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Search tags: Metaphysical-Fiction
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review 2016-05-25 09:50
The Locksmith's Secret- Tahlia Newland

   This is a total standalone that builds on the character Prunella Smith, who appeared in Tahlia Newlands earlier metaphysical, mixed genre delight, "World Within World's". This one is again a weave of differing themes and stories that interlink based around the thoughts, life and writing of the author Prunella Smith. Each of the main story elements would work as independent short stories. These superficially independent threads are spliced together into one mystical reality. The binding themes are ultimately metaphysical. Each of the four main plotlines run as strands in Prunella's possible past and certainly present being. Actually the book reflects, openly from a deeper level, many elements of Newlands real life that are flickering away in the background. Prunella isn't Newland, but she might be in some parallel existence. The Australian bush, cats, steampunk, crafts and Buddhism continually bounce around the complex reality that is the real author. All fiction carries some sense of the author. This one does everything but try hiding the connectivity. The beating heart of the book is classic romance, which is always, quite unavoidably, deeply personal. Possibly I'm not even deep enough yet, because there is another even stronger binding theme than romance, that being of female emancipation and the associated problems of finding real psychological independence from cultural and emotional ropes that affect all of us.

   The point of the book, as I read it, is that Newland is exploring different aspects of herself, not through introverted memoir but rather through extrovert expression in her layered fictional plot inventions. We have Newland herself, Prunella, Nell and Daniela, all giving us insight into each other and into one spiritual female whole. The stories strongest plot protagonist is also female, though, classically, true evil only rests in a male persona. We must excuse that device, as that is a more than fair reflection of the physical worlds in which most of us have always lived. The relative weaknesses and strengths of the sexes are after all the whole social history of mankind. The book is about both spiritual and physical emancipation. Male readers need not be put off by this review. We generally come out of these stories well. The romantic spirit wins through, but not without clear reflections from real life.
   This is a beautifully written and intelligently crafted book. It is at once, spiritual, contemporary, historical fiction, a steampunk thriller, speculative fiction, philosophical and a social commentary, and above all else, a classic romance. We are still in worlds within worlds, such that at finish I'm not sure if some sort of spiritual 'Buddhism' is driving the author, or the author is demonstrating her own magical realism. You may have to read several of Newland’s books before you can make any deep judgement. I've read them all and still can't be sure.


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review 2015-02-05 19:15
Adima Rising
Adima Rising (The Adima Chronicles Book 1) - Steve Schatz

“Results are in the future. Intention is in the moment."

Source: www.absolutelovepublishing.com/#!adima-rising/c1tlv
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review 2012-06-24 18:48
Desert Journey
Desert Journey - Jerry Burgener Absolutely loved this book, I was completely hooked from the start and found it extremely difficult to put down. This is one of them books you just do not want to end, WOW! Such an easy flowing read and one mans quest to find true happiness and his true self is utterly believable. On a horse trek around Spiritual Mountain Jerry is gently guided by the hands of fate to an encounter with a wise old Indian named Tom unbeknownst to Jerry, Tom is his spiritual friend from many past lives and his spiritual mentor on his life's journey, they have shared many lifetimes together and made an agreement a long time ago to find each other to help reach their fullest potential. As they sit overlooking the valley Jerry is asked what his most important goals in life are, his reply is to be happy and to learn what it is that he needs to know from this lifetime. The answer is very simple 'To be in the Moment', Tom replies. Tom agrees to teach Jerry only on the condition that he writes all about what all they have talked about in their many times together for people to enjoy and learn from. The only drawback to the book is that you can not actually sit on the edge of the mountain with them to share the wonders and solitude of the valley although the book describes it so very well you almost feel as if you are there yourself. Tom begins to teach Jerry the spiritual lessons he requires, these are very clear and gives the reader a great awareness to life's real important lessons, extremely clever story writing by the author. I could write an absolute page upon page but some of the points are that your own perspective on an identical situation can change it from a negative to positive everything happens in life for a reason and for lessons to be learnt, we should take a step back from life events and look at the wider picture from our past and present lifetimes realizing that each event is another opportunity and isn't as important as we think - some people come into our life for a purpose and once that is met they may go on to other things. Also that fear leads to negative feelings and therefore what you are actually thinking about you can bring about, when our emotions are high the signals we send to others make them easier to be picked up and influence their behavior towards ourselves. One sentence that made me think was that when someone acts in a way that irritates us it is usually because we have it in common but are unable to see it in ourselves, I'm going to have to remember this for the next time it happens. A fantastic story in its own right with self discovering special messages to be read and learnt. This is one book that I could and probably will read again and again. I cannot rate this book highly enough, loved it !!
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review 2012-03-15 14:16
The Alchemist
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho Frankly, I never understood the phenomenon of this book. It's readable, but not nearly prophetic or amazing enough to warrant such interest... ... or maybe I'm too stupid to get it ;)
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review 2012-03-12 15:08
Second Glance: A Novel
Second Glance: A Novel - Jodi Picoult Meine Meinung Titel und Cover: Second Glance ist der Originaltitel was sicher nicht soo treffend wie jetzt der deutsche Titel. Der sagt für mich doch sehr viel mehr aus. Das Cover gefällt mir sehr gut, lässt es die Emotionen und die Atmosphäre durchscheinen. Der Blick der jungen Frau ist traurig aber gleichzeitig auch sehnsüchtig wie ich finde und das passt sehr gut. Ihr werdet es sehen wenn ihr das Buch lest. Schreibstil Erst kam ich nur schlecht ins die Geschichte rein, nicht weil der Schreibstil schwierig war, der ist wie gewohnt flüssig und ohne grosses Geschnörkel, klar und direkt, sondern im ersten Teil beschreibt sie diverse Personen, die man aber irgendwie nicht zusammen bringen kann. Das wird aber bald besser und man kann das Buch flüssig zu lesen. Ich find da sie immer sehr interessante Themen aufgreift würde das romantische geschnörkel auch nicht passen. Die Geschichte Die Autorin hat dieses mal ein historisches sehr heikles Theme mit etwas paranolmalem und Mysterie gemischt und ich finde, es ist ihr sehr gut gelungen. Das heikle Thema ist Eugenik, das in Vermont in den 20er und 30er Jahren im letzten jahrhundert in Kanada nicht nur diskutiert sondern auch praktiziert wurde. Verpakt ist diese geschichte in eine Geistergeschichte, eine Liebesgeschichte im Heute und der Vergangenheit. Die Autorin schafft es die verschiedenen Personen und deren geschichte zusammen zu führen und am Schluss alles aufzulösen, denn man denkt zwar immer mal wieder jetzt hat mans, aber das stimmt nicht ganz und so bleibt die Geschichte immer sehr spannend. Personen: Ross Wakeman ist ein liebenswerter aber doch tiefst trauriger, labieler und gebrochener Mann. Er sieht kein Sinn mehr im Leben, ändert seine Einstellung aber dann weil ein Selbstmordversuch nicht klappe und such nach Geister, eigentlich nach einem bestimmten Geist, nämlich der seiner Liebsten. Shalby, Ross Schwester und alleinerziehende Mutter eines 9 jährligen Jungen, Ethan. Nicht nur das sie sich um ihren bruder kümmert und immer für ihn da ist, muss sie sich auch ganz besonders ihrem Sohn widmen denn er hat ein Gendefekt und zwar nennt sich diese XP. Wie man sieht, eine starke Frau die für alle da ist, die aber niemand hat der für sie da ist... Eli, der Ditectiv der auf Anfrage von Ross den Mordfall aus dem jahre 1932 noch mal neu aufrollt, auch er ist ein Einzelgänger nach dem seine Frau ihn verlassen hat. Denkt das er nie mals mehr wirklich lieben kann bis er Shelby begegnet. Es gibt auch noch mehr Leute die wichtig sind in der Geschichte, Personen aus der Vergangeheit wie Gray Wolf, Cissy und Spencer Pike, Ruby H.E. Perkins. Und vielleicht versteht ihr jetzt warum ich schwer in die Geschichte rein kam, denn die vielen Personen werden eben erst nach und nach zusammen geführt. Mein Fazit: Wieder ein Buch mit einem interessanten Thema das die Autorin gut recherchiert hat. Ein Buch das nicht nur zum Zeitvertreib gelesen werden sollte sondern zum nachdenken anregt. Meine Lieblingstelle: Ross hatte so viele Jahre nach irgendetwas gesucht, und nie zuvor war ihm klar gewesen, dass das Finden vielleicht nicht so wichtig war wie die Suche. Ein leben wurde nicht durch den Augenblick des Todes bestimmt, sondern durch all die anderen Augenblicke, die man gelebt hatte.
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