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review 2017-05-09 14:57
Nine-Tenths of the Law by L.A. Witt

L.A. Witt - Nine-Tenths of the Law CoverTitle: Nine-Tenths of the Law

Author: L.A. Witt

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (250pgs)


Publisher: L.A. Witt (15th March 2017)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: “I believe you have something of mine, Zach.” The stranger’s accusation throws Zach Owens for a loop. He’s never seen this man in his life, and he’s not prepared when he finds out what they have in common—their boyfriend, Jake.  Make that ex-boyfriend. With the jerk out of the picture, Zach hurries after the stranger to apologize… which quickly leads to some sizzling hot revenge sex. Despite starting on the wrong foot, Nathan Forrester can’t get enough of the sexy movie theater owner. Still, he’s jaded and distrustful—especially when Jake keeps materializing in Zach’s presence despite Zach insisting that relationship is over. With a devious ex-boyfriend trying to sabotage their fledgling relationship, Zach and Nathan need to learn to trust each other, or they’ll both wind up with nothing. This 61,000 word novel was previously published, and has been revised to include an extended ending.

Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nine-tenths-Law-L-Witt-ebook/dp/B06XNTJZ28

Review: Zach’s night looks to be a disaster when he is confronted by his boyfriends other boyfriend, leaving his now ex-boyfriend behind he hurries after the stranger and Zach’s night suddenly looks up with a hot bout of revenge sex. Nathan is bitter about his ex’s betrayal but he can’t get Zach out of his mind, and they embark on a rebound fling… but it soon gets more serious between them.

This is a great story of finding love in an emotional turbulent time, where love is developing but lack of trust is rearing its ugly head.

Nathan and Zach in a fleeting moment are rivals, they both are seeing the same man, Jake, Nathan for four years and Zach for six months before they both discover the truth and they both walk away from the man who betrayed them. Nathan has a hard time letting go of the broken trust and as he begins a relationship with Zach he finds it difficult to believe Zach when he says he’s working late… especially when Jake is feeding his fears.

I liked this story and enjoyed watching as Nathan and Jake both embarked on a relationship together, they were a hot couple and meshed well together when they are together. When they are apart though Nathan’s fears of betrayal claw at him and it leads him to some stupid arguments with Zach. Zach is pretty easy going for the most part, he’s bounced back from Jake’s betrayal and now just wishes the pain in the arse would stop bothering him and that Nathan would trust him 100%.

Whilst I enjoyed the story I do think Zach could be a little bit more understanding of Nathan’s feelings, it’s really not easy to trust when it’s been shattered and unfortunately it usually does carry over into the next relationship, especially when your ex is feeding that paranoia. I also got a little annoyed at Zach for continuing to play to Jake’s tune by answering the man’s phone calls and agreeing to see him… he should have just cut off all contact.

So there’s a relationship developing, some angst and drama, and lots and lots of hot sex, the storyline is good and the characters are great, so really what more could you ask for?

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review 2014-02-11 12:33
Holding on to Love by Sid Love
Holding on to Hope - Sid Love

3 - 3 1/2 Hearts


Review written for MM Good Book Reviews Click on link to take part in author Giveaway (Contest open till 28th February 2014)


Leslie’s best friend, Bradley, has saved himself for the man of his dreams and he finally finds him on Valentine’s Day. Bradley falls head over heels for the man but all Bradley can remember is the fantastic sex, and with the little clues he can remember he convinces Leslie to help him track the mysterious man down. Leslie isn’t thrilled but helps her friend and when Bradley heads into danger as he searches for his perfect man, Leslie isn’t sure if Bradley’s perfect man really is perfect.


This is a great little short story that takes Vampires back to being the scourge of the Earth; it gives us a fresh twist for the dhampir’s and it has a love story with a forgotten man and a desperate search for true love. Brad seems to be a character full of life and when it comes to the love of his life he strives for perfection, when he half remembers the night before he knows that his perfect man is within reach. Ronan wants what Brad could give him but the danger is too great so he does what he has to do to keep Brad safe, even if it means being forgotten.


This story has great potential which was missed out on because of character perspective; the paranormal storyline could have been much more exciting and effective if the perspective had shifted to the characters directly involved. The love story aspect was really good (but again slightly missed its mark with character perspective) with two men longing for the other but circumstances preventing their love from being fulfilled, with Ronan always having to watch as Brad walks away forgetting him and Brad always longing for his perfect man, never knowing he had already met him.


So I should let you all know that this story is all from Leslie’s perspective which I found dampened the story, we never once really get any emotions or feelings off either Brad or Ronan; what we get is Leslie’s interpretation of their feelings and I also felt like I was missing out on the paranormal aspects of the story because it was from Leslie’s view point. Never once did I feel the rush of emotions that Brad must have felt about finally finding his perfect man, I didn’t feel his despair over not remembering his face and I never felt the fear he must have felt over the situation he found himself in… and all that was also mirrored by Ronan… I felt cheated by only having it from Leslie.


I recommend this to those who love the paranormal, an interesting paranormal storyline, a new relationship with a twist, brilliant friends, and looking at a new relationship from the outside.

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review 2013-12-14 21:16
Lasting Damage by R.G.Green
Lasting Damage - R G Green
3 1/2 - 4 Hearts
Review written for MM Good Book Reviews
This story is part of a series and is best read in order. Tyler is surprised and wary when he is approached by Lieutenant Danny Baxter to help investigate a murder, the police believe they know who the killer is but the victim’s brother is convinced they are wrong and puts pressure on them through The Wheaton Brigade and Madison Huff. When Tyler takes the case he finds himself back in the sights of Huff and he gets distracted when Sean starts to receive unwelcome messages. Trying to work out who is targeting Sean fizzles out when there are no suspects but Tyler knows the threat is real. But danger comes to both of them when the murderer sets his sights on Tyler and the man who threatens Sean acts.
This story picks up about six months after the end of When Past Becomes Present with Tyler and Sean happily living together. Tyler is drawn into a murder investigation when Danny asks him to have a look, discreetly, at the victim’s brother’s claims of the suspected killer’s innocence. When investigating the murder brings him to Huff’s attention again he is furious but has other concerns when someone seems to be targeting his beloved Sean. As you might remember Tyler is very protective of Sean and he will do anything to keep his man safe especially after the events in When Past Becomes Present, Sean is again in the background but brought to the forefront when danger lurks from someone who is bitter and seeks revenge.
The second you start reading this story you are thrown into an erotic love scene between Sean and Tyler, it reminds us just how deeply these two men love and how they love showing each other that love. Their relationship is still very much front and center throughout this book with the hot sexy phone calls and their inability to be in the same room without the need to touch and love on each other, their care and concern are on every page and the sweet moments between them are to be cherished, while the hot moments are to be drooled over. Their relationship is the best thing about this book with the mystery of the murder and the stalker coming in a tight second, Huff’s involvement in the story will have you grinding your teeth and thinking Tyler should get a medal for not killing her.
You get pulled into this story from the first page, lulled by the erotic sensuality before being introduced to the dark side of Wheaton City and a murder that is based in jealousy. Tyler is again our star with his supporting cast being put to good use when they are needed most, Danny, Mark and Scott making this story more filled out while Sean adds the hot spice and terrifying worry. The investigation itself is interesting but Tyler keeps getting distracted with what is happening with Sean and Huff’s irritating interference. There’s danger that comes from two fronts, one of which you know is coming as you see through this persons eyes as they plot and plan.
I recommend this to those who love established couples going forwards with life, who loves mystery and danger, who love sensual passion, who love great characters and adore happy endings. 
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review 2013-12-14 21:02
Indebted by A.R. Hawkins
Indebted - A.R. Hawkins
4 Hearts
Review written for MM Good Book Reviews
Aaron’s life began to fall apart when his mother died, he dropped out of med school and he feels guilt for failing. Now his father is playing on his guilt and is making him pay the price for his father’s outstanding loans, Aaron has to pay the loan with his body and he can only pray that the Mafia loan shark won’t make him pay a higher price. Liam has been groomed into his position by a power hungry father, forced into a life he never wanted, accepting Aaron’s offer isn’t the way to do business but it gives him some release. With their mutual attraction burning bright they realize that a weekend will never be enough, but Liam’s enemies won’t leave Aaron in peace and Liam has to come up with a way to protect Aaron and keeping them both alive.
Ohhhh a Mafia enforcer falling for a poor guy forced to pay his father’s debts and the poor guy accepting the Mafia enforcer warts and all, soooo romantic. Aaron is a sweetheart who couldn’t cope when his mother died and dropped out of med school, he feels guilt over the money spent on his education that was wasted and his dad uses that guilt to full measure. Liam is a great man who is stuck in a life his dad dragged him into, he accepted his fate but longs for something different. When these two guys meet the sparks fly and they begin a hot relationship but Liam’s enemies try to make Aaron pay a price and Liam comes up with great plan to get out of the life.
We see this story from both Liam’s and Aaron’s point of view so we get to know both characters really well, we see how both of them got to be in that office the first time they meet and we follow along as they fall in love. Aaron’s character is one that sees beneath the surface of Liam’s veneer, to the honest caring man underneath the brutal enforcer and Aaron opens his heart to that man. Liam’s character is one that wants more from life but until Aaron came along he never pushed for it, Aaron has him striving for peace and safety instead of violence and money. They make a fantastic couple who are perfectly suited and through Aaron’s eyes we see Liam for who he really is.
While reading this story I was expecting the usual ‘enforcer goes to the other side for love’ but got a very nice surprise with Liam’s solution. I was also really enjoying Aaron’s attitude to Liam’s life, instead of demanding Liam gets out of the life he warily accepted Liam’s life and friends. This is a very good story which I enjoyed for not having rose-tinted glasses, there’s violence that doesn’t apologize and men who are what they are. The sexual element of this book is hot from the very first encounter and neither Liam nor Aaron give a damn about how their relationship started, with sex as payment for a very large debt. This is a great story that is slightly gritty, with danger and callus men but with a strong thread of love throughout.
I recommend this to those who love Mafia enforcers finding love, violence and danger, enemies dishing out retribution, protecting your love, loving someone no matter what and a wonderful ending. 
Source: mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com
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review 2013-12-14 20:27
Christmas Kitsch by Amy Lane
Christmas Kitsch - Amy Lane

4 1/2 Hearts


Review written for MM Good Book Reviews


Rusty has always gotten everything he wanted without even really trying, he might be expected to follow in his father’s footsteps but he fully admits to being the stereotypical dumb jock. When he meets Oliver his views begin to change, he wants more than to go into his father’s business, he want to do something that makes him happy. Oliver is out and proud, he’s from the wrong side of the tracks and his best friend puts himself down. Kissing Rusty is one of the best things he has ever done and being there for Rusty as he struggles through his first semester at Berkeley keeps him hoping that Rusty will wake up to his true feelings. Rusty heads home for the holidays knowing just what he wants but his parents have very different ideas, when he finds himself tossed out on the street it’s Oliver and his family who help him back on his feet, but can Rusty accept the love that Oliver offers or will his stubborn pride keep them apart?


This is an incredibly wonderful story where a young man finds himself and sets out to live his life in happiness and accepting that family is more than who you are born to. Rusty is a character who is easy to fall in love with, he has no illusions about himself and knows his limits, although he is very hard on himself and self-disparaging. Oliver is a lovely young man who guides Rusty as much as he can to recognise his feelings and to also buff up Rusty’s confidence. They make a perfect couple who have the usual teenage problems involving pride and confidence, but their support of each other is heart-warming.


We follow these two young men as they make friends and develop a friendship that can and does stand against pressure. Rusty is oblivious to many things around him but finds that he has much more going for him in a world he makes for himself, rather than the world his parents want for him. His relationship with Oliver is the cornerstone for all that he wants to build and we see his heartache as he strives to be something he isn’t, we see Oliver and his family pulling around Rusty as his own parents turn their back on him and we see Rusty blossoming into a man to be proud of. Rusty and Oliver’s relationship is an incredible one, they have their ups and downs but it is all based in love and when they are together it makes you smile.


I adored this story, I couldn’t put it down. I wanted to know what would happen to these two young men as they faced life with love from one side but disapproval from the other side. The story is from Rusty’s point of view but you get to know Oliver perfectly through Rusty’s eyes and Rusty is an honest character, there’s no false pretences in him so what you see is what you get. The story is written perfectly, the characters come to life and it is a storyline that happens all too often in real life. You get behind these two young men cheering for them as they build their lives, you feel their heartache, pain and disappointment, their confusion and hurt, their love and happiness and their dreams of the future.


I recommend this to those who love young adults starting their lives, fantastic characters, wonderful family, new blossoming love and an incredible ending.    

Source: mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com
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