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review 2021-11-17 17:12
From Dust And Ashes - Tricia Goyer
From Dust and Ashes: A Story of Liberation - Tricia Goyer
In lieu of Remembrance Day, I wanted to read a story with a WWII theme. Since I love Tricia Goyer's other books so much, I decided to give hers a try.
It was exactly what I knew the author would deliver. A solid story that pulled at my heart in so many ways. Helene is a strong woman that should be admired. I'm so glad she gets her happily ever after. Peter is such a gentleman. Michaela and Lelia show the bonds of friendship. Plus as always, God is ever present to lead the way.
The Nazi parts were tough to read, as they should be. It should also teach people how not to be. 
I don't normally read war stories, but I would read more from this author. She just knows how to blend the reader's emotions and keep them rapt. I guess now I'm off to save Night Song to my list!
Source: www.fredasvoice.com/2021/11/from-dust-and-ashes-tricia-goyer-47.html
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review 2020-07-01 21:27
Lost in a Fantasy – Blood and Ashes by Katie Zaber @Zaberbooks
Ashes and Blood (Dalya #1) - Katie Zaber

I shared Ashes and Blood by Katie Zaber for a tour, but I didn’t read and review it until the author asked me if I would like a copy. Of course, I said yes and I am so glad I did.

I have a thing for trees and love the cover. How about you?


Ashes and Blood

Amazon / Goodreads




I was first drawn to Ashes and Blood by Katie Zaber when I saw the cover. I love trees, whether real or fantasy.


What would you do if you are ambling along a familiar trail, and all of a sudden, you find a tree that was never there before? I think I would run, but before they can decide to do the same, things begin to change with every step they take and they are whisked away, into another world.


Sarah, Dana, Ciara and Megan are in for the time of their lives and I am along for the ride. Katie Zaber did a fantastic job creating a world filled with wonder and magic. I quickly became immersed in her world, created in vivid detail with characters I immediately became involved with.


Of course, we have to have one who is in the spotlight and that will be Megan, though all peripheral characters have very important parts to play to make this book a whole. Each has their own personalities and talents that will come in handy. They are tight and their ‘family’ grows as the adventure moves along.


Action and adventure abound and they find their destiny in a place they never could have imagined. Of course, we have to have a bad guy, and he hits very close to home, but there is someone involved who never shows their face. Are they there to save her, or want her for themselves. AND why do they want her? I am curious about who this ‘person’ is and maybe I will find out in the next book, which I hope Katie is rapidly writing.


As I searched around, Ashes and Blood is the only book I have seen by Katie Zaber. If this is her debut novel, she did a bang up job and I can only imagine what is to come. I plan on being along for the ride.


If you are looking for a story to get lost in and escape the real world for a while, I highly recommend Ashes and Blood by Katie Zaber.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Ashes and Blood by Katie Zaber.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars




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Source: www.fundinmental.com/blood-and-ashes-katie-zaber
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review 2020-06-19 18:58
Ashes and Blood (Dalya #1) by Katie Zaber
Ashes and Blood (Dalya #1) - Katie Zaber

@Archaeolibrary, @Zaberbooks, #NewAdult, #Fantasy, 5 out of 5 (exceptional)


Ashes and Blood is the first book in the Dalya series and it starts off with a very weird tree! Even though this book is listed as New Adult I still, somehow, managed to convince myself it was Young Adult. So it was a bit of a shock when I read about them drinking and swearing. Still, it was my error and one I quickly got over as I immersed myself in their adventure.

The details in this story are simply amazing. The descriptions given help the reader to see every tree, person, and situation so clearly. The action is non-stop and with enough twists and turns to keep anyone happy. There is romance but not with the main character (or at least, not yet. I'm hopeful for the future!) which made a nice change.

And speaking of characters, the ones in here will jump out at you. They are so well described and three-dimensional, you will have no issue with remembering who is whom. I loved the girls' different attitudes and capabilities PLUS how Tristan was the one to watch, even though he came across as the most easy-going!

This was a fantastic start to the series and I really can't wait to read more and return to Dalya. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Source: archaeolibrarian.wixsite.com/website/post/ashes-and-blood-dalya-1-by-katie-zaber
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video 2020-05-10 21:48

Hey!! Thanks so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed, if you could take the time to like this video on YouTube I would be forever grateful. Like Instagram YouTube has it's share of problems, and hitting that like button would be an amazing help. So thank you for showing your support.


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video 2020-04-22 22:01
City of Glass - Cassandra Clare
“You might want to lie down," Magnus advised. "I find that it helps when the crushing sense of horrible realization sets in.”

I want to like this book, I want to like this series but honestly I'm struggling. I think I had really high expectations of what I thought this would be and I've been let down. The characters are just awful, admittedly I hate them a lot less than in the first book but I honestly can't with Jace. I want to feel bad for him but there are zero things that make him redeemable. There isn't much in the way of character progression either, and that may be down to the fact this book takes place pretty soon after the first book.

As for plot...there isn't really one. The main focus of the hunt for Valentine whilst he continues to collect the Mortal Instruments doesn't drive this story like it should. To me it felt like a bunch of stuff happening around the main story then suddenly we're at the final act.

Against my better judgement I am going to persevere, I've been told that the last three books in the series are better than the first three. I'm so in intrigued by this world she's created I don't want to quit just yet.


Hey!! Thanks so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed, if you could take the time to like this video on YouTube I would be forever grateful. Like Instagram YouTube has it's share of problems, and hitting that like button would be an amazing help. So thank you for showing your support.


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