I have to say that I am really struggling with this series as the series started out with a bang as the first couple of books were heart wrenching ,hot,and suspenseful with wonderful characters.
I have to ask myself what happen to this story.This story was emotionless, boring, lacking any real romance and if being honest almost identical to Lucy's story who also happens to be her Aunt.
Although this story is a work of fiction the plot for me needs to be believable in some form.
For me I can't even say that I liked the characters and I am not saying that I disliked them but, the fact is that we were not even given the chance to even get to know them.
Major Spoilers ahead!!!!
My main reasons for disliking this story.
One I understand instant attraction and feeling a intense connection to another even if you just met.What I don't believe is that Emma is already head of heels in love with Mikey.I totally believe she had a connection and feelings for the guy but, my problem stems from the fact that this girl grew up in a cult full of restrictions and had someone who controlled her entire life from the day she was born but, her actions portrayed in this story you would have never known she grew up this way.Would a person who grew up this way be afraid, sacred,skid dish ? You would think right? Not Emma! she was fitting into this new way of life that was 100 percent turn around from anything you could even imagine.The author had Emma enmeshed right in club life right from the get go going to a club party that happen to be a patch party to? Seriously ? A patch party who happens to be for Mikey's who she likes...We all know what goes on in those parties and I find it unbelievable that you would introduce a sheltered virgin this way trying to ease her into her new life after only one day of arriving.Not believable in my book not only that where was her Aunt's protective instincts in all this?
Emma over hears something distributing and just bolts from the club knowing full well people would be looking for her .This whole situation was just childlessness on her part , Now she is afraid of the club and its members? Emma's wondering if their dangerous or even good people ,Seriously? your already in love with one of them after two weeks and now you question your judgment? Seriously? again!
Another thing is that Emma spends a week at a purity house before her marriage is to take place once leaving she is told her entire family is dead and the man you were going to marry is dead too all within the week your away from them.She never questioned any of this or even questioned if any of this was a lie or was really true she just took it at face value.You had 16 siblings as well as a father and his wives and their all dead.All of them?
The Prophet stated that you were going to become his wife..... and you just turned him down....Right before entering the purity house ? See where I am going with this ......
Questions Questions Questions
Where was the romance or getting to know each other? Two dates and two weeks and your both in love ? Novella or not it has to have substance!
Last but not least you can just imagine what happened next because of her foolishness and nativity of leaving the clubs protection and then you go through a horrendous experience that most never would recover from she wakes and tells Mikey she loves him and life goes on like nothing happened.Seriously ?
Omg ! really where was the healing part? Emma acted like she wasn't tortured or even raped or had gone through and experience that just changed your life forever.
We will chalk it up to just not this book being my cup of tea.
Final thoughts
I hate not liking a book I am reading and I know that we can't love them all but, unfortunately I could not find one thing I liked about this story.And I am disappointed to as it happens to be part of on ongoing series but, for me we basically already read this story that was Lucy's but, that story at least had depth,romance,suspense and was heart wrenching and we experienced her healing process and how she dealt with it and it touched our emotions or heart like a story should.
My thoughts here are not about bashing a authors work as I have a greatest respect for the time and energy and the hours it takes a write a story for us to love.I wasn't even going to put my thoughts down as I don't like leaving negative reviews as its not my style I just rate it and leave it a that but, I realized that this novella was 3.99 for only 80 pages and had this not been an arc to review but a paying customer I would have not been a happy customer not only that I would not have paid 3.99 for a novella only 80 pages even if it was part of a series I am currently reading . For 3.99 novella only 80 pages I should have be wowed or it should have me saying OMG ! what and awesome story. I personally would have waited for a sale to arrive.
For me this MC gene is one of the top genes out there and millions of people are reading it and it is filled with so many amazing authors.That being said I think that a author needs to keep that in mind when writing their own stories and they need to compete with them to sell their work and not just through a book together and call it a novella.I have no problem with them as not all characters need full stories but, they have to have some sort of substance to them for us to enjoy them.
No matter how many MC books you read and how different they can be from one book to the next their are always things that stay the same with what goes on in a club and how it is run.The whores are part of club life ( sex sex sex and more sex and public fuc**** ) club business stays club business, your word and loyalty are your bond, your brothers are your family and you protect your women at all cost(well the majority of them) and so forth.What I am getting at is that I have read over 800 mc novels and like me and like the others that have read them there is always guidelines on how a club is run and what goes on within its walls and things we have come to expect whether you run your club clean or dirty when reading a mc romance.Your stories need to be believable to an extent although they are fiction they need to make some sort of sense and be plausible.This is why I had so many problems with reading this story as it was just TOO unbelieve-able for me to enjoy it.
For me to enjoy a story it has to have characters for us to love or a least like,have a great cast of characters, connect with the character or character's to a point,laugh,cry or feel emotion and have a great romance story between the couple the hotter the better but, if its pure and endearing and not earth shattering that okay too and it needs to be some what believable make sense and be plausible.Better yet create a story that we will want to read over and over again.
2 stars