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review 2019-09-28 22:50
Velocity Weapon by Megan E. O'Keefe - My Thoughts
Velocity Weapon - Megan E O'Keefe

Wow, wow, wow! 

There's not a lot I can say about this book without giving away all the delicious twists and turns, do you'll just have to believe me when I say what starts off as an interesting interstellar tale turns into a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions just shy of halfway through. 

I loved the characters.  Sanda is an excellent main character as is her brother Biran, I enjoyed getting to know both of them and I'm pretty sure there's more to learn in the future.  I seen this book called twisty, but let me tell you, it's UBER twisty and I was just hanging on for dear life.

One of the subplots seemed incredibly out of place and I had no idea how it fit in to the main story... and to be honest, I don't think I fully get it even now, but I'm ready to find out.  *LOL* 

Look, I enjoyed the hell out of this book and recommend it to anyone who likes space adventure.  There's a cliffhanger at the end, of course, the whole damned book is filled with them!  But that's okay!  And it's killing me that I don't know when the next book is coming out!!

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review 2019-06-22 12:01
Eurovision in Space
Space Opera - Catherynne M. Valente

So exactly what it says, the Eurovision in Space only the first time you enter you have to not place last so your species survives. It's a bit twisted and idea driven but very interesting.


It's not a bad read but I'm not sure it's a Hugo worthy read.


Part of the Hugo read.  I now have read half of the nominees.  Two require I read others first and are part of the series nominees and the other is The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal.

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text 2019-06-11 13:45
Reading progress update: I've read 72 out of 304 pages.
Space Opera - Catherynne M. Valente

This is being a bit of a bear to read, I'm alternating reading it with others.  It's funny but it seems to be trying too hard, cohesively it's jumpy and there are funny moments but they pale in comparison to other funny writers.

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review 2019-06-08 01:11
Polaris Rising by Jessie Mihalik - My Thoughts
Polaris Rising (Consortium Rebellion #1) - Jessie Mihalik


Just about my whole Romancelandia Twitter feed was over the moon about this book.  Best thing ever!!  Kickass heroine!!  Awesome hero!!! Action galore!!  Romance!!  Sexytimes!! 


If you're looking for all those things, try the excellent Conspiracy of Whispers by Ada Harper.

So here's the thing, a 23 year old heroine who can do everything and get out of scrape after dangerous scrape, time after time, thanks to some training we're just hearing about that she had when she was young.  TWENTY THREE IS YOUNG!!!  She's just so darned perfect all the time.  No one is at that age, but seriously, this gal, who amusingly enough, is named Ada doesn't have a single fault or flaw.

And the hero?  Loch, who frowns and growls and grunts his way through the book until just about the very end where he declares his devotion to Ada.  But do we SEE this relationship kindle and grow?  Nope, we see a lot of hot sex and lusty glances and panting after each other, but aside from this overpowering physical attraction to each other, I don't think I saw much emotional growth. Loch is just a lump of growly muscle and abs as far as I can tell, one who seems to think that Ada belongs to him.  His property.  I can't tell you how that put me off every time it was mentioned - and that was a lot. 

The action.  Well, there was a lot of that, but it mostly spun the same way.  There's some trouble, Ada pulls out some great weapon or defense and manages to rescue them, much to Loch's amused surprise. Or, Ada gets captured, she's threatened with DIRE consequences, and by some special quirk of hers or SURPISE, growly man, she or they manage an escape.  There are politics involved by they're basically only given surface attention.  They could be very interesting and maybe we'll get there at some point in the series, but not here. 

Romance?  Not much here!  Mutual admiring of weapons and abs and lusty looks and thoughts and deeds and that's about it.  I don't know why Ada loves Loch and I don't know why Loch loves Ada.  I'm told they're in love, but... I have no clue why or how.

There were a few scenes I really liked.  The scenes where Ada, Loch and their friends plotted and planned and teased each other.  Felt a lot like Nora Roberts' gang of friends characters.  And that's my catnip, as they say.  *LOL* 

Of course we've been introduced to the next couple in the series, I'm pretty sure.  Ada's sister and her family's House security guy (who I think is one of Loch's friends, but that's in the future.)

Oh, and one last thing...  I found the characters very 2019ish as opposed to the hundreds of years in the future people they are supposed to be.  Just the way they spoke, the terms they used, it just all felt somehow contemporary to me. 

Anyway, I went into this with high hopes and was quite frankly, disappointed.  I don't understand what the huge fuss is about.  The basic ideas are good, but the execution and the meat of the story are lacking, in my opinion.  So it's another book that so many people found wonderful and I found it rather ordinary and pedestrian. 

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review 2019-06-06 16:08
Rezension | Saga 1
Saga 1 - Brian K. Vaughan,Fiona Staples

Meine Meinung


Die preisgekrönte Comic-Reihe »Saga« von Brian K. Vaughan mit Zeichnungen von Fiona Staples nimmt im ersten Band mit der Geburt von Hazel ihren Lauf. Bei der Grundstory hat Vaughan das Rad zwar nicht neu erfunden, dafür punktet er mit seinen abgedrehten und kuriosen Charakteren umso mehr.


Ziemlich schräg anmutet schon die Tatsache, dass die Geschichte aus der Perspektive des Mischling-Babys Hazel in einer Art Rückblende erzählt wird. So lernt der Leser ihre Mutter Alana, ein Wesen mit Flügen und ihren Vater Marko, ein Wesen mit Hörnern kennen. Die Eltern stammen aus zwei verfeindeten Spezies und befinden sich direkt nach der Geburt auf der Flucht vor dem seit Jahrzehnten herrschenden Krieg in der Galaxis. Die Verbindung zwischen Alana und Marko ist auf keiner der beiden Seiten erwünscht und so werden sie mit aller Kraft verfolgt.


Mit viel Kreativität spinnt Brian K. Vaughan mitreißende Episoden um das Regime, die Eltern und die einzigartige Beschaffenheit des Planeten. Die Handlung wird mit kuriosen Persönlichkeiten wie die des Baron Robot XXIII aus der königlichen Roboterfamilie, knallharten Kopfgeldjägern wie »Der Wille« und seinem weiblichen Pendant »Die Pirsch« bestückt und als wäre das noch nicht bunt genug kommen auch noch jugendliche Geister mit ins Spiel, von denen sich das Mädchen Izabel als Gegenleistung für ihre Hilfe bei der Flucht einen Job als Kindermädchen bei den jungen Eltern erkauft.


Die märchenhafte Aura der Geschichte um Elena und Marko wirkt durch die starken Protagonisten und galaktische Kampfszenen in keinster Weise kitschig. Dafür sorgen auch die knallharten und unmissverständlichen Dialoge die mit ihrer überzogenen Wortwahl für Schmunzelgarantie sorgen.


Der erste Band der »Saga« Reihe ist ein gelungener Auftakt zu einer schrillen und farbenfrohen Space-Opera mit galaktische gutem Unterhaltungswert. Die markanten Zeichnungen von Fiona Staples stellen die Charaktere in den Vordergrund und lassen was das Äußere und die Mimik der Darsteller betrifft nichts zu wünschen übrig. Die Hintergründe, Räumlichkeiten und Raumschiffe gehen durch den schemenhaften und minimalistisch gehaltenen Stil dabei etwas unter.




Ein abgefahrenes und buntes Space-Abenteuer der Extraklasse!

Source: www.bellaswonderworld.de/rezensionen/comic/saga-1-von-brian-k-vaughan-und-fiona-staples
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