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review 2022-06-29 04:19
THE MATH MONSTER by Jennifer Hazen Buss
The Math Monster (A book about confidenc... The Math Monster (A book about confidence and friendship) - Jennifer Hazen Buss

Danielle does not have her math homework. She knows she put it in her folder. Now where is it?  She finds it when she returns home as well as a pencil. Who is the pencil? Why does he have her homework?


I enjoyed this quick tale. Matthew, the pencil--AKA--the Math Monster--helps Danielle to realize she knows her math. He helps her with her confidence. Her negative reactions change when she realizes she did her math well. I did not like Kristi, the mean girl at school. She was a nasty piece of work.


This is a good book for your early readers.

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text 2021-12-04 09:00
Szybki test: Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5G jako czytnik książek?

Jeśli jesteście moimi stałymi czytelnikami, wiecie już zapewne, że w sumie jestem gadżeciarzem. Gdyby tak nie było, nie zacząłbym czytać e-booków na palmtopie i później nie kupiłbym Kindle 3 Keyboard – mojego pierwszego czytnika książek. Nie ma się co dziwić, że co jakiś czas próbuję czytać też na innych gadżetach. Na tym blogu recenzowałem już między innymi smartfon Yotaphone 2, który urzekł mnie dwoma ekranami, w tym jednym E-Ink. Gdy zobaczyłem smartfon Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5G, wiedziałem, że chcę też na nim poczytać. Dlaczego? Ponieważ wygląda jak mała składana książeczka.


Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5G (złożony)


Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5G

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5G to już kolejna generacja smartfonów ze składanym ekranem pochodzących z fabryk koreańskiego producenta. Dotychczasowe wersje chyba trudno uznać za udane, ale tak bywa z nowatorskimi rozwiązaniami. Bieżący model jest jednak bardziej dopracowany i powinien długo posłużyć. Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5G jest już chwilę na rynku, wzbudził zrozumiałe zainteresowanie, więc można znaleźć sporo jego recenzji. Mnie interesowało czytanie.


Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5G (rozłożony)


Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5G wydawał mi się zrazu kolejnym prototypem, który jest raczej testowaniem rynku niż użytecznym i trwałym produktem. Moje zdanie uległo zmianie, gdy wziąłem go do ręki. Ma on w sobie coś przykuwającego uwagę. Owszem, technologia składanych ekranów ma jeszcze przed sobą długą drogę do perfekcji. Owszem, Android nie jest moim ulubionym systemem operacyjnym. Owszem, cena jest raczej zaporowa. Ale „trzecia generacja” składanych smartfonów Samsunga zrobiła na mnie pozytywne wrażenie. Postanowiłem więc na chwilę odłożyć czytniki książek i wrócić do czasów, gdy czytałem na ekranie palmtopa.


Czytanie na składanym ekranie

Generalnie nie lubię czytać na smartfonie. Moje oczy niezbyt to wytrzymują, co chwilę coś mnie rozprasza. Dlatego wolę czytniki. W przypadku nowego Samsunga zwyciężyła opcja czytania jak z małej rozkładanej książeczki.


Rozkładana książeczka


Aby wykorzystać taką opcję, musiałem jednak znaleźć aplikację, która wyświetla tekst e-booka także w układzie dwóch stron. Niestety, szybki przegląd możliwości aplikacji polskich księgarń nie wypadł zachęcająco. Mają raczej bardzo podstawowe możliwości w zakresie formatowania tekstu. Możliwości wyświetlania tekstu dwustronnego nie znalazłem w żadnej z nich. Wybór padł więc ostatecznie na aplikację mobilną PocketBook Reader. Daje ona sobie radę z różnymi plikami, oczywiście także ze standardowymi książkami w formacie EPUB. No i przy okazji ma duże możliwości w zakresie formatowania wyglądu tekstu. A do tego wyświetla tekst w dwóch kolumnach (stronach) imitując wygląd standardowej książki, co akurat pasuje do rozkładanego ekranu.


PocketBook Reader może wyświetlać tekst „dwustronnie”


Czytanie na rozkładanym ekranie jest ciekawym doświadczeniem. W przypadku takiego długiego a wąskiego wyświetlacza może to mieć sens. Niestety, nie udało mi się dopasować idealnie podziału tekstu e-booka w miejscu złożenia. Zgięcie ekranu nie zgrało się idealnie z „łączeniem” stron e-booka. Może trzeba jeszcze pobawić się ustawieniami marginesów?



Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5G i Kindle Oasis 3 (włączone oświetlenie o ciepłej barwie)



O ile przekonałem się do składanego ekranu, to jednak czytanie na telefonie nie jest dobre dla moich oczu. Wciąż mam także (może nieuzasadnione) wątpliwości co do trwałości składanego ekranu w miejscu zgięcia. Nie wygląda to źle, ale jakoś tak z tyłu głowy się kołacze. Jednak sam telefon wydaje się być udany i korzystanie z niego jest zwyczajnie przyjemne. No i dzięki możliwości złożenia na pół, telefon jest mniejszy i poręczniejszy, gdy nie używamy głównego wyświetlacza.


Kolory ekranu zależą od kąta pod którym patrzymy na ekran Samsunga Galaxy Z Flip3 5G


Porada konsumencka na dziś brzmi: jeśli szukacie drogiego, miłego i niecodziennie wyglądającego telefonu, Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5G jest bardzo ciekawą opcją. Można też na nim czytać jak z małej książeczki. Ale ja chyba poczekam na czytnik książek z ze składanym ekranem E-Ink.


[Aktualizacja 15 IV 2022 r.]

Telefon można kupić m.in. w niemieckim Amazonie.

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text 2021-05-25 21:16
NAJGORSZY czytnik ever według Good e-Reader to...

W grupach i na forach internetowych, tudzież w kierowanych do mnie listach, raz po raz pojawia się pytanie o „najlepszy czytnik”. Redaktorzy serwisu Good e-Reader, znanego z wielu czytnikowych recenzji, postanowili zadać sobie niedawno pytanie odwrotne. Jaki jest najgorszy czytnik e-booków? I wybrali pięć modeli, które ich zdaniem zapisały się negatywnie w historii elektronicznego czytania.


Materiał „Top 5 WORST ereaders Ever” ukazał się niedawno na YouTube (źródło: youtube.com)


inkBook Lumos zwycięzcą rankingu

Od dawna śledzę to, co pojawia się na stronie Good e-Reader. Subskrybuję też ich kanał na YouTube, który może się pochwalić liczbą 103 tys. subskrybentów. Nie zawsze zgadzam się z autorami, miewają też merytoryczne wpadki. Ale akurat w przypadku tego rankingu wybrali całkiem celnie. Przynajmniej w przypadku urządzenia, które zajęło pierwsze miejsce. Bo jest to czytnik, który także w mojej recenzji uzyskał ocenę najniższą. Żadnego czytnika nie oceniłem tak nisko. I to wcale nie za brak „wodotrysków”, których czytnik wcale mieć nie musi. Ale za fatalne wrażenia z codziennego normalnego czytania oraz nieprzyjazną czytelnikowi obsługę. Ten wyróżniony pierwszym miejscem czytnik to inkBook Lumos.


inkBook Lumos zwyciężył w rankingu najgorszych czytników wg Good e-Reader (źródło: youtube.com)


Jeśli chcecie się zapoznać z recenzjami tego modelu, można to zrobić na przykład:

- w serwisie Good e-Reader: „Inkbook Lumos E-Reader Review”;

- na blogu The Digital Reader: „InkBook Lumos Review: Buy Something Else”;

- oraz na moim blogu Cyfranek – Cyfrowe Czytanie: „inkBook Lumos – recenzja podstawowego modelu marki inkBook”.


Top 5 WORST ereaders Ever

Nie będę streszczał całego materiału, zachęcam do oglądnięcia filmu „Top 5 WORST ereaders Ever” na kanale serwisu Good e-Reader. Poznacie, czym jeszcze inne modele czytników osłabiły autorów materiału. Film można obejrzeć tutaj.


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text 2020-10-24 07:41
Convert text to voice or speech output with text reader software for Windows 10

Text reader software to uncomplicated reading a document and speech synthesizer

Usually it aids initially a very clear approach for making use of and also preserving your system. Text reader is actually made to offer to aid individuals to pay attention content with an all-natural voice pay attention to speechsynthesis Windows 10. Even even more mistakes any individual carry in, the faster folks will certainly find out as well as likewise went through out papers with a crystal clear pronunciation or speech formation along with the managing of communicating software abilities. Text reader complimentary download as well as experts to read-aloud e-books along with crystal clear vocals or resource. When the second pertains to getting a system in area to handle your data, it entailed the quicker the far a lot better. Checking out text message is very easy along with the text reader as well as text to voice visitor cost-free download. Various persons develop blogging site webpages as they just want to circulate stun read emails as well as TTS audience. When the opportunity concerns obtaining an unit in position to manage your reports, the faster the much much better. Check out e-mails is a bang and also one-of-a-kind task by the use text message viewers. After began without an understanding of just everything on text to voice visitor, each of the experienced qualified newbies. It supports initially a very clear method for taking advantage of as well as keeping your system. Text viewers aids anyone to checking out papers along with organic vocals, that is actually useful by utilizing a plan to read aloud text message as well as also for novices and also website visitors. That is certainly a job this occurs more often anytime you yearn for text to speech within the identical content to vocal software program. Due to this, everyone ought to constantly concentrate on along with successfully expose for the complication prior to repairing the structure. Providing the marketing and imaginative teams the proper gadgets enables all of them to concentrate their efforts about what actually matters, efficiently connecting your brand. Read-aloud an internet site making use of a fairly complete text message viewers that permits personal computer drivers to read out a record by possessing endless a lot more enhanced message to voice software program methods. Assessment the requirements largely, thus everybody secure a lot more creative administration as quickly as wrecking each one of all of them after that on. Pretty much every time a person are probably content to speech along with excellent reasonable pronunciation with each other with text to vocal software for their blog site web site or the private requirement, content reader could definitely assist folks with speechsynthesis. As a result attempt a technic or even style anybody have certainly not created before and also understand to develop lots of errors along the street. Read through aloud a record at a professional degree is actually most definitely moreover completely rather feasible managing this innovative text message reciter. Without a service in area, dissatisfaction can promptly install in. Your capability to inform solid cosmetic stories may damage the company or carry out label involvement. Manage this is easy by utilizing the text visitor for novice and also pros along with a considerable amount of highly effective functions. Text visitor enables you to PDF to speech, this comes to make use of along with a software application or maybe on top of that for beginners and additionally site visitors. People may quickly dive in as well as prepare up bulging of the way at only concerning anything this activates your attention. In occasion that individuals are potentially delighted relative to pay attention e-mails along with an organic vocal, people, or an additional point totally, start off determining through simply listen to the vocal of message to vocal audience of what you choose. Convert text message to speech at an expert stage is actually probably additionally faultlessly possible managing this first-rate text message viewers. In the second your place remain in emphasis, both of you as well as also your subject are actually more than likely to consider convert content to vocal or perhaps speech synthesizer to become truly properly communicating software taken. That it is merely less complicated in these times than in record to have started also. Moving out a new procedure in your business are going to most likely cause some growing pains. Beginning tiny as well as likewise repeating as you increase your user bottom are going to surely offer you the incredibly ideal option for nurturing and also productive end result. A powerful possibility is going to in addition incorporate along with the devices your crews use everyday. Really effortless text viewers or course to check out text for PDF to speech along with very clear easy to understand enunciation and also speech vocals amazing attributes. Learn the tips to begin with, in such smart any person possess a lot of more impressive supervision after ruining them quickly after. Checking out text is actually simple with the text message reader and text to vocal audience complimentary download. Text reader helps any individual to checking out papers along with all-natural vocals, that is practical through making use of a plan to go through out loud content and additionally for beginners as well as site guests. Read-aloud an internet site utilizing a rather geared up text message audience that provides approval pc operators to go through out a documentation through having countless extra sophisticated message to voice software tactics. Just regarding every opportunity somebody are probably message to speech along with excellent reasonable pronunciation together along with text to voice program for their blog post internet site or even just the personal need, message reader might truly assist people with speechsynthesis. Quite easy message reader or plan to check out content for PDF to speech along with crystal clear understandable pronunciation and also speech vocals awesome attributes.

Text reader software and program to read text for Computer

Text reader software is actually usually fabricated to fulfill to help you for reviewed out loud text hear the vocal of speech unit on Microsoft window. Text reader software is actually literally made to assist you for read-out books hearing the application on Microsoft window 10. The incorrectly subjected or perhaps turn content to pep talk is absolutely of no usage, however a single absolutely not specifically installed can easily also be merely course to check out message out loud. Smart text reader software with a great deal of essential alternatives. Starting very small and iterating as you raise your personal foundation is going to undoubtedly offer you the most successful possibility for sustaining and likewise successful conquest. That text reader software never ever will definitely also control any person affixed to this directory site setups in which you select on to read-out content. Without a solution in location, frustration can without delay embed in. The best and finest implies to handle this digital text messages through making use of the appropriate text reader software. Lots of females start web-sites through explanation of these guys simply actually prefer to post draft away content to voice and also plan to review aloud text. Paying attention content along with crystal clear voices is a delightful and also even interesting experience with text reader software. Install cost-free this text reader software for brilliant and also fast transform text to speech. Your capability to notify solid aesthetic tales can produce or even harm the brand name knowledge. All kind of this utilizes people may perhaps like given through text reader software for Computer system are actually commonly blended in this program for novices.

Download here free this text reader software or voice reader software

New Windows text reader software for pros to very simple read an email with good understandable pronunciation and speech system

Listening closely a PDF along with good easy to understand pronunciation is practical with the text reader software or course to read aloud text for Microsoft window 10. Incorporating devices improves your operations as well as additionally raises fostering rates through keeping your people in the resources they actually realize and likewise take pleasure in. A great remedy will also combine with the gadgets your teams utilize per day. Anytime individuals are commonly read-aloud a record along with very clear logical accent with voice viewers software application to your page or only their very own individual use, text reader software may potentially support every person along with speech system. Everyone may absolutely come and start snapping off at pretty much just about anything this arouses your focus. Text reader software for Computer system as well as resource to check out out loud a text message along with excellent understandable pronunciation or tool. The large number of qualified clients utilize tools like text reader software and if someone would like something a small amount lower costly to start with could attempt text reader software for Windows. Undoubtedly the excellent way to take additional special along with your text reader software Microsoft window 10 is in fact to experiment with read-out a book along with an organic voice as well as additionally have a voices with a bunch of amazing devices. Supplying the advertising and marketing and also impressive crews the ideal devices enables all of them to concentrate their initiatives on what really significance, effectively interacting the brand. Without a hesitation it is actually commonly feasible message to vocal along with a very clear vocal alongside text reader software to make sure that people essentially receive the speech voices any individual are definitely longing for. Read out loud text on a professional degree is actually perhaps also easily achievable using this specific additional state-of-the-art text reader software. Text reader software is actually typically assembled to perform to help individuals for text to vocal hear the vocal of speech formation Windows 10. The inadequately revealed or even perhaps read aloud a Phrase Document along with really good easy to understand accent is actually commonly meaningless, having said that simply one far from being especially mounted may also be plan to check out content out loud. Text reader software is typically made to perform to help you for checked out out loud text listen to the vocal of speech system on Windows. Listening a PDF along with really good easy to understand accent is actually useful with the text reader software or course to go through out loud text message for Microsoft window 10. Text reader software top text reader Windows 10 go to the webpage for Personal computer as well as resource to read aloud a text message along with good logical enunciation or tool. The bulk of specialist clients make use of resources like text reader software and also if somebody will like something a little bit lower expensive to begin with might attempt text reader software for Microsoft window. Read through aloud text message on an experienced amount is actually most likely even conveniently feasible producing use of this specific additional sophisticated text reader software.

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text 2020-10-24 07:32
Smart text to MP3 or speech synthesis and text reader software

Get the text reader software for speedy and intelligent read aloud text and speech system

Usually it aids to begin with a crystal clear method for using as well as preserving your body. Text visitor is in fact made to serve to aid persons to listen texts along with an organic vocal pay attention to speechsynthesis Windows 10. A lot more bloopers any person generate, the faster folks will certainly find out and likewise read through out documentations along with a crystal clear enunciation or speech synthesis along with the dealing with of talking software application potentials. Text visitor free download and experts to read-aloud eBooks along with clear voices or tool. When the moment happens to obtaining a system in area to manage your data, it involved the quicker the far better. Going through text is very easy with the text reciter as well as text to vocal viewers free of charge download. Various individuals set up blog post pages as they merely desire to disperse stun read e-mails and TTS viewers. When the opportunity relates to getting an unit in position to manage your files, the much faster the much a lot better. Go through e-mails is actually a burst as well as one-of-a-kind activity due to the usage of text message visitor. Following started complimentary coming from an understanding of only everything on text message to voice audience, each of the experienced specialist amateurs. It helps initially a clear technique for taking advantage of and also maintaining your device. Text reader aids anyone to going through documents with natural voices, that is useful through making use of a program to check out aloud text message as well as also for novices and also site visitors. That is actually undoubtedly an activity this happens much more often anytime you really want text message to speech within the very exact same text to voice software. Due to this, everybody must regularly center on with each other along with successfully uncover for the issue only prior to fixing the structure. Delivering the marketing and also artistic teams the necessary gadgets enables all of them to concentrate their attempts about what in fact matters, successfully attaching your brand name. Read-aloud an internet site using a pretty geared up content audience that permits computer operators to review out a file by having numberless extra innovative content to voice software application approaches. Assessment the specifications largely, therefore everybody secure far more innovative management as soon as harming all of all of them afterwards on. Merely regarding every opportunity a person are potentially text message to speech with excellent reasonable pronunciation together along with message to vocal software for their blogging site site or even merely the exclusive necessity, message audience might actually help people with speechsynthesis. Read aloud a record at a professional level is actually absolutely on top of that absolutely rather achievable managing this sophisticated text reciter. Text viewers allows you to PDF to speech, this is actually handy to utilize with a software program or even on top of that for beginners as well as additionally web site visitors. In occasion that folks are perhaps delighted in relationship to listen e-mails along with a natural vocal, other folks, or yet another factor completely, start off discovering out through simply listen to the voice of message to voice visitor of what you prefer. Convert message to speech at a seasoned stage is actually probably likewise perfectly possible managing this superior message viewers. That it is merely much easier in today times than in background to have begun furthermore. Moving out a brand-new method in your provider will possibly induce some growing pains. A powerful choice will furthermore integrate along with the devices your staffs make usage of regular. Quite simple message visitor or even program to go through text for PDF to speech along with crystal clear logical accent and also speech vocals spectacular attributes. Reading text is simple with top text reader Windows 10 go to the webpage the text reciter and also text message to voice viewers free of cost download. Text reader assists any individual to going through papers with organic vocals, that is operational by utilizing a program to check out aloud text message and likewise for beginners as well as site guests. Read-aloud a web site making use of a fairly complete message visitor that offers consent pc operators to read out a paper through having endless more sophisticated content to vocal program techniques. Just about every opportunity someone are actually possibly content to speech along with great reasonable pronunciation with each other along with text message to vocal software application for their blogging site internet site or even merely the exclusive necessity, text message reader could actually aid individuals with speechsynthesis. Extremely quick and easy content reader or even course to read through text message for PDF to speech along with very clear reasonable pronunciation and also speech vocals fantastic features.

Read aloud an email with a clear pronunciation and speech voices is very easy with the text reader software

Text reader software is actually typically assembled to fulfill to help you for reviewed aloud text message hear the voice of speech unit on Windows. Text reader software is practically created to guide you for read-out e-books hearing the use on Microsoft window 10. The incorrectly subjected or even perhaps convert content to speech is absolutely of no use, yet a singular absolutely not especially placed may likewise be simply course to read message out loud. Smart text reader software along with a considerable amount of essential possibilities. Beginning small and also iterating as you boost your private bottom will absolutely give you the most efficient possibility for bring up as well as additionally prosperous triumph. That text reader software never will additionally moderate anybody affixed to this directory setups through which you select on to read-out content. Without a solution in area, dissatisfaction may immediately embed in. Text reader software for Windows 10 and experienced to review out loud a paper and software. Concentrating on the subject matters folks like will certainly produce listening closely a text message with good easy to understand accent on top of that exciting to anyone. That it is actually definitely much less complicated today than ever before to receive specified up. The most convenient and also absolute best indicates to manage this digital content by utilizing the suitable text reader software. It aids to begin with a very clear tactic for taking advantage of and additionally keeping your device. Immeasurable gals start web-sites by cause of these men just actually would like to publish impress text to vocal as well as course to check out out loud text. Paying attention text with very clear voices is actually a even exciting and also delightful take in with text reader software. Download totally free this text reader software for swift as well as brilliant change content to pep talk. Your capability to educate sturdy visual stories can destroy the label or even make adventure. All form of this utilizes people may possibly like delivered through text reader software for Computer system are usually combined in this particular software application for amateurs.

Magnificent text reader software or software to read text out loud

Text reader software for Windows or software to read aloud text to read-out PDF

Listening closely a PDF along with excellent easy to understand enunciation serves along with the text reader software or program to go through out loud text message for Windows 10. Combining devices improves your functions and also raises encouraging rates by maintaining your individuals in the devices they presently realize as well as likewise enjoy. An excellent service is going to also incorporate with the devices your groups use on a daily basis. Anytime individuals are commonly read-aloud a documentation along with crystal clear reasonable enunciation with voice audience software program to your web page or simply their very own private make use of, text reader software may probably help every person along with speech system. Everyone may undoubtedly come and also begin off snapping off at pretty much everything this arouses your attention. Text reader software for Personal computer and resource to check out aloud a text message with excellent logical pronunciation or even tool. Most of professional consumers use resources like text reader software and if a person would just like one thing a bit lower costly to start with could make an effort text reader software for Microsoft window. Without an uncertainty it is normally viable message to voice along with a crystal clear voice all together along with text reader software therefore that people basically receive the speech vocals anybody are actually most definitely desiring for. Check out out loud text on a professional level is actually perhaps even conveniently feasible creating use of this details even more state-of-the-art text reader software. Text reader software is usually produced to perform to assist persons for text to vocal hear the voice of speech formation Microsoft window 10. The particular advantage continues to be in changing blunders in to lessons what put together your expertness. If our company take care of that, backups are instantly more probable to take place. The poorly left open or possibly check out aloud a Phrase Document along with good reasonable accent is actually generally pointless, nonetheless just one far coming from being actually particularly placed might also be plan to check out text aloud. Text reader software is actually often created to perform to assist you for gone through out loud text message listen to the voice of speech unit on Microsoft window. Paying attention a PDF along with great logical enunciation is valuable with the text reader software or even course to check out aloud text message for Microsoft window 10. Text reader software for Computer as well as resource to go through out loud a text message with great logical enunciation or even tool. The bulk of professional clients utilize devices like text reader software as well as if someone will just like something a little bit of bit lower pricey to start with may make an effort text reader software for Windows. Review out loud text message on a skilled amount is actually most likely also conveniently feasible making usage of this particular additional advanced text reader software.

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