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review 2018-07-28 17:27
Desperate Woman Gets Housekeeping Job at a Brothel
Room Service - Mindy Wilde

Genre: Erotic Romance

My Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Word Count: 17,530 words


After getting conned and dumped by a traveling guitar player, Lucy is struggling to make ends meet and things only get worse when she’s laid off from her waitressing job. Her last customer– a sexy, mysterious man wearing clothes that cost five times her annual salary– leaves her a $1,000 tip out of sympathy, but that money will only last so long.

But when she gets offered a job as a housekeeper at a brothel, things are looking up. Cleaning up after sex isn’t her usual line of work, but at least she won’t have to struggle financially anymore. When she literally runs into her heavy tipper at the brothel, however, things might get a little more complicated, especially when just looking at him is enough to fill her fantasies.


Source: loversquarrelreviews.com/2018/07/23/desperate-woman-gets-housekeeping-job-at-a-brothel
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review 2016-02-01 17:44
Updraft - Fran Wilde

This is a lovely fantasy with a really unique world and some nice writing. I was really intrigued by the society and the way it’s set up, as well as by the idea of the towers. I believe there may be a sequel coming, and I’ll be interested to see where the story goes.

Source: bysinginglight.wordpress.com/2016/02/01/january-2016-round-up
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review 2015-04-29 10:21
Mord und soziale Ungerechtigkeit im Jahr 1845
Der Teufel von New York (Timothy Wilde Mysteris, #1) - Lyndsay Faye

Das Buch ist in meinen Augen einer der intelligentesten, originellsten Krimis, die ich in den letzten Jahren gelesen habe!


Da kommt so viel Interessantes zusammen:


Ein hochspannender, aber sehr bedrückender Kriminalfall, in dem es um kleine Kinder geht, deren Rechte vor ihrem Tod niemanden interessierten und die auf übelste Art und Weise ausgenutzt wurden.


Ein Einblick in die chaotische Begründung des Polizeiwesens im New York des Jahres 1845. Die lachhafte "Ausbildung" bestand aus einer kurzen Ansprache, und anscheinend konnte so ziemlich jeder Polizist werden, der sonst kein besseres Einkommen hatte und bereit war, 16 Stunden am Tag zu arbeiten...


Außerdem erfährt man als Leser viel über die sozialen Brennpunkte dieser Zeit, und das unterhaltsam und kein bisschen trocken. Es sind nicht nur farbige Menschen, die beschimpft und als Untermenschen betrachtet wurden, auch die Iren galten als "weißer Abschaum" und ihr Glaube fast schon als Blasphemie. Die Einrichtung einer katholischen Schule für irische Kinder ist da zum Beispiel eine unerhörte, beinahe revolutionäre Idee!


Die Geschichte wird uns von Timothy Wilde erzählt, der auch eher zufällig (und widerwillig) zum Polizeidienst kam - davor war er Barkeeper, doch dann verlor er in einer furchtbaren Feuersbrunst seine Bar, seine Wohnung und seinen Lebensunterhalt. Die Anstellung als Polizist wurde ihm von seinem älteren Bruder vermittelt, einem charismatischem Mann mit Einfluss und zweifelhafter Moral.


Obwohl er sich erst sehr dagegen sträubt, stellt sich schnell heraus, dass Timothy ein wahres Naturtalent in der Verbrechensbekämpfung ist. Als Barkeeper hat er gelernt, Menschen einzuschätzen, und das kommt ihm jetzt sehr zugute. Er berichtet mit ruhiger, aber eindringlicher "Stimme" über die Geschehnisse, wobei der Autorin das Kunststück gelingt, seine Sprache einerseits passend und schlüssig für die Zeit klingen zu lassen, aber andererseits auch für moderne Leser flüssig und angenehm zu lesen.


Ich fand den Schreibstil einfach wunderbar; er hat mich von der ersten Seite an mit atmosphärischen Beschreibungen und gelungenen Bildern mitten in die Geschichte hineingezogen. Auch die Übersetzerin hat großartig gearbeitet, und das kann nicht einfach gewesen sein! Denn viele Charaktere reden in der Gossensprache "Flash", die meiner Meinung nach sehr gut ins Deutsche übertragen wurde.


Mir war Timothy direkt sehr sympathisch. Er ist intelligent, einfallsreich und besitzt ein intuitives Gespür für die menschlichen Abgründe, aber vor allem ist er ein mitfühlender Mann von großer Integrität und einem erstaunlichen Bewusstsein für soziale Ungerechtigkeit.


Auch die anderen Charaktere fand ich komplex, lebendig und gut geschrieben, allen voran die kleine "Bird", die in ihren 10 Jahren schon viel Schreckliches erleben musste, die junge Mercy Underhill, in die Timothy heimlich verliebt ist, und Timothys Bruder, mit dem ihn eine Art Hassliebe verbindet.


Ein Barkeeper wird im Jahr 1845 widerwillig für die neugegründete Polizei rekrutiert und gerät direkt mitten hinein in einen monströsen Kriminalfall, in dem Kinderprostitution und soziale Ungerechtigkeit eine traurige Rolle spielen.


Ich fand das Buch großartig - spannend und fantastisch geschrieben, mit dreidimensionalen, glaubhaften Charakteren und einer Handlung mit mehr als einer unerwarteten Wendung.

Source: mikkaliest.blogspot.de/2015/04/der-teufel-von-new-york-von-lyndsay-faye.html
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url 2015-04-02 21:32
FREE Romance at Amazon
Betting It All - Kati Wilde
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review 2015-01-14 18:10
Love With a Perfect Cowboy - Lori Wilde (Avon - June 2014)
Love With a Perfect Cowboy: A Cupid, Texas Novel - Lori Wilde

Series: Cupid Texas (Book 4)

Melody Spencer had long-ago wiped the dust of Cupid, Texas, off her cute shoes . . . and done her best to forget the chiseled jaw and strong arms of cowboy Luke Spencer. Their families might be part of a long-time feud, but he was her very first love, even if it turned out they never wanted the same things.


But now Luke's come striding back into her life, tempting her with the memories of long, lazy evenings and hot, passionate kisses. And he has an ulterior motive -- as Mayor of Cupid, he knows Melody's business savvy can help save their beloved hometown. His smooth talking might get her to Texas, but that doesn't mean he'll get her in his bed. Still, people do say love can be more perfect the second time around . . .


Excellent conclusion to the Cupid, Texas series. In this one Cupid really has his work cut out for him. Fifteen years earlier Luke and Melody had snuck around behind their families' backs and enjoyed being young and in love. But tragedy followed when they were discovered, and the feud got even worse. Melody had gotten to the point where she couldn't wait to get away from Cupid and all the memories. Meanwhile, Luke was happiest where his roots went deep.


Now the town of Cupid is in trouble, thanks to the drought drying up the tourist trade. Luke is desperate for help to save the town and thinks that big city advertising exec Melody is just the person to help. All he needs to do is convince her to come home. So he heads off to New York to do his best.


Melody has been living the good life in the city. She has a job she likes and no one getting into her business. She has the feeling she has nowhere to go but up, as she's been putting in long hours hoping for a promotion. She hasn't thought (much) about Luke in the years she's been gone, until she spots him on her way into work. Avoiding him isn't easy, but she manages, and gets to work in time to be called to her boss's office. Thinking she's about to get the good news she's been hoping for, she's stunned to find out she's being fired instead - for being too honest, of all things. After spending some quiet time trying to think of her options, she heads for the apartment she shares with her boyfriend, only to discover that he's evicted her and left the country. Into this disaster of a day comes Luke, picking her up and taking her back to his hotel to recover.


That night, Luke and Melody discover that they are still wildly attracted to each other. Taking advantage of being away from Texas, they indulge in a night together knowing that nothing more can come of it. With nothing keeping her in New York, Melody goes to Cupid to see what she can do to help.


Some things never change and the feud is alive and well. Melody and Luke would like to spend time together, but their families would have a conniption. Both of them are disgusted with the whole thing, but each has a different idea on how to deal with it. Having stayed in Cupid, Luke has gotten very good at keeping a lid on everything. He believes that stirring things up will only create more trouble. Since he's sure that Melody would never stay in Texas, he can't see creating havoc for something that won't last. Melody, on the other hand, feels that nothing will change until the whole feud is brought out into the light where everyone can see just how stupid it is. She has some ideas on how to do it, and help the town at the same time, but Luke forbids it. When she takes matters into her own hands, it's sometimes hard to tell if it's working or not.


Luke and Melody manage to find ways to spend time together, and even though they claim it's just for sex, it's obvious that they are falling for each other all over again. But until they can get their families to give up on the grudges of the past, things look pretty hopeless for them. It takes Melody doing what she feels is the right thing, even against Luke's wishes, to get the ball rolling, and a near tragedy for the families to finally see the light.


There were quite a few fun moments, including the bachelor auction, where Luke gets purchased by the last person he'd ever want to get stuck with. There were also the sad times, such as Melody's first sight of Cupid under its drought conditions. And then there was the truly heartbreaking, when Melody put her love out there for everyone to see and Luke wouldn't even give her a chance. Fortunately, Cupid's streak remains unbroken and they get their happy ending after all.

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