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review 2016-02-22 23:07
Review: Garnethill
Garnethill - Denise Mina

Hey everyone! So, I'm back with a new post and it's going to be another review! Yay, I'm currently working through my fourth book for the month. So, for today I'll be reviewing "Garnethill" by Denise Mina. 




The Story is about a woman name Maureen O'Donnell who woke up on morning to find her boyfriend dead in her living room. She of course is the prime suspect to his murder, but she does all she can to clear her name. 


What I thought:


So, this story was quite interesting and I ended up liking it. There were a lot of moments where I  really wanted to punch a couple of characters square in their face. Like Maureen's mom Winnie, who is a bitch and a damn alkie. One of the detectives name Joe McEwan. There are plenty of more, but I don't want to go into full detail. Maureen's best friend Leslie and her brother Liam were likable characters. Liam more so, because all he wants to do is protect his little sister. Leslie does too and help Maureen out in any way she can.  


I kind of got confused on how the book was wrote and there were sentences that didn't seem right to me, but it could be just because the book is based in Scotland. I also, found myself annoyed at how somethings were written, but all and all it was a really good book and I really would recommend it. 



Well, that's it from me. It's a short post, I know, I had a crazy day! I'll be back on Wed with a new post. Until then, I hope you all have a great day/night where ever you are and I'll write to you all later!




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review 2013-10-16 18:45
Review | Garnethill, Denise Mina | 4 Stars
Garnethill - Denise Mina

As some of my more regular readers know, recently I've been making more of a foray into the swampland that is the mystery genre - and it is a common saying of mine that 10% of mysteries are great, 10% are terrible, and the 80% in the middle are just mediocre.


Garnethill is many things, but mediocre it is not (and neither is it bad). Denise Mina's debut thriller certainly has a few clumsy moments, but none that stopped me from flying through it at about 100 pages a day (this might not seem like much but when you're on the schedule I'm on, it really is).


I don't know what it is about the British Isles and Scotland in particular, but for some reason the best crime writers all seem to come from the same handful of cities. Maybe it's the Gothic castles or windswept moors or bleak, hopeless climate. I couldn't tell you why exactly, but I was more productive than I've ever been in my life the six months I lived in Edinburgh, and it seems to be a common trend.




Mina's Garnethill takes the reader into the dingy, hard-drinking city of Glasgow, and the apartment of Maureen O'Donnell, where her married therapist boyfriend has been tied to a chair in the living room and had his throat cut down to the bone. As soon as the police uncover Maureen's skethcy psychiatric history, she finds herself on the top of the suspect list and struggling to unravel the combined mysteries of who killed Douglas, why they did it, and for what reason he deposited £15,000 in her bank account the day before he died.


Maureen's amateur sleuthing (with the help of her drug-dealing brother and foul-mouthed biker-chick Leslie) leads her around in rapidly shrinking circles until she finds herself face to face with Douglas' murderer. It's a well-written, fast-paced thriller with a sharp wit and a sense of humor, but the real strength of the narrative lies in Mina's dedication to crafting diverse and believable characters. Between Maureen's far off-balance family, a team of out-of-depth police officers and the less-than-admirable echo of Douglas that haunts the apartment, you can't be bored for a minute.


But perhaps what's most worthy of praise is Mina's remarkable ability to handle issues as delicate as rape and familial abuse with a certain kind of finesse. No, she doesn't shy away from the ugliness and the horror of it, but neither does she exploit it for the sake of sensationalism. It's a difficult line to walk, but Mina does it frighteningly well and to great effect.


Of course, no novel is perfect. Garnethill is no exception. Mina's two chief stumbling blocks as a writer seem to be a proclivity for info-dumping and an inability to adhere to a third person close narrative perspective. Scenes are often interrupted by whole paragraphs of exposition and backstory clumsily shoe-horned into the narrative - and while the information is necessary for the reader to have, there would have been more graceful ways to convey it. Similarly, every five chapters or so the reader is unceremoniously yanked out of Maureen's head and shoved into the unfamiliar consciousness of another character. This kind of shifting perspective can be done and can be effective, but in this case it needed to be done more consistently or not at all. The end result in Mina's novel is jarring and uncomfortable.


That being said, these are the sort of mistakes to be expected in a first novel, and not enough to keep me from glancing at the clock each night and muttering, "One more chapter and then I'll go to bed." So if you're in the market for a mystery that doesn't pull cheap tricks or dismiss the necessity of character development, look no further. Garnethill is worth reading, and if it's not enough for you to get your fill, never fear. There are two more books in the series.


Find Garnethill on Goodreads here, or click here to buy it on Amazon.

Source: inkedoutloud.wordpress.com/2013/10/16/review-garnethill-4-stars
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review 2011-12-30 00:00
Garnethill - Denise Mina A good story, well thought through and executed, mostly (I took some small consistency issue with the scene where she finds out who the killer is). Glasgow appears interesting and a worthy context, making me consider visiting some of the buildings and sites mentioned, like the lightbulb factory in Renfrew, which sounds and looks amazing. The characters are hilarious and tragic at the same time (which makes them believable), and the subject matter is one that pre-dates and surpasses Stieg Larsson's treatment. I could not put it down and I will be reading the other two in the trilogy. More than a 3 star, as it is the best crime novel I have read all year, but not quite a 4, given my issues with that key scene.
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review 2008-01-01 00:00
Garnethill - Denise Mina "Eight long months of emotional turmoil passed as suddenly as a fart."

-Blah. Super slow and boring.
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review 1970-01-01 00:00
Garnethill - Denise Mina a speed read over the weekend to kill time and distract myself...not quite sure why i kept plowing through b/c again, the dialect drove me crazy...i never did discover what a "close" is...never connected with any of the characters, least of all maureen...the family was horrendous, her friends (save leslie) were horrendous...her brother is a drug dealer for crying out loud...can't even say the story had a nice twist b/c a minor character becomes the villain...i'm just sort of confused about the whole thing...
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