I bought "Daughter Of The Blood" because I'd read and enjoyed a "Black Jewels" short story and because I'm a fan of her "The Others+ series
In audiobook format, "Daughter Of The Blood" runs for a little over sixteen hours. I made it to a little over two hours before setting it aside.
The ideas are original, complex and fascinating. I can see that it has the makings of a strong trilogy but it's not one I'll be reading.
The story was much darker than I expected. There is a sharp edge of sadism that cuts into the flesh of the story lightly but persistently, leaving thin rills of frustrated eroticism draining into my imagination. If this had been more skillfully done I might have run with it but much of the story in the first couple of hours was tell rather than show and I grew weary of being fed on backstory and foreboding rather than character and action.
The narrator of the story seemed unable to leaven the text but rather fell into a declamatory style that assaulted the ears and added nothing to the atmosphere or characterisation.
The main thing I took away from this book was how much stronger Anne Bishop's storytelling is now than when this novel was published.