“Oh, I’m sure it is crazy. But isn’t that our thing? Or have you gotten boring now?”
Dani had about thirty emails in her work inbox about the upcoming retreat. Of course people were excited they got to take their significant others and get in good with the boss. While the company would never call the retreat couples exclusive but the one they had a couple of years ago proved that being part of a duo meant more time with the boss and his wife. Wayne Bridges always bragged about how Bridges Marketing, Inc. was family friendly business. Medical bills for her grandmother were expensive. Mama was living in Florida and took over Dani’s grandmothers physical care as well as working long hours. DAni was helping as much as she could. When even her scholarships didn’t pay for college family had all chipped in but her grandmother Morales ad put in the most. Wes called and told Dani to tell him he didn’t have to go but they both knew he would even though his sister was having Wes’s ex fiance as a bridesmaid. Wes agreed to go to the retreat with Dani as her fiance if she went to his sisters wedding as his fiance. Wes was Dani’s best friend since college. It had been a long time since they seen each other. Of all the stunts they had pulled this one would take the cake. Dani was Wes’s favorite person to hang out with . Being with Dani was effortless. They liked the same jokes- she just him in a way no one else did. When something good or bad happened Dani was the first person Wes wanted to call, and it had been like that pretty much since they he’d met her. Dani had left North Carolina to be with Steve- her boyfriend and now they weren’t together, He had hurt Dani . Wes had felt the urge to punch Steve from day one, but he’d tried to get along with Steve for Dani’s sake. All of a sudden Dani seemed to be noticing Wes’s body and she always knew he was good looking. Dani decided whens he got back home it was time to put herself out there again and find someone to date. She had been alone to long. Wes borrowed an engagement ring from his friend Paul who’s girlfriend had left him before he could propose. Paul acted a little interested in Dani. Wes had never really liked any man looking at Dani in that way.
I loved this story. It was a fun, easy, read, with just enough angst in it. I loved Dani and Wes together and how they interacted together. Not sure why their kiss in college was so bad yet they had such hot chemistry maybe had something to do with Wes ‘s experience as well as they alcohol. I loved how close Wes was to his family and how Dani was determined to help her mom and grandmother. I loved the pace and plot of this story. I loved the ins and outs of this book as well as the characters and I highly recommend iit. But there were a lot of errors that should be corrected.
Jill was to get a quarter of her grandmother’s- Grammy- estate but will only get the money if she is married by her thirtieth birthday which was in two months. If Jill is not married the money will go to her grandmother’s favorite charity. Jill had been closer to her grandmother then her mother Deborah. Jill had a daughter named Emily who was seven years old who was very smart and went to a private school. Emily’s father- Jake- had not even stayed around to see what sex Emily was instead when Jill was in labor he stole her bank card and went to a casino. Every guy Jill ended up with just seemed to be garbage. Jill’s best friend’s were Mia and Kate. Jill was worried about keeping Emily at Brighton College Prep School. Jill wanted nothing more than to be out of her mother- Deborah’s and brother- Gage’s debt. They had been helping Jill for the last year pay the private school’s tuition. Maybe Jill had lost the ability to love. Then Jill let Kate talk her into a single’s speed dial social but that wasn’t going to well. Then Jill left the social to go up to the room Kate had said she was in when she knocked Aaron opened the door. Jill hadn’t seen Aaron in eleven years. Aaron had just got out of the army and was helping his father with his business until he started a job in D C.
I like this story a lot. It had my interest from the first page of this book until the last. But it did drag a little for me. I liked the plot and the pace for the most part. I loved Jill and Aaron together and how Aaron was with Emily. I was rooting for Aaron and Jill. I also thought Emily added a lot to the story and enjoyed her. I did feel this was a little unrealistic that all of sudden Jill are Aaron realize they are in love but still enjoyed it. I loved the characters and the ins and outs and I recommend.