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quote 2016-08-17 07:21
办GMD diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证吉尔德霍尔音乐与戏剧学院文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明Guildhall School of Music and Drama毕业证
Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche,Helen Zimmern

【Bachelor Master】办HAU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证哈珀亚当斯大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Harper Adams University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办HWU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证赫瑞瓦特大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Heriot Watt University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办UoH diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证特福德大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
University of Hertfordshire毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办HCU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证伦敦大学海斯洛普学院文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Heythrop College University of London毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办UoH diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证哈德斯菲尔德大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
University of Huddersfield毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办IEU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证伦敦大学教育学院文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Institute of Education,University of London毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办KU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证基尔大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Keele University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办Kent diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证肯特大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
University of Kent毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办King's diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证伦敦国王学院文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
King's College London毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办Kingston diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证金斯顿大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Kingston University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办UoL diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证法学大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
University of Law毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办Leeds diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证利兹大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
University of Leeds毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办LBU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证利兹贝克特大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Leeds Beckett University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办LTU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证利兹三一大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Leeds Trinity University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办Lincoln diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证林肯大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
University of Lincoln毕业证

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quote 2016-06-10 11:13
“Just be quiet and patient. Let evil and unpleasantness pass quietly over you.”

~ Franz Kafka, from Gustav Janouch’s Conversations with Kafka

Source: wordpress.com/read/feeds/9129435/posts/1054450028
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quote 2015-01-16 11:44
I like the word 'evil'. Scramble it a little and you will get 'vile' and 'live'. 'Good', on the other hand, is just a command to 'go do'.
The Tenth Circle - Jodi Picoult

Laura, The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult, p 23

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quote 2014-02-10 03:41
The monsters that rose from the dead, they are nothing compared to the ones we carry in our hearts.
World War Z An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks [Crown,2006] [Hardcover] - Max Brooks

World War Z

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quote 2013-11-22 13:46
A Bouvier till her wedding day
Shots rang out
The police came
Mama laid me on the front lawn
And prayed for Jackie's strength
Feeling old by 21
Never thought my day would come...

Make me laugh
Say you know what you want
You said we were the real thing
So I show you some more and I learn
What black magic can do
Make me laugh
Say you know you can turn
Me into the real thing
So I show you some more
And I learn...
You're only popular with anorexia
So I turn myself inside out
In hope someone will see...

I got lost on my wedding day
Typical, the police came
But virgins always get backstage
No matter what they've got to say
If you love enough you'll lie a lot
Guess they did in Camelot
Mama's waiting on my front lawn
I pray
I pray
I pray
For Jackie's strength

Make me laugh
Say you know what you want
You said we were the real thing
So I show you some more and I learn
Jackie's strength
11/22/63 - Stephen King

"Jackie's Strength", Tori Amos

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