Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book. So, there I was, merrily reading away. Enjoying this book, not a 5 star read, but a very good solid four star. Some minor typos, but they might be cos of the changing file thing. A good solid 4 star read, that piqued my interest enough to keep going. And then, in the VERY last chapter, followed by the EPILOGUE, it all changed! I mean, it made the whole bloody book flip on it's head! And it's gonna be really REALLY hard not to write spoilers into this review, so if it's vague, I ain't sorry! Paislee takes a job as a blood donor, a donateur for Michael, a Cardinalis, (not EVER a vampire!) When Michael's vicious half brother takes a shine to Paislee, things become deadly, both for Paislee and Michael. Then The Order become involved and Michael has a fight on his hands to keep Paislee safe, and more importantly, to keep her HIS. Like I said, plodding along, nicely. Moving at speed in places, and little slower in others. Sexy at points, but deadly in others. Sufficiently different in the 'vampire' (Sorry, Michael!) lore to be interesting. These guys don't combust in the sun or sparkle, either! They have a usual sleep pattern, they eat food. So, I enjoyed all that. Both Michael and Paislee have a say, as do a couple of other characters. The story concludes, or so I thought, in a way I expected it to, mostly. Michael's brother doesn't quite get the ending I was expecting but still. It all comes to a head and is wrapped up nicely. THEN! Michael's mother says something, and the doctor says something and then the doctor says something else and . . . . .cliff hanger people! I mean a proper, spit you dummy out, throw your toys out the pram and throw your kindle at the wall so hard it bounces off and scares the cat! I had to double back a couple of times, to reread what was said by whom, to put the pieces together, and still I have no bloody idea what's going on! So, for a first book . . .very well played Ms Sterling! For a first in series, because there is much unfinished here, very well played. For that bloody cliff hanger . . . 5 full and shiny stars! **same worded review will appear elsewhere**