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review 2019-01-31 02:27
Hooray for Reading Day! - Margery Cuyler,Arthur Howard

Hooray for Reading Day

Lexile Leveled: AD380L

This is a great book for younger elementary kids who have a fear of reading. This book shows that even when you struggle that you can overcome it and face your fears. In this little girls case her fear was reading but by the end of the book she loved reading. I would use this book in my classroom as a whole group reading to help them understand that reading is not something to be scared of and it is also something that takes lots and lots of practice.

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2018-11-02 23:00
Boy Meets Boy
Boy Meets Boy - David Levithan

Spoiler Alert: He fucks up and still gets the boy.




First thing I need to get out of my system: This book is so cute...

Second thing I need to get out of my system: I wish I could find a boy easy like Paul did... Like come on, he had two boys liking him and I'm struggling to get one boy to like me, like dayum boy. 

Third: This book is written so good, but this is David Levithan we're talking about here so that was expected. 


This book is about a boy named Paul, he used to date this boy named Kyle who wasn't sure about this sexual orientation, so when things started getting serious between them, he decided to end the relationship with Paul and started dating a girl to try prove a point. 

Paul was look at books when a gorgeous boy named Noah noticed him, they felt the connection so quick and before you know it, they're dating each other. 

Kyle begins to question his ways and wants to have a relationship with Paul and kisses him. This puts Paul and Noah in a hard place. While all this is going Pauls friends are going through some shit as well, like dating idiots that don't give a shit, having parents that are praying the gay to leave which is wrong and many other things. 


This book made me laugh at times and also question the parents that think it's okay to say they love their son for who he is but then pray for him because he's gay. 


Overall this book is so good! Highly recommend this book. 


A Strong 4/5 



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review SPOILER ALERT! 2018-11-01 23:00
Last Sacrifice - Richelle Mead

SPOILER ALERT: It's possible to change the dead, tasha you bitchhhhh.





So in the last book, everything changes. Rose breaks out of prison to not be killed basically. Dimitri goes with her. He aint dead no more. They kinda rekindle their love which I personally don't like. I liked her better with Adrian because he sounded so cool. I don't like the idea of a teacher student romantic relationship. whereas adrian was cool. 


Tasha Ozera didn't like the fact that Dimitri still loved Rose and was jealous so she killed the queen and pinned it on Rose because everyone knew that Rose didn't like the queen at all. To be honest though, I wouldn't like the queen either...


Christian and Lisa are so cute and they get back together. 


They prove that Rose didn't kill the queen which is badass. 


Lisa proves everyone wrong and becomes the queen thanks to a secret relative she didn't know she had also known as jailbait... aka Jill! 


The book made me feel a lot of emotions at once that I didn't know I had... So good! 


5 million starts out of 5 :)



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review SPOILER ALERT! 2018-11-01 00:49
To All the Boys I've Loved Before - JennyHan



Sorry i havent been on lately. I have started studying so I have not be able to write reviews so I'm going to write a couple and post them throughout the week!





To all the boys I've loved before is a book I read because there was a movie coming out. But I've always wanted to read this book ages a go but where I live, there isn't many books that are exciting like this book. 


I feel like I can personally relate to the main character in the book. Lara Jean is a character that's awkward, creative and is quite the girly girl. She's awkward when it comes to boys and what to do when they like her. I can relate so much hahaha. 


When Peter K wanted to fake date her, she was so taken back and agreed to do it anyway to make his ex girlfriend Gen Jealous. Scandal! But then they start falling for each other! 


Overall this book is corny but in a good way! It's so good! I loved how it is written!


Jenny Hann, my girl, you're an angel! 


5000000000000000/5 stars :) 



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text 2018-06-25 10:02
Birthday Wishes

My birthday is soon (by soon I mean in like a month and a bit)

I'm already so hyped because I'm going to treat myself to a new bookshelf that's bigger for my bedroom! It's gonna be so good! I have two small bookshelves and I have ran out of room! 


Just a random post I wanted to share with you guys hahaha 



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