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review 2015-01-08 06:04
Irrevocable (Irrevocable #1) by Skye Callahan
Irrevocable - Skye Callahan

Sometimes when you can't go back, the only way out is to descend into the darkness.  
My Captor
When I woke in that place, I just wanted to survive. But survival came at a cost, for which they demanded my will and body.  

My Master
With pain came acceptance. Fully-dependent on the man who claimed me, I learned to appreciate what I had-life and relative safety.  

My Protector
I watched him spill blood and tend my injuries. With betrayal came a revelation. The only way out was to bring them all down or die trying. 

IRREVOCABLE is a dark romance intended for adult readers 18+ only. Not intended for those easily offended by dark subject matter


Rose is abducted and wakes up in a nightmare. Kirk comes to the rescue and stops Gabe and his crew from raping Rose. Kirk takes Grace as his slave and she becomes Silver.

"Her chest is a little small, but she's not bad to look at. If you want to keep her, she's yours to train. But, she better be worth it. And I'm not giving you forever to accomplish that."

Kirk, discreetly, begins to probe Silver for answers about how she was abducted. Silver begins to understand that her world has changed.

"Deep inside my gut, I knew it didn't bode well, and I still had no idea how to escape the dark fate that threatened to suffocate me within these walls."

Silver struggles accepting her new life and Kirk fears that Silver will break.

"Or maybe you'll find a part of you that you didn't know existed.."
"The part that enjoys this?" I asked dryly.
"The part that proves you're stronger and more flexible than you think you are."

Although, at one point Kirk had to punish Silver for her disobedience, he continues to protect her. It's a difficult job when there is a mole among the ranks. In the end we discover that there several moles and one is unexpected, if you hadn't pick up on the clues. I don't want to give anymore away.

"Irrevocable" is a dark, violent, twisted novel. Silver is placed in a hopeless situation. She's a fighter who has to learn to bend in order to survive. I struggled at times trying to understand why she fought so much and in-turn caused her own pain. Kirk appears is the anti-hero who takes Silver as his own to help her survive. Silver, in her own way, finally learns how to bend. Soon they both take the responsibility for their survival and I started to really enjoy the story. In the end we understand why Kirk did what he did and why he's remorseful for what had occurred. They are both broken and need to find what will help them get pull through the darkness. Although Silver frustrated and angered me at the beginning, I'm giving this story 4 stars It's a good sign when a story evokes emotion. "Bend Don't Break" is Kirk's (aka James) story after the raid. I'm excited to read his point of view and fill in the gaps.
For more Dark reads check out my blog, Reading Keeps Me Sane. http://readingkeepmesane.blogspot.com/
Follow me on Twitter: ReadKeepMeSane

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review 2014-11-04 00:41
a shiver inducing & spine tingling tale
Fractured Legacy - Skye Callahan
Shiver-inducing, creepy-crawly, and spine-tingling all best describe how I felt while reading Fractured Legacy. This is the perfect time of year to read about a young paranormal investigator with an entity targeting her. I wasn't expecting to get freaked out while reading this novel, but with all the lights off and only the screen softly glowing, I definitely did. And I love that feeling! 
Kaylyn and her sister, Cole, are paranormal investigators at the same agency. They walk into work one day to find they have a new boss, and his name is Jonah. Right away, Kaylyn and Jonah grate on each other's nerves, but also a sort of attraction is there as well. It was fun to see them interact - Kaylyn doesn't take crap from anyone, not even her boss. Sometimes I slightly cringed since you should be somewhat respectful with the person who has the power to fire you, right? ;)
Kaylyn and Cole are assigned to investigate possible paranormal activity at the Teague Hotel. First of all, how awesome would it be to get paid as aparanormal investigator?? I'd like to think I'd be super brave but can't help thinking I'd most likely be too afraid to go searching for otherworldly happenings! However Kaylyn is plagued by nasty nightmares, and they only become more frightening after she's stepped foot in the hotel. 
Kaylyn, Jonah, and Cole make a terrific team. The dynamics between them make for some entertaining situations they get themselves into. They just work well together, and it only took them getting through their irritation with each other to reach that point. 
My only issue with Fractured Legacy, which is a small thing that didn't diminish my enjoyment of the book overall, was that Cole assumed Kaylyn's problems were due only to a breakup. The possibility of something otherworldly going on never entered her mind, and for someone who is a paranormal investigator and supposed to know her sister so well, I thought that was strange. It took some time warming up to Cole; she was more concerned with how Kaylyn's behavior affected herself rather than how it was affecting Kaylyn.  
With the above set aside, Skye Callahan kept me guessing in Fractured Legacy - I couldn't read quickly enough! There were secrets that came out which I never saw coming, and I couldn't believe those revelations. I'm hooked on this series and am ready for the next novel! 


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review 2014-09-22 13:46
Book Review ~ Irrevocable (Irrevocable #1) by Skye Callahan
Irrevocable - Skye Callahan

As the story begins, Silver finds herself disoriented in an unfamiliar place surrounded by men who are brutally attacking her sexually.  The last thing she remembers was celebrating her birthday out with friends.  She soon finds out that she has become a sex slave and there appears to be no way to escape this harsh world, so she does what she has to in order to survive - submit to her Master, Kirk, and pray that she can one day escape.


But something happens.  Something quite unexpected.  Master Kirk has a tender side and as they spend more time together they learn they can trust each other and work together toward their shared goal - to bring the 'retreat' down.


I have really been in a reading slump lately and decided to dig through my TBR mountain and find something dark, gritty and twisted.  Oh boy, did I ever find it with Irrevocable!  It even comes with its own warning from the author basically telling the reader that this is not a romance with rainbows, butterflies or unicorns.  Nope, this book has explicit sexual content, graphic language, graphic violence and situations that some readers might just find objectionable.  In other words, this one is going to get real deep real fast!  I'm in!


Holy Baby Jesus...this book was absolutely freaking AMAZING!!!!  I really loved this story.  So much in fact that once I started it, nothing was going to come between me, Silver and Kirk.  The journey was dark and emotional, but one that I would recommend to anyone who loves a dark, gritty and raw romance.  This one is not for the faint of heart as it does explore the depravity of sexual slavery, but if you can get past those dramatic scenes, you will find that this book is not only captivating, it is powerful and one that will creep into your thoughts long after the last page is turned.


This was my first experience with reading Skye Callahan's amazing writing, and it will most definitely not be my last.  One click this one people....you will not be disappointed.


*I received a copy of this book through the Goodreads First Reads Program.

Source: avidbookcollector.blogspot.com/2014/09/book-review-irrevocable-irrevocable-1.html#sthash.S2jpjhyq.dpuf
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review 2013-11-15 02:18
More Please!
Fractured Legacy (Darkness Bound) - Skye Callahan

I'm a total wuss when it comes to scary stuff. I'm a hide my face/look away/leave the room sort of girl (much to the dismay of my horror movie-loving husband, lol), and sometimes, all it takes is creepy music to send me bolting to the nearest exit. Yep, total baby, right here. And yet, for some reason, I love paranormal mysteries, and ghost stories, and suspenseful novels that wind me up up chapter by chapter. Case in point? One of my favorite series of all time is a paranormal/horror romance. I ADORE those books, even when they are scaring the bejeezus out of me. So you can imagine what happened when I read the blurb for Skye Callahan's Fractured Legacy. You guessed it - I was all over that action! And when I read an excerpt, I was sold. Immediately.


The story focuses a pair of paranormal-investigating sisters, Kaylyn and Cole. It's been a while since I read a sisters book, and I gotta say, this one makes me think I need to add more to my library. They had a great dynamic and their interaction felt very authentic (I chuckled more than once, thinking to myself, "Yep, I'd say that to my sister too!"). While Cole plays more of a supporting role in this book, I suspect there's a lot more story coming her way as the series develops. For now, though, it's all about Kaylyn - and believe me, there's more than enough going on in Kaylyn's life to keep things interesting!


Kaylyn's having a tough time. Blacking out at work, experiencing things she can't explain, and now the job that means everything to her could be taken away if she steps out of line - which, Kaylyn being Kaylyn, happens all too often. Oh, and we mustn't forget that pesky, not-so-nice entity that is way too interested in her and does things like....well....things I can't tell you!


What I like most about Kaylyn is her spark. She's got it in spades, and that's a good thing, because it makes her character ridiculously easy to connect with. Even when everything is falling apart around her and she's being put through the paranormal wringer, she's still fun to read about.


But where Kaylyn really shines is in her interactions with her new boss, Jonah. I totally ate up their scenes together. They have such fantabulous chemistry, and not necessarily in a romantic way. In fact, there's no romance at all. As a romance junkie, that would normally be a deal-breaker for me, but surprisingly, it wasn't an issue. The book works just fine without all the smoochy, swoony stuff. That's not to say I'm opposed to a romance. Far from it! The potential is definitely there, it's just a matter of whether or not Skye Callahan chooses to weave one into the series (and for the record, I vote OMG YES PLEASE, DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!!).


Speaking of Jonah....LOVE. HIM. He comes off a bit hard-nosed and straight-laced at first, but with reason, and thankfully, the author doesn't waste any time giving you reasons to like him. He's just so perfect for this story, cool-headed and practical and willing to step up in small and big ways when it's necessary, and he really fits well with the sisters. He's like the balancing force, and without him, I don't think the book would have worked nearly as well as it did. And of course, he's got that whole chemistry thing with Kaylyn going on, as I mentioned earlier. That helps too ;)


My only complaint with Fractured Legacy is how brisk the pacing was. The story moves along so swiftly at times, it's like someone hit the fast forward button. I wanted the suspense and paranormal-y stuff to be drawn out a bit more, to really build the tension and put me on the edge of my seat. I craved that freaked-out, jumping-at-shadows feeling, and I came close to experiencing it several times, but I never quite got there. However, despite that, I still really enjoyed the story.


Final verdict? Fractured Legacy gave me a teasing taste of what this author can do and how awesome this series can be, and now I'm hungry for more. I will definitely be reading the next book!


4 Stars ★★★★

ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Source: www.thedemonlibrarian.com/2013/11/tour-stop-review-fractured-legacy-by.html
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review 2013-10-24 18:03
Review - Fractured Legacy by Skye Callahan
Fractured Legacy (Darkness Bound) - Skye Callahan

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Fractured Legacy is a suspenseful paranormal mystery that drew me in from the very first scene and didn't let go until I snapped my Kindle closed at the end. Though it is listed as book 1 in a series, I'm happy to report this is a standalone novel with an actual ending, and a satisfying one at that. Yea! Ms. Callahan has combined two very intriguing characters with a great storyline to create a fast-paced supernatural tale.

Female protagonist, Kaylyn, has a sardonic appeal that I really enjoyed. Her antics constantly made me laugh, and I only laughed harder at her witty quips. Kaylyn is being pursued by a supernatural force that is affecting every aspect of her life. She finds herself seeking the help from her new boss, much to her dismay. While I loved Kaylyn, I didn't like her sister Cole very much. She was always so patronizing to Kaylyn, it drove me crazy.

New boss Jonah is one of the nicest guys I've run across in a long time. He's so willing to help Kaylyn through some crazy supernatural issues, even though she bad mouthed him and was all around nasty. Jonah has an interesting past that is hinted at, but he never reveals it to Kaylyn. Hopefully in the next book he'll reveal the events that led to his re-assignment.

I enjoyed the plot, following Kaylyn and Cole along on their supernatural investigations was fun. The interactions between Kaylyn and Jonah were amusing and entertaining. Ms. Callahan weaved remarkably vivid images that helped create the eerie environment of the story. I recommend Fractured Legacy to everyone 17+ that enjoys a creepy, yet fun paranormal story.

Source: onceuponayabook.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-tour-fractured-legacy-by-skye.html
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