At the moment of writing, all I know from Bob's Burgers is still coming from the few comics that I read. I know, I will watch the show some time when I have more time.
While featuring the same parts that were in the previous comics, the one page entries were not in every issue this time. And that despite the fact that I liked these best. They also switched the idea a little from Bob's burger ideas to foodtrucks and Linda trying to take a nice family picture. "Louise's Unsolved Mysteries & Curious Curiosities," "Tina's Erotic Friend Fiction," and "Gene's Rhymey Rhymes That Could One Day Be Songs" remain largely the same.
Overall it was enjoyable but not very memorable. I like to read these between other books. One little problem I had with my review copy is that the quality of especially Gene's part was not very good, which made it sometimes hard to read the text. But I'm sure this will be changed in the final version.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!