My Thoughts - 4.5 out of 5 Unicorns - I like-loved it!!!
***I own 3 out of 5 parts and the other two were provided for an honest review.
Book 1 - Ward of the Vampire
I had the privilege to read Ward of the Vampire by Kallysten for an honest review. It is a short read only 44 pages, but I loved reading them. In this story Angelina works for Delilah as her personal assistant. There is a big party, and Delilah take Angelina with her. She meets Delilah’s brother Morgan who is the host and birthday boy. In only a few pages, you feel like you know that characters and that Angelina is talking to you about what has happened. I really hope there is more to come about Morgan and Angelina because I want to know what happens next. Kallysten tells a beautiful story and leaves you wanting more. :)
Book 2 - My Reluctant Warden
Ok I really liked this novella that is about 67 pages, but I wished it was longer and that I was able to figure out more about Morgan. Right now I’m not sure if Angelina is just dreaming or if Morgan is bipolar. I can’t stand that I have to wait to see what happens next, but I will :) I just may whine about it! :) Kallysten writing style is easy to read, and I like characters Angelina, Morgan, and Stephen. If you like paranormal romance with an unknown element, you will really like this story. It is keeping me guessing, not sure where it will go next.
Book 3 - Awkward Holidays
I really enjoy this series and love reading it. Kally’s writing style just makes it so easy to connect with Angelina. Morgan is confusing, but I think there is a story there that we will eventually learn about that will pull at our heartstrings and then I won’t want to slap him so much. Angelina’s parents pop in for a visit which makes things uncomfortable and challenging for Angelina and Morgan, you will definitely want to see how they rise to it. There is also a new person who I have decided is….I can’t describe what I’m feeling but pain should be involved. This was another emotional rollercoaster, and it was over much too quickly. I want the next book NOW, so I can see what happens next…Grrrr! If you love paranormal and Kally, you can’t miss out of reading this you will enjoy it!!! I need more Kally!!!
Book 4 - The Coward’s Way Out
This is the best of the series so far :) I loved everything except when it ended where I silently screamed NOOOOOOOOO!!! I’m a horribly impatient person and now I have to wait. It was the perfect place to end it, but Kally totally left us hanging. I have no idea what will happen next which is awesome but torture all at the same time.
Angelina is an awesome leading lady, and I love how Kally has her sort of narrating her own story. Kally’s writing is beautiful and gets you totally wrapped up in the story. Angelina is strong even when scared.
In this story, we learn epic amounts of information about Morgan and why he’s the way he is. We also learn quite a bit more about Stephen and how he came to work for Morgan. And Mother, well let’s just say I do not like her at all.
Book 5 - Homeward
When I started this series in February of 2013, it was before I knew what a serial series was. Kallysten was kind enough to share it with me, and I have bought most of the series, but for whatever reason, I never knew the conclusion was out. I stumbled onto it and bought it back in November. This is a complete serial series meaning you can buy the whole thing no waiting for the next part. This of course is for adults only because it does have quite a few steamy scenes.
I probably should have gone back and read the whole thing at once since it has been more than a year since I read book 4, but I didn’t :) Kally easily sucked me back into the lives of Angelina and Morgan. There is not action in this serial, but there is lots of drama and tension and threats of violence. She does a fabulous job making this story come alive where you can feel the characters pain, fear, and torment. This was the perfect ending to the serial though I had my doubts it was going to happen while reading.
I recommend this to fans of vampire romance who don’t mind when it comes in the form of a serial :)