drama but they aren't really the right words for it. It's more soul searching, maybe? I dunno, hate not finding the right words. It has a LOT of emotion, both for Max and Tyler, from very different points of view. There is a huge family network too, who see, you know, they SEE what Max feels for Tyler, even if they haven't figured that out themselves yet! It's not overly explicit, but I don't think it needs to be. It's hot and sexy though! The relationship between Max and Tyler moves along at a steady pace, both the emotional connection adn the physical one. I liked being made to wait a while! I've only read one other book by Ms Martin, and that book didn't quite work for me but THIS one? I freaking loved it and it just goes to show, you can't love every book and just because one book by an author doesn't work for you, it doesn't mean they ALL won't. So, because I loved it, because I read it in one sitting, just because its my review and I CAN . . . 5 stars **same worded review will appear elsewhere**


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text 2019-05-28 15:20
REVIEW TOUR & #GIVEAWAY - The Color of Summer by Anna Martin
The Color of Summer - Anna Martin

@SignalBoostPR, @debbiereadsbook, @missannamartin, #Contemporary, #MM, #Romance, #Standalone, 5 out of 5 (exceptional)


Tattoo artist Max Marshall rushes into his hometown of Sweetwater, West Virginia—and is promptly pulled over for speeding. Max’s luck isn’t all bad, though, because he recognizes the deputy, Tyler Reed, Max’s childhood best friend’s older brother.

Reconnecting with Tyler helps Max settle back in, and it also leads to attraction. But when he tries to explore that connection at the grand opening of his tattoo studio—by kissing Tyler—awkwardness ensues. Max wants more, but has he misread Tyler’s signals?

As a single father raising a six-year-old daughter, Tyler doesn’t have much time to date. He’s ignored his attraction to men for years, but he can’t stop thinking about the kiss he shared with Max. If he can handle the complications of dating in a small town and the possible consequences to his career, this romance could blossom with all the colors of summer.

Source: archaeolibrarian.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2019/05/28/The-Color-of-Summer-by-Anna-Martin
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review 2019-05-14 03:14
While there were several things about this story that I liked...
The Color of Summer - Anna Martin

what there wasn’t, was a lot or even much that I really loved.  So let's just chat about this for a bit...in fact let's start with Max and Tyler, the MCs of this story. Both of them very likable people.


Max left his hometown of Sweetwater for college and other than to visit his mom moving back was never a plan until his mom has a stroke and Max finds that he needs to change direction with his life.  Max decides it’s time to return home to be closer to his mom during her recovery and takes advantage of the opportunity to open his own tattoo shop.


Tyler left Sweetwater too, but he’s been back for awhile. However, Tyler’s return was prompted by an entirely different set of circumstances.  Six years earlier Max suddenly finds himself a single parent with a daughter to raise and decides what better place to raise a child than the place that held his own happy childhood memories and a loving family to help him. Max readily sets aside the dreams of his youth for the reality of his current life.


If it hadn't been for a tense and dangerous situation that happened towards the end of the story I'm not sure if Tyler and Max would have actually progressed to an actual relationship and even then I just didn't feel the connection between them...truthfully, I felt like Max had a stronger commitment to Juniper and I had no problem imagining him as her other dad.


I liked that the setting was a small town, but somehow I just didn’t get that small town vibe that tends to just draw me that little bit further into the story…so yeah, liked but for me the small town love just wasn’t there.


I love that both of these men were older Max was nearly 30 and Tyler was just a few years older and I’m a fan of MCs who have a bit of life under their belt. I also loved that both of these men had pretty awesome families. While not everyone is blessed with a loving and supportive family sometimes it’s nice to read stories where it’s more the norm than the exception. Also high on the me-likey-list was 'Juniper', Tyler's adorably precocious daughter. 


At the end of it all we've got a sexy guy with tats, a hot cop with an adorable daughter, two men with very likable families an definite plus for me and yet in spite of all this the connection between Tyler and Max that should have been there wasn't and the sex that should have been scorching hot really just wasn't.




An ARC of 'The Color of Summer' was graciously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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review 2018-07-17 00:19
Macarons at Midnight (Just Desserts, #1) by M.J. O'Shea and Anna Martin Review
Macarons at Midnight - M.J. O'Shea,Anna Martin

Tristan Green left his small English town for Manhattan and a job at a high profile ad agency, but can’t seem to find his bearings. He spends a lot of time working late at night, eating and sleeping alone, and even more time meandering around his neighborhood staring into the darkened windows of shops. One night when he’s feeling really low, he wanders by a beautiful little bakery with the lights still on. The baker invites him in, and some time during that night Tristan realizes it’s the first time he’s really smiled in months.

Henry Livingston has always been the odd duck, the black sheep, the baker in an old money family where pedigree is everything and quirky personalities are hidden behind dry martinis and thick upper east side townhouse facades. Henry is drawn to Tristan’s easy country charm, dry English wit, and everything that is so different from Henry’s world.

Their new romance is all buttercream frosting and sugared violets until Tristan's need to fit in at work makes him do something he desperately wishes he could undo. Tristan has to prove to Henry that he can be trusted again before they can indulge in the sweet stuff they're both craving.




The baking in this romance was amazing and comes with recipes. 

The book also showcases New York City. 

The love story between Tristen is sweet and tender. The loneliness Tristen feels so far from England and Henry's choice to not be part of the New York elite is nicely detailed.

Because the connection between the heroes charms, the conflicts in the book between Tristen and his awful work environment and then the over reaction of Henry of something that happens feels too heavy handed and made me want to skip around and took away from the pleasure of the book.

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review 2017-10-20 00:00
Whiskey Kisses
Whiskey Kisses - Anna Martin Whiskey Kisses - Anna Martin 3.5 Stars.


An enjoyable short Novella.Perfect for a quick read.

Jim is in his late 20's.He's been to college,got his degree and now he's back home in a small Irish town working as a Business Manager for a Whiskey distillery.He's reasonably content with his life but he's not out to his family or anyone in town so he's conflicted when he meets Aiden, who is new in town.

Aiden is an Artist.Out and not ashamed of his sexuality at all,although he's not about to flaunt it all around town.

The attraction between them is instant and things definitely move pretty quickly but,somehow,it worked here.Behind closed doors things are perfect but Jim is very reluctant to announce their relationship to the outside world,not least because his sister developed a crush on Aiden when he arrived.

Jim loves being part of a large family and I loved the relationship he has with his mother and when he eventually came out to her I thought it was really moving,I'm pretty sure I had a few tears threatening.

Aiden still remained a bit of a mystery for me,right up until the end-I was expecting some kind of revelation about him,which never came.


-it's sweet,but not too sugary,

-low to moderate steam,that fit the story and I was happy with,

-two likeable MCs that seemed pretty perfect for each other.

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