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Search tags: Kane-Chronicles
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text 2016-01-28 03:01
Totally Should've Book Tag!

I wanted to do a tag blog so I decided to do this one! I've seen it floating around booktube a lot recently so why not? This tag was created by the amazing emmmabooks

1. Totally should've gotten a sequel

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith. I LOVED this novel so much. I read it in pretty much 24 hours, basically the span of the book. I would love for this book the get a sequel to see where the ship ends up. Do they stay together? What happens? 

2. Totally should've had a spin off series

Maximum Ride by James Patterson. This series is one of my favorites of all time. But that doesn't mean it has it flaws and one of the big ones: what about the others experimented on at the school? Yeah, sure we see a lot of them again. But what about that one winged girl at the end of book one? She is never mentioned again. I would love a book about her and some of the other mutants too maybe. 
3. An author who totally should write more books

Rainbow Rowell because I love, love her books like Fangirl and Eleanor and Park. I love her writing style so much, she's one of my favorite authors. And wouldn't it be awesome if she wrote a series? I would die.
4. A character who totally should've ended up with someone else

**Contains Spoilers for the Throne of Glass series, under the cut. You have been warned. 




I know, I know, the series isn't over yet...no one's exactly 'ended' up with anybody. But with the way that things are going by Queen of Shadows it seems like Aelin is going to be with Rowan. I'm still holding out hope for Chaol or Dorain because I really, really don't ship Aelin and Rowan. For me it's like more of a parabatai thing between them. They don't need to be together to have a really close relationship. But hey, maybe she will end up with someone else because Aelin was pretty much endgame with Chaol in Crown of Midnight and we all know what happened after that. 


(spoiler show)


5. Totally should've ended differently

More spoilers...yay! This time for Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan.


I think I speak for the majority of the fandom when I say this....that book was crap. Like what the hell was it even? It was not a series ender at all. House of Hades was far better then it. BoO totally should have ended differently. No Leo closure...really?? That needed to be changed. Percy never telling his mom that he was even like alive?? Ugh, there was more but it's been far too long since I've even thought of that book to remember. 

(spoiler show)

6. Totally should've had a movie franchise


The Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa. Omg, I love this series so much! It's one of my favorite of all times. I would LOVE for it to be turned into a movie franchise...that is if they do the movies correctly (Like 5th Wave...which was AMAZING). It would be awesome to see everyone in their roles as Megan and Ash and Puck. I would love it so much.
7. Totally should've had a TV show

Sort of a kidish one but...Warriors by Erin Hunter. Yes, the series about the cats. I think this would make a really great tv show! Animated, obviously. But I would be really cool and it already has a lot of fans that would support the idea (have you seen the fanbase for fanmade things on YouTube?).
8. Totally should've had only one point of view

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancy. Let me say one thing: I understand that having the multiple POVs is essential to the plot but let me explain. When I was reading this book and it switched from Cassie's POV to I think Ben's for the first time I was soooo confused until I realized it changed like four pages later. I mean at least put the name at the top of the page or something? I understand why there needs to be POVs but do it in a better manner Yancy, please. 
9. Totally should have a cover change

None??? I don't know. I looked at all the books I own and I couldn't find any that I would change the cover on. Maybe I'm just too nostalgic for original covers, I don't know. 
10. Totally should've kept the original covers

Confessions of a Murder Suspect Series by James Patterson. The Original cover was amazing! I loved it so much...the new covers...not really pretty? Plain?? Like why? It's like the Max Ride covers honestly. 

Original vs New

11. Totally should've stopped at book one

The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan. This series...ugh. I really hated it. I read the first book and couldn't finish the second one. I don't know what it was about this series that made me hate it so much. I actually really enjoyed the characters and Gods so it wasn't that. Personally (and I totally understand if you don't agree with me!) I believe that the series should have just like stopped  after the first book XD


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url 2015-11-19 22:34
The Guardian: Rick Riordan cheers end of book covers that 'whitewash' his black hero

“There is a very strong sense that black characters have been – and continue to be – left off book covers. The problem is widespread,” [Alexandra Strick, manager and co-founder of Inclusive Minds] said. “There have been many high-profile cases of characters actually changing colour completely, so described in the story as black but then appearing Caucasian on the cover. However, very often it’s more subtle than that, with the cover of a book about a non-white character often avoiding featuring a human face at all, or with the character featured in silhouette or even with their face turned away. Sometimes it’s a case of publishers asking that a character is ‘less dark’ almost as though mixed race is acceptable but somehow black skin isn’t.”


Click the title link for the full story.

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quote 2015-08-07 14:27
- Nulla si crea, nulla si distrugge ...-
- ... tutto si trasforma- concluse mia madre. - E a volte le trasformazioni sono per il meglio.-
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review 2015-08-07 14:25
E così, passiamo agli Egizi.
La piramide rossa. The Kane Chronicles vol. 1 - Rick Riordan

E' Natale. Di un anno imprecisato (o che la sottoscritta non è riuscita a cogliere).

Padre - un po' inquietante - e figlio - nerd senza speranza -, arrivano a Londra, per passare uno dei due giorni all'anno che gli spetta con la sorella più piccola, Sadie - adorabile irascibile adolescente-. Gita al museo, nonni che non ne vogliono sapere di passare del tempo col nipote maschio, padre sempre più inquietante. Fin qui tutto okay. Poi, il disastro. E che disastro! Magia, divinità che combattono tra loro e usano a proprio piacimento i corpi umani, mostriciattoli che nascono come statuette di cera, babbuini saggi e Anubi bello come il sole. Anubi! Il dio dei funerali con la testa di sciacallo!

La gioia pura, insomma! E no, non sono sarcastica ;)

Non so cosa mi aspettassi quando ho deciso, finalmente, di iniziare la mia avventura con i fratelli Kane: probabilmente qualcosa di illeggibile, qualcosa che mi avrebbe lasciato con l'amaro in bocca e una grande delusione dentro. E mi sbagliavo, ovviamente, perchè Rick Riordan non si smentisce mai. Amo i suoi dei, amo i suoi personaggi strampalati che mi fanno morir dal ridere e piangere allo stesso tempo. Amo la sua ironia, i titoli assurdi che dà ai capitoli e i guai che mette in scena! E anche con i Kane ci ha azzeccato!

Potrei elencare per ore le caratteristiche che ho amato di più di ogni singolo personaggio, dalla dolcezza di Bast alla furbizia di Set, ma non sarebbe comunque abbastanza per convincere chiunque a leggere questo romanzo. 

Non sarà un capolavoro letterario degno di Foscolo o che so io, ma va letto, perchè fa ridere, fa rimanere col fiato sospeso, fa mettere in moto persino il cervello perchè ci vuole del genio anche per incastrare tutti i misteri tra loro! E poi, davvero, c'è Anubi che flirta con Sadie! Siete sicuri di volervelo perdere?

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review 2015-01-19 12:41
The Red Pyramid
The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles Series #1) -

Unfortunately, I can't read this without comparing it to the Percy Jackson series by the same author. I did like it, but I've never been as into Egyptian mythology as Greek.

The series follows Carter and Sadie Kane. They are siblings raised apart after their mother's death, Carter with their dad and Sadie with the maternal grandparents. Their father is an Egyptologist and takes them to the British Museum of History. He also accidentally releases five gods on the world, one of which captures him and then implements a plan to destroy the world.

The siblings have to learn fast about their family history, abilities, and Egyptian mythology if they want to save the world and their father.      

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