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review 2015-06-15 22:26
Review: Thousand Nights - E. K. Johnston

Release Date: October 6, 2015
Source: ARC (BEA)
Published by: Disney-Hyperion

This is a SUPER early review, but that's meant to encourage anyone who has an ARC to read and review it and pre-order along with those who don't have one, and/or spread the word. Also, there will be no spoilers.

A Thousand Nights - E.K. Johnston | Goodreads

Lo-Melkhiin killed three hundred girls before he came to her village, looking for a wife. When she sees the dust cloud on the horizon, she knows he has arrived. She knows he will want the loveliest girl: her sister. She vows she will not let her be next.

And so she is taken in her sister's place, and she believes death will soon follow. Lo-Melkhiin's court is a dangerous palace filled with pretty things: intricate statues with wretched eyes, exquisite threads to weave the most beautiful garments. She sees everything as if for the last time.But the first sun rises and sets, and she is not dead. Night after night, Lo-Melkhiin comes to her and listens to the stories she tells, and day after day she is awoken by the sunrise. Exploring the palace, she begins to unlock years of fear that have tormented and silenced a kingdom. Lo-Melkhiin was not always a cruel ruler. Something went wrong.

Far away, in their village, her sister is mourning. Through her pain, she calls upon the desert winds, conjuring a subtle unseen magic, and something besides death stirs the air.

Back at the palace, the words she speaks to Lo-Melkhiin every night are given a strange life of their own. Little things, at first: a dress from home, a vision of her sister. With each tale she spins, her power grows. Soon she dreams of bigger, more terrible magic: power enough to save a king, if she can put an end to the rule of a monster.



This is the book to read if you want a Middle Eastern inspired fantasy. I confess: most of the time, Middle Eastern inspired work catches my eye, but I avoid reading it because I get overly critical. It's easier for me to feel like an American writing about the Middle East - well, while reading, I feel *that*; that, very rarely, do I get the sense that the culture is authentic and captures the Middle Eastern spirit well. I am not Middle Eastern, but all my relatives are, and I have grown up surrounded by this culture and wishing for it to be better portrayed. Also, I tend to avoid 1001 Nights retellings because if they are a romance, they often will romanticize the piece of shit king who's killing girls (often it's because of a curse, you see, the king is not a flawed douche, he only does what he does because he's forced to - a framework which not only romanticizes what happened but in blaming any flaws he might have on a "curse," also makes him a much less interesting character) and because of the inherent sexism of the framework (not only the killing girls but also feeding into the whole "Scheherazade is the *only* girl who could captivate the king;" she's not like the "other" girls who were too stupid and got killed). Another thing: most Middle Eastern mythology and folklore have a religious background. There's no avoiding references to God and the like, and yet many retellings do not get into the religious aspect (how can you be authentic to the Middle East if you don't get into the HUGE part religion has played? Yes, there are Middle Eastern atheists, but for the most part, religion is a HUGE part of every day life and has been for a LONG time) because that's a sticky issue and oh well.

This book addresses ALL OF THAT and more: stories have a power larger than life in A Thousand Nights. E.K. Johnston has written a retelling that is faithful to its original material but also something entirely of her own making.

The awesomeness of A Thousand Nights:

a.) The desert atmosphere / wonderful world building. Oh my god, if you want a book that will make you SINK into the setting, this book IS SO GOOD AT THAT. All the details make for such a lush setting and it was not at all surprising to learn that E.K. Johnston had spent time in Jordan. There are many details about the world inside the qasr and the clothing each character wears and the time period that also make it SO easy to fall into Johnston's wonderful writing. So authentic, so beautiful, so atmospheric. When I'm at home again and with my BEA ARC, I will try to remember to add a quote for y'all to see what I mean.

b.) The quiet strength of the main character. There's so much dialogue out there about what makes a female character strong, and how often times people will only perceive the "kickass sword-wielding" girl to be strong. No. The MC here is so strong, and it is an absolute treat to see her grow throughout the book, from the girl who would step in for her sister to the girl who would meet all the challenges presented to her, knowing that her death could come at any moment.

c.) The Middle Eastern feel. Point A helps, but Johnston, in her dialogue and characterization, also does well to capture Middle Eastern attitudes about family and life. One of the main points of 1001 Nights is the importance of stories, which is something Johnston also does well to highlight with her magic system, feminist themes, and inclusion of lesser known fantastical creatures from 1001 Nights. Something that has differentiated A Thousand Nights from its source material is the religious system that Johnston introduces (smallgods). This definitely helps with the themes and ME feel and desert atmosphere as well.

d.) This book is EMPOWERING. Johnston took an inherently sexist tale and gave the power back to the women who are not always mentioned. YES.

e.) Unlike most other YA out there. This book has the feel of a legend, and it is gorgeous and unlike many other things that I've read.

Not everyone will like this. It's written in a more literary style. The only name you are told for a long time is Lo-Melkhiin, which works within the framework to address the inherent sexism of 1001 Nights and the attitude in the fantasy world. Most people are thus labeled by who they are related to (e.g. "my father's father's father," "my sister," "my sister's mother"), which is also realistic to the Middle East (cc: all the men who are called "Father of -insert firstborn son's name here-;" I still don't know the name of my great aunt because they always refer to her as Imm George). It's also not very fast-paced and full of action but instead is a quieter tale, fitting within the framework and the atmosphere of the silent, cruel desert. I would recommend this to fans of CRUEL BEAUTY, but keep in mind that this has less romance and more internal focus on the setting and main character's growth. It reminded me of CRUEL BEAUTY because of the sisterly relationship, the way E.K. Johnston and Rosamund Hodge have written their retellings, and the focus on internal flaws, the monsters within.
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review 2014-01-29 20:48
Review: Alienated - Melissa Landers
Alienated - Melissa Landers

Ten Likes/Dislikes:

1. (+) Cara, the protagonist - So what if Cara's a stereotypical fiery redhead? I like her. I liked her a lot, and she reminded me a bunch of Scarlet. Cara likes to win and has a very competitive personality. She coaches the debate team, is the valedictorian at her school, and refuses to back down even when she begins to receive death threats because she's intensely loyal and stubborn, a natural fighter. To round out her passionate, strong personality are stunning moments of vulnerability that make it easy to connect with her.

2. (+) World-building - You learn a great deal about the differences between L'eihr and Earth via exposition between Aelyx and Cara, but it's smooth and never goes on for too long. There are also quite a few scenes where we're specifically shown the differences in their abilities like with Silent Speech/the L'eihr version of telepathy and Aelyx's generally arrogant behavior and ability to learn things so quickly. I mostly ignored the explanations about the science since a lot of it didn't seem too unrealistic, so if you're able to do that and go with the flow on the world-building, I think you'll be good.

3. (+/-) The Beginning - The beginning was confusing for me because Aelyx used a lot of L'eihr terms that I didn't necessarily understand or care about at the time, and it sort of fell over my head. It walked a fine line between inserting terms just so that I knew that Aelyx came from a different culture and intriguing me with regard to his plan and why he was determined to follow through with it. If you're having trouble with the beginning, maybe try to go on a bit further and see whether it gets better for you.

4. (+/-) Romance - Here's the thing: I thought the romance was cute and done well, letting the relationship between Aelyx and Cara grow from distrust/hatred to mutual respect to friendship to romance, but I wasn't entirely behind it because you know from the start what Aelyx is planning to do, and it's a shame that it takes him so long to finally admit it to Cara. It's realistic with his character development, his arrogance and beliefs about humans, but that meant that I didn't entirely like him as the romantic interest because that was always there for us to know. (Also I generally am not a huge fan of arrogant love interests). As a side note, the romance isn't just cute; there are definitely quite a few steamy/sexy scenes.

5. (+) Themes - This reminds me of the series theme in the Under the Never Sky trilogy: all about the importance of two different peoples learning to understand and accept each other. And the thing is, the way Landers portrayed the intolerance (and the acceptance) shown by both cultures felt real both in how it grew over time and the sort of actions people might take (though some are less logical than others, but hey, prejudice, right?). It seemed well thought out and while a tad heavy-handed, easy to discuss, adding another layer to an otherwise light science fiction romance.

6. (+) Plot - Although the plot is less focused on developing the side cast (e.g. Tori, Eric, etc.), it is good at providing surprises. The foreshadowing was done well, so that when a plot twist occurred, I was both surprised and able to remember exactly how Landers had set us up for that reveal. I'm excited to read the sequel because there's a lot of unanswered questions and some of the final plot twists make me anxious regarding thematic discussion, but hey, in general the book and its plot were plain ole entertaining.

7. (+) Humor - Down below I mention how the book reminds me of Rachel Hawkins' novels and that is mainly because of the voice. Cara's smart-ass humor and the teasing nature in the interactions between Aelyx and her brought a smile to my face many times, and I bookmarked a bunch of different pages for that reason. The line that did not amuse me was:

"...I'm going to the bathroom, not to Beirut. What horrible fate do you think's waiting for me in there? Death by toilet swirly?" (241; note: this quote is from an uncorrected ARC and may change later.)

Bah! (For those of you who don't know, I'm Lebanese-American). For a book that discusses the effects of intolerance, it seems really sad to have such a throwaway line about the Middle East, potentially propagating further stereotypes (not to mention some of the character stereotypes like the mean popular girl, but that's beside the point). I've been to Beirut. I've seen the damage that was wrought in the 2006 Hezbollah war with Israel, but a good portion of the city is not only stunningly gorgeous and repaired but also safe for tourists (it was, after all, once called the Paris of the Middle East. And it's going to host the Pan Arab Games in 2015, so it can't be completely dangerous if they're willing to let athletes travel there...) And yes, I know about the car bombing at the end of December, but ARCs had been made long before that happened, so to me that's not really justification. (Yeah, yeah, I'm taking it too personally, I know).

8. (+) Writing - Landers nails both teen voices really well, and does this in third person so it never feels like Cara or Aelyx get to be too much, too intense or whiney or angsty. This is why I said below that it reminded me of Anna and the French Kiss and Rachel Hawkins. It's got some of the angst in those romances while maintaining a light, peppy humor that makes the writing feel fresh and real.

9. (+/-) Pacing - What kept me from liking this novel more was that I'd felt a tad restless while reading. Sometimes it was due to Aelyx, as stated above, and sometimes it was due to the fact that I wanted more to happen. This book is paced well, allowing the romance between Aelyx and Cara to develop gradually while raising the stakes re: the hatred and intolerance that they face. However, I couldn't help but want a tad more action and conflict, and that's mainly where my dissatisfaction with the pacing comes from.

10. (+) The Cover - Minus the white-washing, this cover is good for portraying the light science fiction feel and the central romance that accompanies it. Plus it's so colorful, visually stunning in a way that'd stand out in a bookstore, and emphasizes the cultural differences between the L'eihr and humans.

I didn't expect to like this as much as I did, but this reminds me of a light science fiction version of "Anna and the French Kiss meets Rachel Hawkins." Adorable, fluffy fun but with an important theme.

Also, might I add that people who want more parental involvement in their young adult novels or more dynamic familial interactions will be pleased with this novel? Cara's parents are adorable, and I love that Landers provided an alternate depiction to what you normally see in the YA world.

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url 2013-01-16 21:21
The Darkest Minds Alexandra Bracken Book Review
The Darkest Minds - Alexandra Bracken

Oh. My. Word.

You guys, do not even TRY to hold me down while I fangirl flail over The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. It’s a little dystopia, a little sci-fi/paranormal, and I was feeling very “meh” about anything even RESEMBLING the dystopian genre, but WHOOSH, Alexandra Bracken whisked my doubts away.

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