I love the fact, that A Silken Thread is mostly a historical fiction book with a little bit of romance. The author does a really good job of telling a story though three main characters. The story is based around the Cotton Exposition of 1895. We learn a bit about what life a bit after the civil war and what life is like for southerners.
Their a story about African American and whites though out the story. Though we have a bit of story with a fourth character as well. Laurel is looking for someone to love her and find maybe find love along the way. She applies to be a weaver in the silk room.
Willie applies to the Cotton Expostion for he want to help pay for his fathers hospital bills and to help him get better. Willie friend Quincy has gotten a job their as well. We also have Langdon. What the author show though out the book is how world is viewed between each character. She does a well job of it.