So, let’s be honest here, sometimes, we all love those books that make us bawl so hard we can’t even breathe. Those books that just hit our emotions so hard and leave us tail-spinning in a storm of feels. They make us so attached to fictional lives that they affect our own emotional health. We love them, and I’m here to share a few of the books that had me crying so hard, I couldn’t even deal with life.
The Fault in our Stars by John Green- Big shocker here! I picked this book up before I knew anything about it. I had just discovered who John Green was, and I saw it at the library and decided to read it without know what it was about. I was in for the most touching roller coaster of my life! If you have read it, or seen the movie, you know what I’m talking about. It was like 2 am when I was finishing this book, and I was crying so hard, I woke my husband up and he literally was afraid for my well-being. John Green crafted this amazing love story, made you fall in love with his characters, and then brought the world crashing down upon us all. It was hard to read this book, but at the same time, it’s real life. Things like this happen, and you know, “The world is not a wish granting factory.”
The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken- I was not expecting to be so hysterical during this book, but Alexandra Bracken likes to do that to her readers. She pulls us in so deep, we feel the struggles of her characters and we fall so much in love with all of them…When the end came and she dropped that bomb, I was not expecting it at all! I couldn’t even deal with it, it just cried so hard I couldn’t breathe! Ugh, it was sooooo good!
Harry Potter books 5-7 by J.K. Rowling- I’m sorry, but if you didn’t cry reading these books, I don’t know what is wrong with you! Do you even have a heart?? I don’t think I’ve cried as hard for any book as I did with these last three Harry Potter books. Harry loses so much in his life, and it makes us feel so lost with him, he loses all the people he has looked up to and it’s just sooooooooo sad! However, in the end, I suppose everything was alright, but for a while there I wasn’t sure if I could even move on with my life! Especially with book 7, Deathly Hallows, I started bawling after reading the dedication! It was pathetic… I have grown up with Harry and these books in particular really hit and emotional nerve with me, they are so close to my heart <3
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins- Oh my goodness, this was so painful to read. It was heartbreaking and I felt like my world had been turned upside down. If you have read this book, you understand what I mean, it was sad, just very sad. However I did really enjoy this book as the last installment in an epic trilogy that I will love for the rest of my life.
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clair- This is the first and only Cassy Clair book that made me cry It was the most heartbreaking love triangle in YA book history! But she just ended this series so perfectly and beautifully and it was just all kinds of amazing. And also, William Herondale :)
Allegiant by Veronica Roth- If you haven’t read this book yet, and haven’t been spoiled, props to you! If you had read this book, then you KNOW why this is on my list. That’s all I’m saying….
New Moon by Stephanie Meyer- I have no shame in saying I read these books, I even really enjoyed them. I picked them up long before anyone knew what Twilight was and I think I take a little bit of pride in that. I read Twilight and New Moon during my summer break one year and devoured them. I have no shame when I say I absolutely cried when Edward left in New Moon… it was devastating because we were reading it through Bella’s eyes and it crushed her. Looking back now, I’m not sure if I would have the same reaction ( I was a young teen at them time) but this make my list because I really had the water works going.
That’s all I’m going to mention for this post, I often cry in books, but the one’s that I mentioned above were really by hard-core sobbing fests. Let me know what books made you cry! What books made you feel all the feels??? I would love to hear from you!