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review 2016-03-01 23:10
Feed Review by Archer
Feed - Mira Grant

Well slap my arse and call me Bertha, this book moved me.


I’ve had a great deal of difficulty finding books that I actually give enough of a shit about to finish in recent years. So for me to finish a trilogy… and then go back and re-read the fucking thing is amazeballs. And I fell in love with the plight of the characters in this story from the very moment that I met them.


The background of the world is the gloriously undead. The shambling and rotted masses of the infected. In a world where the common cold and cancer (ALL CANCER) are a thing of the past, the genetically engineered super viruses joined together and had an unexpected side effect… RESURRECTION!


But Brain eating aside, the rest of the world continued. The apocalypse happened, and life moved on. Isn’t that just awesome? there are still cities, utilities, presidential campaigns, TV shows… and the news media has changed in such a way that now the most trusted news outlet sites are blogs, because bloggers didn’t lie about the issue when traditional news did. It’s awesome.


In this tale we follow the crew from the After the End Times news site. They’re three 20 somethings on the presidential campaign as a candidates official press pool. The writing is fresh and easy to follow, and the tone is so absorbing that I honestly read the book in about 3 or 4 sittings around work. I couldn’t put it down, I didn’t just read it, I fucking devoured it.


Mira grant kept the pace flowing at just the right speed, and added conflict and conspiracy with just the right timing that the reader is propelled, page after page, into the heart of a story that is gritty and real, despite the zombies, and shows a tenderness that is not often found in many horror thrillers of it’s ilk.


I don’t want to spoil anything for you for this book because I’d hate for anyone to have done that for me but suffice it to say, if you like thrillers and zombies then this book is definitely worth your time. The characters are likable, the writing is clean and easy to follow, and most importantly (and terrifyingly in my opinion) it’s absolutely believable. The hubris of mankind releasing something unchecked and being unaware and unready for the consequences, but adapting and surviving any way? That happens at least once a generation. And this is an excellent example of what could be. I can’t recommend it enough.


Happy reading peeps!


Source: Well slap my arse and call me Bertha, this book moved me. I’ve had a great deal of difficulty finding books that I actually give enough of a shit about to finish in recent years. So for me to finish a trilogy… and then go back and re-read the fuck
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url 2015-07-16 03:35
An update about Bella

We are so very nearly there. 


Bella has had her desexing stitches removed and Dante has been cuddling with her and grooming her.


Her infection has cleared up and she is happier and more confident.


But her hip is definitely bothering her. She can't settle because it pains her. She has to rest it when moving. She gets frustrated and it breaks my heart. 


I want so badly to make her more comfortable and see her as happy as she can be. 


This is surgery is definitely gonna be a life changer for her. 


But other than her hip and the movement issues that causes, she seems to have settled nicely. She is currently sleeping in a cat bed after having a brief exercise on hobbling back to it, but she is purring so loudly. 


I want to help her so much. Please help me to do this.

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url 2015-02-24 05:31
Christians run publisher discriminated against one of their own because he is gay
Nomad: Not-So-Religious Thoughts on Faith, Doubt, and the Journey In Between - Brandan Robertson

Christianity is so full of shit. It leads to horrible behaviors of Christians when they are really faithful to their religion. 


This is one of those cases.


This book is crap. Given that it is about religion. But then, he was promised a deal from the publisher.


So why pulled out on the last minute just because the writer is gay? 


That's so wrong. 

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url 2014-11-04 06:18
Effective Today, Songdove Books Offered on Listia Will be Phased out and No Longer Offered for Free.
Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey Volume One - Marilynn Dawson
Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey Volume Two - Marilynn Dawson
Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey Volume Three - Marilynn Dawson
Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey Volume Four - Marilynn Dawson
Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey Volume Five - Marilynn Dawson
Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey Volume Six - Marilynn Dawson
Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey - Leader's Guide - Marilynn Dawson
Mom's Little Black Book: Godly Advice for the High School Graduate - Marilynn Dawson
Practical Thoughts on Becoming an Author - Marilynn Dawson
Dressed for Eternity - Marilynn Dawson

It's a sad way to come home from choir practice tonight, but news reached my email inbox that Listia has changed their rules for digital goods


Songdove Books has been offering PDF or epub versions of each book for free via this site for at least a year or more.  This was deemed a legitimate way for people who could not afford to buy my books, to earn points and "buy" my books that way, without cash.


Over the next 10 days, one by one my books will cease to be offered free on this site and eventually, no more PDF or epub books will be given away in this manner. 


If you want any of my books for free, please check this link to see when auctions are ending over the next 10 days.The first auction to end is Volume One of my series, "Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey".  That ends in roughly 18 hours from the time stamp of this post.  (EDIT: Auto-renewal is keeping some listings live longer than others, but once auto-renewal ends for a given listing, it will not be relisted due to the new rules) Needless to say, time is of the essence now!


Thanks to those who have followed me on Listia.  My auction list will go dormant after 10 days.  You can continue to follow me here and on Facebook as well.

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url 2014-09-09 22:15
THREE DAYS LEFT OF 99CENT BOOK SALE via Inktera's mobile reading apps

THREE MORE DAYS to take advantage of a 99cent book sale on "TribBooks", "Inktera" and "IndieReader" apps (available on Google Play and Apple #App Store).


They reduced the price of all three of my e-books to $.99 for 7 days, just 10 copies each are available for "Dressed for Eternity", "A Year in Prayer With Jesus", and "Practical Thoughts on Becoming an Author", while supplies last.


All three books are at this link here: https://www.inktera.com/store/search?q=Marilynn+Dawson Their TribBooks app is here: http://tribbooks.com/ and their Inktera app is here: https://www.inktera.com/store/free_apps

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