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review 2019-10-06 16:08
On the Banks of Plum Creek - Laura Ingalls Wilder,Garth Williams

- Nous devons faire de notre mieux, Laura, et ne pas rechigner. Ce qui doit être fait est mieux fait de bon cœur.

- Charles, dit Maman, réjouissons-nous d'être en bonne santé, en sécurité, bien au chaud et avec assez de nourriture pour tout l'hiver et ne pensons pas à ce que nous n'avons pas.

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review 2019-02-02 00:15
Little House on the Prairie
Little House on the Prairie - Garth Williams,Laura Ingalls Wilder

Reading level and Leveling System:

Guided Reading: Q

Lexile Measure: 760L


This book was my first favorite book during elementary school. Laura Ingalls and her family are heading to Kansas. Leaving behind their home in the Big Woods of Wisconsin, they travel by covered wagon until they find the perfect spot to build a little house on the prairie. The family must soon get to work, farming and hunting and gathering food for themselves and for their livestock. Along with the new adventures in the land it also has it dangers, from wolves to Indians. Will the Ingalls move from this land too? This book could be used while discussing pioneers or about traveling on a wagon train. A great activity for this book would be a Lapbook. A file folder is folded and turned into a book with a cover that can be decorated with a picture that describes the book. On the inside of the file folder, it includes information from the book. Including the characters, conflicts, the climax, how the conflict was resolved, and new unknown vocabulary words. 


 Little House in the Big Woods Lapbook 

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review 2018-09-04 00:38
Little House on the Prairie
Little House on the Prairie - Garth Williams,Laura Ingalls Wilder

Lexile Level: 760L


Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder is a classic book that details a girl's life living on the prairie of Kansas during the late 1800s. The book could be introduced to students who are naturally interested in American history and who may want to know what life was like during this time. This would be a great book for upper elementary students to read independently as it belongs to a series of books.Teachers could also introduce this book during history lessons to give students a personal connection to the content. This book could be read aloud to teach vocabulary in context or to teach students how to use context clues to make inferences about to meanings of unknown words or phrases. 

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review 2018-07-30 03:33
A year through the eyes of a long ago girl
Little House in the Big Woods - Garth Williams,Laura Ingalls Wilder

Two things about this cute classic:


It makes you incredibly hungry almost every chapter. Which is fitting for a people struggling daily to get, prepare and store enough of it according to the season.


Building from the point above, beyond the morality bits, it is quite the how-to manual on survival without tech. If the apocalypse comes, THIS ONE is the book you want.


No, wait, three: The illustrations are lovely.





They could not be forgotten, she thought, because now is now. It can never be a long time ago.



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text 2018-07-21 21:08
Reading progress update: I've read 30 out of 224 pages.
Little House in the Big Woods - Garth Williams,Laura Ingalls Wilder

Oh my God! This is making me SO hungry!!

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