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review 2018-06-12 05:31
Darth Plagueis
Star Wars: Darth Plagueis - James Luceno

On the one hand, this book is an excellent companion to the prequel trilogy of films and I’m a little sad it’s no longer canon. On the other hand, this novel is so bloated with Extended Universe references that it’s a perfect example of why The Powers That Be decided wiping that particular slate clean was for the best. Still, I highly recommend this to anyone who wants a deeper understanding of how the Republic was so thoroughly corrupted. Most of that aspect is still canon. Just be prepared for more intergalactic politicking than you can shake a lightsaber at (yay!) as well as scads of scientific and philosophical discussions of midi-chlorians (boo). I would rate it higher, but I kind of hated the ending for reasons I’ll put under a spoiler tag:


Holy bantha poodoo, that climax was a letdown. I get it. I do. There was a lesson to be learned here. Plagueis got complacent. He truly felt the Rule of Two was obsolete and trusted that his apprentice felt the same. He thought he’d achieved immortality through his control over the midi-chlorians and was above such mortal concerns as assassination anyway. He rather thoroughly set himself up for a fall. And I wanted that fall to be spectacular. I imagined all these epic showdowns between Sidious and Plagueis, and what happens instead? Plagueis is defeated because he lets his guard down on the eve of victory and takes A NAP. And then Sidious just breaks his breathing mask with a little Force lightning and basically proceeds to monologue him to death while a vaguely described “force storm” knocks over some furniture. Are you kidding me with this? THIS is what the whole book was building up to? Bah! I’m going to listen to Duel of the Fates on repeat until I feel better.

(spoiler show)
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text 2018-06-05 03:52
Reading progress update: I've read 92 out of 481 pages.
Star Wars: Darth Plagueis - James Luceno

"Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice." ~Yoda, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace


I haven't read any of the Legends stuff involving Darth Bane, so I'm going to make up my own head canon in which he started this "Rule of Two" rumor to throw off the Jedi. The REAL rule that the Sith actually follow goes more like this:


"Always at least two there are. A master and an apprentice. And a spare apprentice or two in the wings in case the first one doesn't work out. And the apprentices' apprentices. And probably a bunch of Force sensitive younglings kept hidden from the Jedi just in case it all goes pear-shaped."


Not as catchy, I know. My alternate head canon is that Yoda is a lying liar who lies. From a certain point of view, that is. ;)

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review 2017-06-23 15:55
Darth Plagueis by James Luceno
Darth Plagueis - James Luceno

Who can resist the inside scoop on the mysterious Darth Plagueis whose story is used to help tip Anikan toward the dark side? Well, not me. I was eager to learn more about this Sith who had supposedly controlled life and death though had not been able to avoid his own.


I must agree with other reviewers on two points. First, this novel is misleadingly titled. It becomes more and more about Darth Sidious and less about Plagueis from the moment Palpatine steps into the picture. Second, it does read differently than other Star Wars novels. There is less action and more plotting & politics. Neither of these points make it a bad story, but it was also not quite what I expected.


The history given in this book ties so many events and people to the Sith Grand Plan that it almost becomes too much. Forget Sidious tricking the rebels into ambushes, Plagueis has been ordering the entire damn universe for decades before Luke & Leia are born. It's interesting, maybe a bit unbelievable, but, hey, this is Star Wars. I was intrigued at how the author brought it all together.


Plagueis is an interesting character, brilliant and always a step ahead of everyone, which makes it all the more confounding when he doesn't see that Sidious will not share power with him for the long run. I mean, really, co-chancellors? That was the plan? How did he not see that failing? Ah well, that disappointment aside, this book was a great addition to the Star Wars EU.

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review 2016-05-02 10:43
Star Wars - Wieder ein Buch mit viel Hintergrundinfo
Star Wars Darth Plagueis - James Luceno

 Ein  Beben erschüttert den Planeten.
  Titel: Star Wars - Darth Plagueis
Autor: James Luceno
Buchart : TB
Verlag:  Blanvalet
Bestellcode:  978-3-442-38045-9
Erhältlich 11 / 2012

Kosten : €13,oo
Alter: -
Genre:  Sciene Fiction , Space Opera
Vorgängerbände: -
Folgebände: -

Der Roman, auf den jeder Star-Wars-Fan gewartet hat …

»Darth Plagueis war ein Dunkler Lord der Sith, derart mächtig und weise, dass er die Macht nutzen konnte, um Leben zu erschaffen. Er hatte ein so ungeheures Wissen um die Dunkle Seite, dass er sogar dazu in der Lage war, das Sterben derjenigen, welche ihm nahestanden, zu verhindern. Was für eine Ironie. Er konnte andere vor dem Tod bewahren, aber sich selbst konnte er nicht retten.« Imperator Palpatine (Star Wars: Episode III – Die Rache der Sith)
Ganz lieben Dank an den Verlag Blanvalet für das kostenlose Leseexemplar :)
Ich finde ja Star Wars toll, aber nur die Sith, die Jedi Geschichten sind mir zu fromm ;)
Was wäre wenn Du jedem vom Tot bewaren kannst, aber Du selber langsam zerfällst ? Viele neidisch sind auf deine Gabe und du darauf achten musst das der Neid dich nicht umbringt ? Genau so ergeht es Darth Plagueis, er hat die Macht den Tot entgegen zu treten , aber er selber ist sterblich.
Hier lernt man das erste mal Darth Sidious kennen, Plagueis findet den jungen Mann und sieht seine Macht und nimmt ihn so zum Schüler und unterrichtet ihn auch. Auch spielt hier Darth Maul eine Rolle, wie Darth Sidious an ihn kam und wie Ausbildete.
Die Geschichte ist wirklich nur auf die Sith Seite gehalten, keine 'lästigen' Jediduelle, einfach mega tolle Hintergrundinformationen die ich selber toll finde.
Ich kam gut in das Buch rein und fand es echt total Spannend :)
- Viele Informationen wie was geschah, es lichtet viele Fragen der Filme für mich
- Tolle Orte, super beschrieben
- Finde es echt interessant wie unterschiedlich die Sith Lords sind
- Manchmal wurde zu viel ausgeholt , das man dachte wann geht es den nun wieder, aber das macht die Geschichte nicht weniger Uninteressant
- Ich finde das Cover für eine Sith Lord Geschichte sehr passend
James Luceno ist Drehbuchautor der Filme Die Maske des Zorro und der Kult-TV-Serie Robotech und hat bereits mehrere besonders erfolgreiche Star-Wars-Romane geschrieben. Derzeit lebt er in Annapolis, Maryland.
 Cover : 2 / 2
Klappentext:  2 / 3
Personen: 2 / 3
Schreibstil: 2 / 3
Spannung: 2 / 3
Gefühle: 1 / 3
Handlung: 2 / 3


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review 2016-02-09 05:01
this book exists to set up the entire prequel trilogy
Star Wars: Darth Plagueis - James Luceno

and does a pretty good job, though part of it felt almost like a check list of things to explain (and ways to work in the titles of episodes 1-3).  that aside, quite enjoyable book



slight spoiler below:












star wars canon vs 'legends' aside - the book pretty much confirms the conception theory about anakin, with the exception being that it wasn't darth siddeous/palpitine that fathered anakin through the force, but his master, darth plagueis.

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