One of my regrets of reading is when I am on a reading slump and it happened on a book that really is very, very good. Six of Crows is one of the exceptional quest stories I have ever read that I should have read it at one go.
Welcome to the Grishaverse, in a place called Ketterdam. A place of international trading, where what you want can be done if its the right price. This is a place known to one Kaz Brekker, also known as 'Dirtyhands'. A young man that always wear gloves without taking them out, limps with a crow cane. He was offered a chance to be a rich man, an impossible heist that he can't do alone. He is going to need a crew of dangerous outcasts to make it work... if only his crew do not kill each other first.
Such is the premise of Six of Crows but what make's the first book of a duology works is how original it turn out to be. The characters, to each of their own, is uniquely deep and interesting. The interaction on the other hand is lively and beautifully draws me to their world. What's more - the world building itself is some thing I have never read and yet captivating. With how each chapter weaves its way into my heart, I slowly begin to take my moments in reading. My only regret was I took too damn long and I was on a reading slump. More than a month I completed it, which I should have finish in less than a week. Still, I don't see any flaws in this book at all. It has every thing I never expect as it turns out, is what I want in my reading pleasure. Six of Crows has one of my highest rating that really deserves a read.