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review 2019-11-23 21:46
Sacre Bleu
Sacré Bleu: A Comedy d'Art - Christopher Moore

I liked this book more than I thought I would. At the end of summer term/beginning of fall I thought I would challenge myself to read 100 pages a day. I lasted about a month into the fall semester. I think reading 100 pages a day really kept me in this book though. Otherwise I might have put it down and not picked it up again. 


I haven't read that many Christopher Moores and I've probably liked less than that. I loved Lamb, but the rest have kind of fallen flat. I enjoyed this one more than any of the others I've read. It's an interesting mix of history, fantasy, comedy, and mystery. I didn't see the ending coming in a good way. 

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text 2019-09-10 17:50
Reading progress update: I've read 1 out of 444 pages.
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal - Christopher Moore

Reading this for my IRL book club, which is happening in 7 days. The book was decided months ago, and I really should have requested it earlier. On the plus side, I've read this before, so if I really had to, I could skip to the last chapter, reread that, and then limp along during the meeting without too much difficulty (I hope). There's always at least one person who hasn't finished reading, or even necessarily started, so maybe I'll be that person this time around.

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review 2019-03-04 18:57
Noir: A Novel - Christopher G. Moore
I didn’t know exactly what I was walking into when I started listening to this novel. This was my first-time reading noir and I found it quite entertaining. I thought the audio itself was excellent and I highly-recommend it, as the slang and the humor were superb.
The names used in the novel, the nature of the slang and the quirkiness of the mystery added to the uniqueness of this story. As I listened to this novel, there were times that I found myself laughing out loud and times that I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I thought Johnny Heller did an amazing job on the audio. Hats off to Johnny!
Don’t get me wrong, there were times I was confused as I listened, as I seemed to lose track on who was speaking but I really enjoyed how Moore set the tone. Moore created an image for me as I listened. He moved me around the backstreets, inside the buildings and around the areas that were important as I became a part of the novel. This didn’t feel like a normal novel to me as I listened to it, it felt like movie with a smoky haze floating in the air and the mingling of voices in the background.
I was glad that I listened to the audio as I now have that instilled in my mind. Now, I can reread the novel and put the two together and hopefully follow the story more.
I received a e-copy of this novel from Harper Collins in exchange for an honest review.


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review SPOILER ALERT! 2018-11-23 21:42
Reading Anniversaries & First-in-a-Series — August Edition
Originally published at midureads.wordpress.com on November 23, 2018.





Go here for the books I read in August this year!






A Plague of Angels by Sheri S. Tepper


My review





Raptor Red by Robert T. Bakker


My review







The Unadulterated Cat by Terry Pratchett


My review






Samurai Jack, Vol. 1 by Jim Zub


As fun as the cartoon had been!







The Gate to Women's Country by Sheri S. Tepper


I'm beginning to appreciate Tepper's writing I think. This book started the way most books based on a dichotomous society would start. The women were good for breeding and whoring. The men enlisted in the military and lorded over the women. But the twist at the end took me by surprise! Read my appreciation of her other book here.






Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


While political strife forms the backdrop in this book, our focus is on one family trying to get through all the chaos in one piece. I loved every bit of this book! This was my first book by Adichie and I can't wait to try the others.







Coyote Blue by Christopher Moore


Irreverent as heck but laugh out loud funny is how I'd describe Moore's humor. In this book, a conman meets The Conman i.e. Coyote, the trickster god. Hilarity ensues!

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text 2018-09-11 10:03
Q微信512810992快速办理Trent毕业证改GPA【加拿大Trent毕业证】速办特伦特大学学历认证Trent University
Fool - Christopher Moore










Q微信512810992快速办理Brock毕业证改GPA【加拿大Brock毕业证】速办布鲁克大学学历认证Brock University

Q微信512810992快速办理Lakehead毕业证改GPA【加拿大Lakehead毕业证】速办湖首大学学历认证Lakehead University



Q微信512810992快速办理WLU毕业证改GPA【加拿大WLU毕业证】速办劳瑞尔大学学历认证Wilfrid Laurier University







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