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review 2014-12-20 22:44
The Lions of Al-Rassan
Лъвовете на Ал-Расан - Guy Gavriel Kay

I feel kind of cheated because of the skipped year but in the same time I'm grateful I was spared from the trainwreck in  slo-mo it apparently was. Still, it annoyed me and this is the reason I'm reducing half a star. Pffft, whatever.



It was a rich book, showing the cultural and religious clash between three countries and faiths marvellously. Not sure why it's being marketed as sci-fi in my country since it's obviously high-fantasy but hey, at least it's translated and more people have the opportunity to get to it (and feel my pain). i'll recommend it endlessly, I'm generous like that (especially with pain).


I really liked the characters.

Strong, self-assured women.

Clever, proficient men.

I'm especially fond of Ammar and Miranda. ^^



In my headcanon AU everyone (important) lives and Jehane, Ammar, Rodrigo, and Miranda form a happy menage a quatre.

(spoiler show)
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review 2014-10-21 20:29
My First SPN RPF That Isn't J2 (and it worked perfectly)
Reconciling Hollywood - qthelights

It's strange, really, how I felt the chemistry between Jensen and Misha and it felt real and so so good, but I have yet to read a Destiel fic that doesn't bore me to tears. I like Dean/Cas' chemistry on screen and they make a good couple, you know, theoretically, but in practice (or fic) thet read so bland. So boring. 


This story felt nothing like Destiel at all and that was a big plus for it. :D Also non-AU RPF, brings me back to the good old days when I was reading QAF RPS. 


I apologise for all the abbreviations, really, I do. (Sorry.)

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review 2014-04-16 15:36
Niccolo Rising
Niccolò Rising - Dorothy Dunnett

I don't really have much to say at the moment. Just that Niccolo intrigues me and I want to figure him out. And that someone should get rid of Jordan de Riberac. Permanently.


Curious fact: on AO3 there are fanfics about Lymond but not about Niccolo. Not that I'd necessary want to read about Niccolo but I thought it might exist. If it does, I cannot find it.

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review 2014-04-07 12:37
The King
The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #12) - J.R. Ward

I enjoyed this book. I enjoyed it. I don't know why this sounds like a miracle in my own head but there it is.

The King has a lot of misgivings and issues, that is certainly true. What I really liked about it is that reading it wasn't a chore. It wasn't exactly the urgent i-need-to-know-NOW I've experienced with previous books but it was levels above the total disinterest I was expecting to feel.

Apart from Beth in the beginning 

and the Little Wrath (ugh) naming

(spoiler show)

, too little Qhuinn and Blay (barely any) and Assail and Sola's storyline (boring), I liked it. Well, I didn't enjoy the ton of labels and pop culture references thrown in. Not sure if there were fewer of them in the past or I just failed to notice them.

Me and this book: we're okay. Passing aquaintances, might not see each other again, but part ways in good spirits.
Me and Ward's next books: We're okay, I guess. I didn't read Possession but I'm curious about the enging of the Fallen Angels series so I'll give Immortal a try. I'm interested in the Shadows too so I'll probably be reading that too. Further than that, who knows. Depends if she can hook me with a Saxton story line.
Me and Ward's BS: So done. As with Abigail Roux, I'll be keeping my distance.

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2014-03-30 17:26
Still we are the road; we are the bridge; we are the conduit
Checkmate - Dorothy Dunnett,Vintage Books

I don't feel coherent enough to review this book, and I'm not sure I ever will. What I can say is that it is painful and it is beautiful and I will read it again.


 I've got a playlist of sappy songs with the only purpose to comfort myself.


Also I've got the perfect Lymond in my mind:



And some of my favourite quotes:


She stood now in another country, whose sun burned and whose air was too rare for her breathing. And she stood there alone, with the words of a warning for company:

Tant que je vive …

Long as I live, my heart will never vary
For no one else, however fair or good
Brave, resolute or rich, of gentle blood.
My choice is made, and I will have no other

("Tant que je vive, mon cueur ne changera
Pour nulle vivante, tant soit elle bonne ou saige
Forte et puissante, riche de hault lignage
Mon chois est fait, aultre ne se fera.")




'Kate is my friend. That is true. But the songs were for her daughter. And the passion, for ever.'




'We have reached the open sea, with some charts; and the firmament.'


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