Michael Kozlowski from Good E-Reader writes:
Bookstores all over the world are reporting dramatic increases in print book sales. This comes at the expense of many of the longstanding e-reader brands and e-book stores closing in droves. Has the novelty of e-readers and e-book waned? I think people have come to realize that buying books on your device is anti-social and book readers are drawn to each other to talk about the things they love and to buy books at a physical store, amidst kindred spirits. read more
In Poland, on the other hand, we can see that the ebook market is developing, the ebook sale is steadily raising, and e-readers gain more and more popularity. This year is also predicted to be a successful year for the electronic books.
How is it in your countries?
I came across very interesting text on how our brain reads on paper and on screen, which works better for our understanding and memory and will it change with digital natives (great expression!). Read the article here.
I must say that although I am the owner of e-reader and use both paper and e-books in my daily routine, I still go for paper books when I read academic works or some other that require more attention and concentration. This also concerns texts that I need to refer to. I even print out articles or texts that I'll be using later in my writing rather than only bookmarking sites on my PC. I work better with paper and the physical aspect of reading and book itself is still important for me.
I think I use e-reader for fun not for learning (O, I made a quite a confession here). But at the same time I am not a digital native. Don't perceive as such. My childhood was full of paper, I got mobile in high school, bought my first Kindle really recently. Pile of books are still high.
I assume that children of XXI century will have totally different memories, experiences but also expectations. And I think they will actually think that a book is an e-reader that doesn't work.