My Initial Reaction:
Did it seriously need to end that way!?!?!? I can't wait until 2014 to see what happens next!!!! I need to read it NOW!!!!!
My Actual Review:
I read this book for free on Pulseit and it was amazing. I thought that it was great that this book was different. So many young adult paranormal books contain vampires, fairies, and werewolves, but this one was all about sylphs. I haven't read too many books that are about sylphs, so this was amazing.
I felt so bad for Audra. She hates herself because she feels that it's all her fault that her father and Vane's parents are dead. And, to make it worse, her mother blames Audra for it, too. Because of this guilt, she dedicates her entire life, from the time soon after those three died, to protect Vane. She refuses to be happy!!

It was just SO SO SAD!!!! Let's bring this to a happier note, maybe.
So Vane has remembered Audra from the day when their parents died. And when he sees her, he remembers her. He can't figure out why she's so familiar, but she is familiar. Audra eventually realizes that they need to be around each other and she needs to teach him how to control the wind, because the person who killed their families is coming back.
I also must add that while reading this book, I had the Adele song, that has the same name, stuck in my head. I like that song, but it got annoying at times. I just wanted to concentrate more on this amazing book!!
I read this almost a year ago, so I don't remember too much. I hope this is enough...
I loved her and she was amazing. I felt so bad for her and I just wanted her to be happy. He felt so guilty and I hated her mom. Her mom was such a BITCH!! Ugh! I just want Audra to be happy!!!!!
He kinda annoyed me, but I also loved him at the same time. Such conflicting emotions. I just want him and Audra to be together so they can be happy and not lonely! That's all I want in my life!!!!!
Overall, this book was awesome. It's paranormal, yet it's different from so many young adult paranormal books. It's so creative! I can't wait to read the next book!!!!!