"Atlantis is a legendary "lost" island subcontinent often idealized as an advanced, utopian society holding wisdom that could bring world peace."?
"A technologically sophisticated but morally bankrupt evil empire — Atlantis — attempts world domination by force. The only thing standing in its way is a relatively small group of spiritually pure, morally principled, and incorruptible people — the ancient Athenians."?
A map of Atlantis - oriented with south at the top - drawn by 17th century scholar Athanasius Kircher, who pinpointed it as being in the mid-Atlantic.
So for three nights straight I am working the overnight shift at work and during this time I am an audio book freak. I started the book Fallen which I downloaded from the library's OverDrive service but I am not really getting into it as I worked an eight hour shift and only listened to about three hours of the book.
Two more nights to go and if I do not get into it I may never finish it.