I didn't mean to just do my re-read in the middle like this, but I was stuck somewhere with barely any Wi-Fi and this book was already downloaded to my Kindle so I decided to re-read "Gunmetal Magic."
"Gunmetal Magic" follows Kate Daniels best friend Andrea Nash. This book follows the events of "Magic Slays." Andrea used to be a Knight of Merciful Aid. When it came out that she was a shapeshifter she was kicked out and left without a purpose. She also lost her boyfriend, Raphael Medrano when she chose the Knights over the shapeshifters. Andrea is now working with Kate at her investigative firm, Cutting Edge. Andrea still feels a bit adrift, but having a purpose is helping her feel more grounded. When some shapeshifters working at a dig site die, Andrea is called in to investigate. Too bad the dig site belongs to her ex-boyfriend. Ilona Andrews manages to make the overall mystery of who is killing the shapeshifters and why really well done. This book totally stands on it own.
Andrea has a lot of ambivalence about the Pack that the Beast Lord leads (Curran) and Raphael being the mother of the Alpha of Clan Bouda. Readers already know that Andrea was abused severely as a child since she was a "beast skin." Andrews gets into that a little bit more and you get to see a different side of a clan in this one which gave me the shivers. I can see why Andrea balked about joining any clan and why she was so focused on staying a Knight.
Andrea still has feelings for Raphael, but it looks like that bridge may be burned. We get a lot of scenes between the two and they finally have things out, it was really good and I always liked Raphael, but this book made me adore him a bit more.
We get some familiar character sightings, Kate, Curran, Derek, Julie, Aunt B, Jim, etc. What I thought was great though is that since the action is not focused on Kate and Curran, we are able to get more into the clan mindset in this one with their structure and purpose. We also get more commentary about what shapeshifter animals mean more too.
The writing and the flow was fantastic. The story felt a bit short though to me, I think though that is because we get a standalone Kate and Curran story. We get to follow these two who were up to their own adventure during the events of "Gunmetal Magic." And these two together always sing to me.
The world building was really good. We get another big bad in this one and we get to read about Egyptian mythology as well as some Norse and I think Native American as well.
The ending with Andrea was perfect and the Kate and Curran one finished with a nice punch as well.