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url 2019-06-08 00:39
Read Like a Rebel: Banned Books to Read in 2019
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review 2018-02-18 19:20
Safe Place
Safe Place (Dangerous Bonds) (Volume 2) - Shani Greene-Dowdell

Title: Safe Place
Author: Shani Greene-Dowdell
Publisher: Nayberry Publications
Series: Dangerous Bonds Book 2
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Safe Place" Dangerous Bonds Book 2 by Shani Greene-Dowdell

My Thoughts....

I enjoyed the story even though it was a little predictable. However, it was still a good sweet read where you find Tameka had a horrible marriage and coming out of it with two children she definitely had reason for trust and heartache issues especially what she had endured from that crazy ex. I will say karma is something in what call comes to that ex.

It was great to see by the end Tameka finding someone like Jeb who went after what he wanted and even having his cousin Channing and his wife Kemara behind him was definitely good.

So, from heartbreak to truly happiness...."Safe Place" would be a good read to see how it all happened.

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url 2018-01-30 19:22
69 new today in book series
Dark in Death - J.D. Robb
Still Me: A Novel - Jojo Moyes
Beyond Danger - Kat Martin
The Invisible Planet - Geronimo Stilton
Judgment Road - Christine Feehan
Stormspeaker - Christina Diaz Gonzalez
Alpha's Mate - Eve Langlais
Moonlight Sins - Jennifer L. Armentrout
Zero Hour (Wired & Dangerous) - Megan Erickson
A Devil in Scotland: A No Ordinary Hero Novel - Suzanne Enoch

For complete list, checkout FictFact.com's Book Release Calendar.  (If link doesn't work or you lose this post, it's under the "Explore" menu.) 

Source: www.fictfact.com/BookReleaseCalendar
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review 2017-10-25 01:24
Dangerous Bonds
Dangerous Bonds - Shani Greene-Dowdell

Title: Dangerous Bonds

Author:  Shani Greene-Dowdell

Publisher:  Nayberry Publications 

Reviewed By: Arlena Dean

Rating: Five



"Dangerous Bonds" by Shani Greene-Dowdell


My Thoughts.....


This was quite a interesting read that this author presents as we are presented with Channing and Kemara that dealt with 'race and love.' Being presented with racism and the way it was showed in this read was really something as we see how these two will work it all out.  How will Kemara be able to take this all in after she finds out about Channing's background?  I liked would this character was able to know just what was right and wrong.  This story really shows that even though one may be born to a racist family there can be a change if it is desired.  Will these two be able to 'look deep within themselves and find love?'  This story really shows that even in our world today 'hate and bigotry' still can be found.  In the end will love trump hate?  Well, to find out about this story you will have to pick up this very good read of  'Dangerous Bonds' to see how well this author gives the reader a very well written story of just what happened in such a situation as it was was Channing and Kemara.

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review 2017-08-27 22:10
Dangerous to Love
Dangerous to Love - LaQuita Cameron

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Title: Dangerous to Love
Author: LaQuita Cameron
Publisher: Shan Presents, LLC
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Dangerous to Love" by LaQuita Cameron

My Thoughts....

All that is left to say is Wow what a read! It looks like to me that all of the characters brought into this read was so full of drama that will keep you turning the pages to see who was next in line. This author really brings out the craziness of it all with all the interesting characters from... Karmel, Sparkel, Harmonee, Passion, Dom, Roy, Sincere, Amani to only name a few that will keep your attention in the novel. Then we get a ending...cliffhanger...what a ending that the reader will have to wait and see what will be coming next.
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