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review 2016-06-14 16:55
The Sight (Devil's Isle #2) by Chloe Neill
The Sight - Chloe Neill




The paranormal war that engulfed New Orleans seven years ago is over. But the battle for the city is just beginning . . .

Claire Connolly is a Sensitive, infected with magic when the Veil that divides humanity from the world beyond fell. Magic can easily consume and destroy a Sensitive, and if Claire’s secret is discovered she’ll be locked into the walled district of Devil’s Isle along with every other Paranormal left in the city.

Bounty hunter Liam Quinn discovered Claire’s secret, but refused to turn her in. Together they saved New Orleans from the resurgence of magic that nearly destroyed it. But now a dangerous cult is on the rise, and it will take both Claire and Liam—and magical allies within Devil’s Isle’s towering walls—to defeat the occult threat before magic corrupts them both...


my though


I loved the first book in the series, but I even love this one even more. Chloe Neill done it again, in writing an awesome book with awesome characters and story. This series is a bit different than what we know from Neill , but still really great. This book start off where the first book stopped and we get action right away. And the aftermath of some events. I loved Claire in this book, strong and fighting for what is right even if it breaks all rules and laws. She is really growing with the story. So is Liam though, he is fighting with Claire but also for so his family and so much more. I like where they story is taking them, together but also individual. Nothing in this book goes right and everything is pretty much falling apart for everyone and the world. There are plenty of twists and nothing is what it seems to be as first. It all turns pretty dark throughout some parts in the book, but with all that we still get snark and humor. It has a great balance and nothing overtakes the other. The world building is still great and I loved it. Overall, loved the book and cannot wait for the next book in the series. I rate it 4 ★



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*I received a free copy from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! 





Will be available August 16th 2016



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review 2015-07-11 18:59
The Veil (Devil’s Isle #1) by Chloe Neill
The Veil - Chloe Neill



Seven years ago, the Veil that separates humanity from what lies beyond was torn apart, and New Orleans was engulfed in a supernatural war. Now, those with paranormal powers have been confined in a walled community that humans call the District. Those who live there call it Devil’s Isle.

Claire Connolly is a good girl with a dangerous secret: she’s a Sensitive, a human endowed with magic that seeped through the Veil. Claire knows that revealing her skills would mean being confined to Devil’s Isle. Unfortunately, hiding her power has left her untrained and unfocused.

Liam Quinn knows from experience that magic makes monsters of the weak, and he has no time for a Sensitive with no control of her own strength. But when he sees Claire using her powers to save a human under attack—in full view of the French Quarter—Liam decides to bring her to Devil’s Isle and the teacher she needs, even though getting her out of his way isn’t the same as keeping her out of his head.

But when the Veil threatens to shatter completely, Claire and Liam must work together to stop it, or else New Orleans will burn…



My thoughts:


I saw this title on Netgalley and thought it sounded interesting. So interesting that I requested it even though I was planning not to request any more books from there for a while.

But I was super happy that I did. I really enjoyed this book. It is a great book and a great start to a new series. Great interdiction to the world and characters.

The first chapter seemed pretty busy, a little overload of information. Most of the back-story was explained in the first chapter, I was a little worried that the whole book would be that busy but it was not. Well it was busy and a lot of things happen but not a overload if information.



You can find my full review here


Source: snoopydoosbookreviews.com/the-veil-devils-isle-1-by-chloe-neill
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