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review 2016-12-26 22:22
SG - Suicide Game - Haidji

Haidji's writing style is unique, to say the least. Yes, she is a writer, but she is also an artist and her writing has a style I have never before encountered. Not only do you get an amazing story, but you get a story that is told in a beautiful, lyrical fashion. Her words paint beautiful pictures in your mind, sometimes these pictures have stories of their own.


In this we read a story set in the near future. A new game has become crazy popular. In this game the participants know they will most likely not come out alive. Sound like The Hunger Games, it has some similarities, but don't go into this expecting a readalike. 


And the candidates jumoed, all at the same time, still hearing the echo of the bell's sounding, mas the Hare Krishna mantra started again.


In their homes, in front of the TV, holding their their mobile devices,and even in the Stadium, people jumped, standing up, caught in the adrenaline rush of the moment, as the bell rang out.


Free falling bodies. After twenty meter free fall, some wires broke, and the bodies continued down, falling on the Stadium ground, where dumb screams where muffled by the sound of the Hare Krishna mantra.



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review 2016-11-03 10:48
SG - Suicide Game by Haidji
SG - Suicide Game - Haidji




 Eight thousand candidates sign up for the Suicide Game. Only one can win. Their destination: the Night Stadium, a place of makeup and music, fear and adrenaline, blood and romance, celebration and death.

Each candidate has his or her own reason for entering the Game. The Council runs the Game. The outcome of the Game is left to fate...in the laps of the gods. The candidates will jump to their deaths in order to win everything, before capacity crowds in the Stadium. The public follows every jump, live on TV and on their mobile screens, choosing their favorite candidates and betting on their lives.

The Game’s community also includes geeks, mafia, makeup artists, master chefs, models, musicians, ordinary workers, spies, terrorists, and many others. SG - Suicide Game is the story of the candidates’ journey. It boldly imagines a place where death and denial are interwoven with hope, choices and the innate desire for happiness. Impressive in the totality of its vision, it is an exploration of the best and worst things in our lives, nightmares and especially, our dreams.



my though



I won this book a while back and finally got to it. And I’m glad that I did.

I enjoyed this book and it is a crazy concept, as far as the games goes and to see how far people would go to ensure their happiness.

It is an easy to follow book and also very fast paced. It has multiple point of view, we get a view into the council, staff of the game and some of the contestants, which was good to get the whole point of the book.

I enjoyed the individual characters and their backstories, the little we did get.

Overall I enjoyed the book, but a few things I didn’t enjoy so much.

One was that there was very little dialog … which was a bit odd for me and could have helped bit more some info.

Another was that there were a few things repeated over and over, like for example the announcements for the host of the games. Yes, it was good in the beginning but didn’t not have to be repeated in print every five pages. It kind of slowed the flow of reading it.

Also a bit more info about the games itself would have been nice.

That being said I’m glad I read the book, because it makes you think about the status of society and the end was a bit surprising but it could have been carried out a bit much.


I rate it 3 ★


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Source: snoopydoosbookreviews.com/sg-suicide-game-haidji
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review 2016-10-04 02:18
Review of SG Suicide Game
SG - Suicide Game - Haidji

Suicide Game is a book about, well, literally a game about suicide. The concept similar to the Hunger Games, a show broadcasted on televison where the participants jump off a platform without knowing if they will survive. There is only one 'winner'. The story follows some of the participants of the game as well as some employees.


What I found very interesting about this book is that the people who were part of the games were volunteers, and they knew very well that they had almost no chance to survive when they decided to participate. Throughout the story we learn why they made this choice and understand them a little better, although there's still some of them which I felt no sympathy for. The context of these 'games' and how they got created was also unclear, but overall I liked the general idea of the book. It shows a portrait of a very sadistic society, in which people appears to become distant towards each other. The public do not see the participants as indiviual or even human beings anymore, but more as robots. As the title says, they see this whole thing as a 'game' of fate, or destiny, which it is most definitely not. Fortunatly, as the story evolves and toward the end of the book, we see that most people start to change their mind and feel sadness towards the people risking their lives, as well as the hostess who's view of them is very different from the beginning. The scariest thing about this is that when you think long enough about it, if this game was real, there would probably be desperate people willing to jump and even some who woult agree to it.


In general, I think the book was great, especially thanks to the facts that it adresses many issues of today's world through a dystopian universe. Despite, in my opinion, the lack of dialogue and sometimes character development, I'm grateful that I got to read this book and would defenitly recommend it!

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text 2016-10-03 19:14
Interesting spin
SG - Suicide Game - Haidji

"I received this book for free though Booklikes giveaways" This book is set in the very distant future, and follows the lives of a number of characters that have enrolled themselves into a new, hit reality TV show called the Suicide Game (SG). Basically eight thousand contestants compete and gather in an arena, walk out onto a raised platform, slip into lifeline harnesses, and then leap off. Some of the lifelines are rigged to break, while some of them aren’t. The unlucky ones plummet to their deaths while the lucky survivors then get the chance to jump again, and again, and again until one contestant remains alive. Haidji writing style for SG is very repetitive, however in a weird kind of way it’s repetitive in a poetic way. By repeating paragraphs it kind of draws you in as if you are sat in the crowd watching the event unfold as you know how the paragraph is going to say. If you read the book you’ll understand what I’m on about. Though in truth I didn’t really believe all of the characters back stories as to why they’d joined the SG’s in the first place, some seemed out of place to me. An interesting spin but yet weirdly a good read on killing for sport in the form of reality tv.

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text 2016-03-02 18:26
My February 2016
Scardust - Suzanne van Rooyen
Throne of Glass - Die Erwählte: Roman (dtv junior) - Sarah J. Maas,Ilse Layer
Death Comes to Happy Acres - Carolyn J. Moss
Das dreizehnte Kapitel - Martin Walser
SG - Suicide Game - Haidji
Holding Court - K. C. Held
Scardust - 4 stars
Throne of Glass - Die Erwählte - 5 stars
Death Comes to Happy Acres - 3 stars
Das dreizehnte Kapitel - 3 stars
SG - Suicide Game - 4 1/2 stars
Holding Court - 5 stars


Favorite book(s) of the month: Suicide Game, Holding Court


Books started this month but haven't finished yet: Scintillate (oh well), Ein Ganzes Halbes Jahr, Where Silence Gathers, Finding Hope


6 books this month. Heck yess!!!!

February is always the worst reading month for me. But this year I kicked it in the butt.

I'm still very ahead on my reading goal. I'm up to date with all the ARC's I have on my tablet. I'm pretty happy how things are going.

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