What Eyes Can See by Elisabeth Brown: I really liked how Arella (Cinderella) has no interest in the prince and the main character is actually Drusilla, whom I very much liked. However, what brought it way down in my opinion was that thrice-cursed prince. He was pathetic; a selfish weak fop who didn't deserve Drusilla and I couldn't see why on earth she liked him. The writing wasn't especially note-worthy, for better or worse. (2.5 stars)
Broken Glass by Emma Clifton: While I really did enjoy this one, it was extraordinarily silly and utterly predictable. Color coding the villains and heroes is such a trope, and I would have much preferred that the guy who wore black and had bad hair was the hero, rather than the golden haired, blue-eyed hunk. The writing was rather childish and dialogue could be a bit painful, though an occasional snarky phrase popped up and amused me. One particular incident that was warrants comment is the plot to fake Roz's death, which was laughable and ridiculous. Faking one's death is never a sure-fire way to fix things and it sure as wasn't here. For all its many flaws though, it was kinda a fun story all the same. And the end is a lead-in to a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, which now I really want to read! (3 stars)
The Windy Side of Care by Rachel Heffington: While I loved the atmosphere of the story and had a lot of fun reading it, it was not without its share of issues. For one thing, the whole idea behind the story is laughable. Alis believes with all her heart she is the princess because, and get this, she looks like the king. She also suspects that she's been lied to about her parentage, but this is somehow even less important than her appearance. I don't know about you, but being royalty is not the first conclusion I would jump to. Maybe as a passing fancy, but not as a deep-seated belief. Also, as concerns the plot, if the whole point of switching Alis and Auguste was to save Laureldina from shame and also give the King an heir, it totally wouldn't work. On the one hand, yep, the King now has an heir. On the other, Laureldina STILL has a baby out-of-wedlock and a small mewling child to prove it. That didn't help her in the slightest. Additionally, the romance was dealt really badly with in this one. Insta-love to the extreme with stupid pet names that came out of nowhere, like Pigeon. Ouch. By far the best part of this story was the incredible (fairy) Godfather, Lord Humphry. (2.5 stars)
A Cinder's Tale by Stephanie Ricker: *heart eyes* It was nearly perfect. There is absolutely not one thing that I can think of that I disliked about it. The characters, the homages to the original fairytale, the sci-fi setting, the prose, the romance, everything was spectacular and so much fun. I will definitely be checking out the companion novellas. Another thing that I loved was that I feared that it would be a rip-off of Cinder, but it wasn't! It was very much its own story. (5 stars.)
The Moon Master's Ball by Clara Diane Thompson: Probably my least favorite of the bunch. I found it to be odd and somewhat befuddling. (What was with all the rats??) It was also the least like a Cinderella retelling, in my opinion. There were a few aspects of the original fairytale that were excellently retold here and I gleefully rejoiced in how they were written, but they were few and far between. (2.5 stars)