His hand on my nape stroked gently, coaxing me back to consciousness. I lifted my head from the crook of his neck to meet his gaze. His eyes were soft, and I knew that look. I recognized it from other faces, directed at lovers, but not at me. It was how Adam gazed at Christoffer.
Once again Roe Horvat’s writing captivated me. Definitely a step into the erotic realm but done so in such a remarkable and beautiful way. Yes, this has graphic sex between 2, 3 and in one case 4 people, but never is the emotional connection between the main characters lost. And while this story is about Tyler and Joel, my heavens…Adam and Christoffer are simply irresistible. I am not sure there are many cases in which a side couple has mesmerized me the way these two have. Their love for each other is breathtaking and their love for Tyler is remarkable.
Yes this book, as stated above, includes sex with other people, however this is in no way what I would view or characterize as an open relationship. Roe is first and foremost about consent, love and commitment.
While this moves from a hate/lust relationship to love rather quickly, it just worked for me. I wanted these men together. They simply needed each other and Tyler’s nurturing aspects came forward quite well…something I am sure he learned from his loving mother. She was simply remarkable.
Joel stood by the table, his back to me, bent and curled down low enough so he could fit into my mother’s ambitious embrace. She was petting his hair, soothing. Her eyes met mine over his shoulder, and she smiled a sad smile. I blinked and backed off noiselessly into the kitchen.
My mother was a witch. There was no other explanation.
All the love for this book and I simply cannot wait for Adam and Christoffer’s story.
*Note: I had the opportunity to beta read this and was given an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.