This book was tracking toward 4 stars until the abrupt ending. Excuse me, but where's the rest? Where's the part where we see Tony and Augustin cement the bond? Don't give me a vampire novel without biting. I was waiting for that, especially since we know from the prologue that Augustin and Tony did create that bond.
I liked this quite a bit (until the ending), with Augustin's snark and sarcasm taking front and center, and Tony's vampy friends bringing up the rear.
A fun read, definitely, and some sexy times as well. Loved the writing, loved the well-developed characters. Didn't quite buy the rapid romance blossoming that quickly. I really liked that the author created a character who knew his shortcomings, but didn't let those define him, and wouldn't take crap from anyone, not even a vampire. That was fun. The mythology was not completely new, with vampire being fast, able to float, and turning into bats, but the author used the traditional vamp traits and integrated them into the fun parts of this book.
Abysmally disappointed that the book ended so abruptly. I would have liked a bit more.
** I received a free copy of this book from its publisher. A positive review was not promised in return.