My review of Just a Feeling by J.H. Knight
I've been waiting for this one not even the psychic tag is going to deter me...because I really love nanny romances. heart melts when I see a tattooed, burly guy with a baby.
Pardon me.
Um...this story is somewhere in the 4.5 - 5 stars range, so I'm just cutting to the chase and round this shit because this is totally one of my favorites of the event.

It was sweet but not overly sticky, it was funny but not at the expense of the characters, it was real because babies don't come with a manual and it was touching because through grief came a pretty solid HFN/HEA that read organic.
This is my first J.H. Knight too! Yay!
Mark is an ex-solider who planned on being uncle to his best friend's baby and due to an unfortunate event, he's a father to a baby boy he can't even name. He's tired, he's heartbroken and he is in love with the tiny human who is colicky and drives him up the wall.
But he knows the baby has him as his protector. And Mark is the kind of guy who will step up to the plate.
Ian, the auburn haired (I swear he's a great character, I'm not rhapsodizing just because he's a ginger) nanny, who is snarky and overly qualified, makes Mark realize a few things:
- that he can accept help
- that he can learn to balance this parenting thing with an extra set of hands
- that he can possibly...have a meaningful relationship
Ian is a great character
and even with the tag that is not my favorite, it wasn't so in your face - the psychic-ness
(spoiler show)
from a big family who gets people, how different personalities work. He's adaptable but firm in his beliefs when it counts.
Reading Mark fall for Ian was beautiful. He was trying to fight it but it's inevitable. *pink and gushy sigh*
My only complaint? I wished this was longer. :D
I loved Ian's family (Dave and his mouth is the shit! The shit!) And the snark, great level of snark. Yup. :D's safe to say I'll try to fit in the books I have by this author collecting dust on my Kindle sooner than later.
Highly recommended for nanny romance lovers, lovers of babies in romances and happy (let me borrow from Cupcake) squishy feels.
It's a feel good romance.
My thanks to the author and the team behind the event! *♡*