My husband found a blog posting about this article and read the words out to me. I'd heard of all of them except mascarpone, which I'm crediting to my eclectic reading tastes. I've not taken the online vocabulary test yet, though I plan to soon. I mostly wanted to see how many of these words each of you knew on each of the lists.
The article makes very clear they chose the one with the biggest gaps between them but I'm not sure I'd buy this anyway. Do read the article, it's interesting and links to the vocab test.
the..."numbers in parenthesis show[ing] the percentage of men who knew the word followed by the percentage of women.
Here are the words that men were most likely to recognize over women:
- codec (88, 48)
- solenoid (87, 54)
- golem (89, 56)
- mach (93, 63)
- humvee (88, 58)
- claymore (87, 589
- scimitar (86, 58)
- kevlar (93, 65)
- paladin (93, 66)
- bolshevism (85, 60)
- biped (86, 61)
- dreadnought (90, 66)
And here are the words that women were most likely to know over men:
- taffeta (48, 87)
- tresses (61, 93)
- bottlebrush (58, 89)
- flouncy (55, 86)
- mascarpone (60, 90)
- decoupage (56, 86)
- progesterone (63, 92)
- wisteria (61, 89)
- taupe (66, 93)
- flouncing (67, 94)
- peony (70, 96)
- bodice (71, 96)"