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review 2018-04-06 23:30

So today's review is on the book The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. Yes I know that I'm way behind the program when it comes to reviews, but I have only just joined this website and want to write reviews for books that I have currently already read, no matter how long ago I read the book. 


So this book I generally enjoyed, more so than Green's other books. I do like his other work but I just like the humour in this book more than the others. ANYWAY.


Hazel Grace Lancaster (Sorry but I'm horrible at spelling names so I'm sorry if it is wrong, do correct me if needed!) meets a cute boy named Augustus Waters at this support group and they fall madly in love. 


During their time of falling in love, they Hazel turns Augustus into a major fan man over this book she also really likes. To be honest I do this with other,I make people read the books I really like and cried over just so I can watch them cry as well. Is that weird? BACK TO THE REVIEW.


Augustus finds out that his cancer is worse and has to get treated again. Doesn't tell Hazel straight away. When he passes Hazel is so heart broken. She finally had someone and that person was taken away by cancer. I really like Augustus so this death did sting a little. 


So this book is written beautifully. I really like John Green's writing style but other people don't. But hey you can't impress everyone. 



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review SPOILER ALERT! 2015-02-08 03:26
The Fault in Our Stars.
The Fault in Our Stars - John Green

I never let myself fall in love with male characters in literature. I actually went into TFiOS thinking I'd fall in love with Hazel..and Hazel was alright, dont get me wrong, but I ended up falling in love with Augustus (pretty much as Hazel was falling in love with him or as he was falling in love with her, Idk).


Hazel and Augustus meet at a cancer support group. Hazel is being made to go there by her parents and while Augustus is remission from his own cancer, he's really only there for his friend Isaac who is having a lot of trouble with his cancer. Augustus goes out of his way to meet Hazel and he makes sure they become friends but Hazel just doesnt want to be a burden on him.


It honestly seems like thru out the book that Hazel is going to die, like you keep preparing yourself for her to die but then, out of no where, Augustus ends up dying. But not b4 he takes Hazel to Amsterdam to meet the author of her favorite book and makes her fall in love with him. It's a funny story and a very sad story and it's definitley worth a read. People say this book is too over-hyped (and might be, Idk) but imo, that doesnt matter bc at the heart of this book is a lovely story and I believe most anybody who reads it will come to adore Augustus Waters just as I did.


My favorie quote from this book is from Augustus and is towards the end of the book: "MY THOUGHTS ARE LIKE STARS I CANT FATHOM INTO CONSTELLATIONS"..It literally speaks volumes to me bc that is how I have felt while dealing with my anxiety and depression for all of these yrs..I have thoughts that I want to get out, but they're just too jumbled up in my brain to form them properly.

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review 2013-08-12 19:26
The fault in our stars by John Green
The Fault in Our Stars - John Green

I recently finished rereading this amazing book by one of my favorite contemporary writers (I feel like I keep saying this, well I have a LOT of favorite writers), John Green. 

When I first started reading this book I just knew I will like it, I've been following John and his brother Hank on youtube and I've read other books written by him as well, so I was sure it cannot suck in any way. Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed. 


So, 16-year-old Hazel Grace Lancaster suffers from terminal, stage IV thyroid cancer that has metastasized in her lungs thus making it a very difficult job for her to breath. She was diagnosed with this at the age of 13, but thanks to an experimental drug called Phalanxifor, Hazel's been able to live with her disease. 

Her mother, who wants Hazel to be a normal teenager, forces her to go to this support group which Hazel absolutely loathes. It is there that she meets 17-year-old Augustus Waters, this beautiful and charismatic boy who will change everything for her. 

I liked the character of Hazel very much, she's this insightful young lady with short hair and green eyes. She's not quite ready to die but knows how inevitable that is, so we frequently read about how this or that is just another side-effect of dying. Hazel loathes going to the support group because it's making her feel depressed and although depression can be a side-effect of cancer, she insists it is dying. She's a witty and funny character, never mean but always blunt and honest. I was quite impressed with her. Also the fact that she likes ANTM (America's Next Top Model) made her one of my all time favorite female characters. 

I'd hate to spoil this one for you guys, it has a beautiful ending and yes, you'll probably end up crying but it is worth it. Happy reading!!!


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quote SPOILER ALERT! 2013-01-05 00:11
We were lying on our backs next to each other, everything hidden by the covers, and after a second I reached over for his thigh and let my hand trail downward to the stump, the thick scarred skin.
I held the stump for a second. He flinched. "It hurts?" I asked.
"No," he said.
He flipped himself onto his side and kissed me."You're so hot," I said, my hand still on his leg.
"I'm starting to think you have an amputee fetish," he answered, still kissing me. I laughed.
"I have an Augustus Waters fetish," I explained.
Hazel Grace Lancaster, as the Narrator of John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars"


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