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review 2020-08-19 14:24
Dragons & Mythical Creatures
Dragons & Mythical Creatures - Gerrie McCall,Chris McNab

by Gerrie McCall, Chris McNab


This is a beautiful book! Full of amazing full colour illustrations of various kinds of dragons and related creatures and other mythical beasties. Most I had heard of but there were some new to me too!


Snippets of information and 'Did you know' sections inform the reader of accepted legend or any actual creatures that might have inspired the myths. A hard copy of this would make a great coffee table book.

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text 2020-07-03 00:13
Mythical Girls
Mythical Girls - Alex McGilvery Mythical Girls is a short story collection that focuses around what happens when girls are given control of mythical objects. With eleven stories total, there is a good variety of stories, objects, and characters. With any anthology, there were stories that I liked more than others and some that I disliked. Luckily, I really enjoyed most of the stories in this anthology. The book started out strong with Daybreak where Queen Rajakumari takes leadership of a kingdom after the King dies. The writing quickly sets the scene and allowed me to get to know Queen Rajakumari and what she was up against. I loved how she didn't take crap and used the other Queens as allies instead of enemies. This was definitely a story that I wanted to stay in longer. Another story I enjoyed was An Unexpected Weapon. I have read other stories by this author and with the same characters that are in this short, so I really enjoyed being with the characters again and seeing them gain confidence in a new situation. The Witch's Staff is also a story I enjoyed, incorporating fun otherworldly characters and a great message about bullying and forgiveness in two different worlds. The Rishika of the Manika was another great story. I really enjoyed the fantasy elements and the mythical object. The lessons in power, leadership and getting what you wish for are very strong. Most of the stories are aimed at Middle Grade readers, however some seem more appropriate for young adult or even new adult readers. I love the idea of giving girls the power of all of these mythical objects that are generally controlled by by men and seeing the choices that they make. This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
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text 2020-07-02 12:40
Mythical Girls
Mythical Girls - Alex McGilvery Mythical Girls is a short story collection that focuses around what happens when girls are given control of mythical objects. With eleven stories total, there is a good variety of stories, objects, and characters. With any anthology, there were stories that I liked more than others and some that I disliked. Luckily, I really enjoyed most of the stories in this anthology. The book started out strong with Daybreak where Queen Rajakumari takes leadership of a kingdom after the King dies. The writing quickly sets the scene and allowed me to get to know Queen Rajakumari and what she was up against. I loved how she didn't take crap and used the other Queens as allies instead of enemies. This was definitely a story that I wanted to stay in longer. Another story I enjoyed was An Unexpected Weapon. I have read other stories by this author and with the same characters that are in this short, so I really enjoyed being with the characters again and seeing them gain confidence in a new situation. The Witch's Staff is also a story I enjoyed, incorporating fun otherworldly characters and a great message about bullying and forgiveness in two different worlds. The Rishika of the Manika was another great story. I really enjoyed the fantasy elements and the mythical object. The lessons in power, leadership and getting what you wish for are very strong. Most of the stories are aimed at Middle Grade readers, however some seem more appropriate for young adult or even new adult readers. I love the idea of giving girls the power of all of these mythical objects that are generally controlled by by men and seeing the choices that they make. This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
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review 2020-06-14 02:03
Book Review - When I First Saw Red by Kasia Bacon
When I First Saw Red (Soldiers and Mercenaries #2)When I First Saw Red by Kasia Bacon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First time reading this author and this series. Luckily for me the book was stand alone and the author took care to ensure new readers were able to understand the plot without having read the first book.

I thoroughly enjoyed the world building and attention to detail the author gave. The entire world of this series came alive for me with the author's words. I also loved how the view of the world changed depending on which character we were seeing through the eyes of. When it was Red the world was more lyrical and poetic - even when he was being crass. When it was Lázhien it was written in plainer language and was beautiful in it's sparseness.

The story concept was captivating. The idea of two-souled beings made me think of a fantasy version of two-spirited people. The idea of struggling against a preordained fate a powerful concept as was the concept that fate often stepped i for a reason.

All in all I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it.

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review 2019-10-10 16:49
Book Review: The Dragon CEO's Assistant by Jenn Burke
The Dragon CEO's Assistant (Golden Kingdom, #2)The Dragon CEO's Assistant by Jenn Burke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Le sigh. Le purrrrrrrr.

Dragons and other mythical creatures living in the same world as humans, romance, a little tension and a mystery to solve. What's not to like about this book? Oh and it's set in CANADA! In Ottawa!!! Another place I have lived in and know. This made my maple leafy heart so so happy.

The plot has some tried and true tropes, but that doesn't mean it wasn't exceptionally written and oh so much fun to read.

Boy has amnesia, big bad dragon boss is secretly a marshmallow and his gooey center belongs to amnesia boy. There is denial of want, there is past trauma to overcome, there is mayhem and mystery, well meaning siblings and a not so clean cop running amuck (amuck! amuck! amuck!). Yup, lots of tropes and I reveled in each and every one of them coz, as the saying goes, if it ain't broke don't fix it!

Jenn Burke paints very well with words and, because I've been there, I can say her description of the Ottawa valley etc are spot on and gorgeous. And her boys are sexy, her story is fun to read. All in all, another solid book by this faboo author. Now I'm off to hunt up the other book in this series, which I missed out on for some scandalous reason!

**Book was received from Lescourt Author Services for an honest and unbiased review**

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